
2020-03-03 01:20:18 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Unit 6 Meet my family PartA Let’s talk 教师自用教案


一、Warming—up\\Revision: T: Hi!boys and girls!I’m Mi Min.I am very happy to stand here,now I am your English teacher!Are you ready for English cla?

SS:yes.T:Good! let’s do.show me your hands, How many fingers do you have? SS:ten, T: show me five,show me one and two.T:You are clever, Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you , too! T: Let’s sing the song。

T: How many people?Who can answer my quesions.Let’s count! Ss: One „ T: Who are they? Ss: Father , mother, sister ,brother and me.T: Let’s say , together!

T: she has a family! We have a family, too!Yes? Ss:Yes T:meet my family.Read it together.课件出示照片:Look ! Whose family?yes,Who are they?can you gue who’s

my father、mother?you,please,让学生猜一下,This is my„ 教读parents,uncle,aunt,baby-brother, baby-sister。

T:There are new words,let’s read it,师出示单词卡片,教读:parents parents是父母,Uncle uncle叔伯舅。Aunt aunt 姑婶姨,baby-brother小弟弟,baby-sister小妹妹。 T:Let’s look the

family photo again, How many people are there in my family? Ss:five ,T:Yes,my family has people.板书并教读,follow me.

三、Presentation T: my family has people.what about your family?How many people are there in your family?板书,read it after me .

Ss: How many people are there in your family? T: How many people are there in your family? Ss: How many people are there in your family? T:Girls,boys,together, you,please.S1:How many people are there in your family? T:Follow her! Ss: How many people are there in your family? S2:How many people are there in your family? T:Follow him! Ss: How many people are there in your family? T: How many people are there in your family?can you answer? S1:„ T:Who are they? S1:„.T:What about you? S2:„

抽3个学生。师问并引导学生问老师, Yes,your family has „people,you can Say(指着黑板上的句子教):my family has „people.让生说,然后老师引导学生Ask me: T:OK,now,talk about your family with your partner, How many people are there in your family?师指着黑板说:Use the sentences.留一分钟,抽生汇报,T:Stop here,who wants to act? 抽三组学生示范表扬。师提问:How many people are there in xxx’s family?让全班学生回答,师再问:Who are they? 让全班学生回答,师板书“His\\her”师总结xxx’s family has „people.T:Let’s knows 蜡笔小新’s family,播放课件:How many people are there in蜡笔小新’s family,Who are they? 师做惊讶状:“But that’s only five.O,little puppy” , 新授教读:only,puppy师作一根手指状,说:only one, 拿一娃娃教读puppy,little puppy。

T:Just now, you met my family.Now,Let’s meet old friends,出示课件 Who’s she? they are in their claroom .What are they talking about?Let’s watch.播放一遍,T:What are they talking about?: family.T:yes, they are talking about family people.What does Amy ask? What does Chen Jie answer?Open your books and follow to read it.(点播放对话)

T:What does Amy ask? S1:How many people are there in your family? T: What does Chen Jie answer? S1:Three! T:We can say”There are three.” Ss:There are three.T:I am Amy,you are chenjie, Let’s talk! How many people are there in your family? Ss:There are three.T:Who are they? S1:My parents and me .T: How many people are there in Amy’s family? Who are they?Listen again.抽生回答。

T:Now, let’s read it,follow me,please.T:Read by yourself, please.分角色读:T: Amy and Chen Jie ,Who do you want to be? S: A.T: A is Amy.You are Amy.I am Chen Jie.T:with your deskmate to read it.T:boys as Amy.Girs as Chen Jie.T; Just now, we knew Amy’s and Chen Jie’s family, now let’s talk about your own family and make a survey in your group.The leaders make a report:

师示范,T:I am a leader in this group,师问: How many people are there in your family?边问边填表,汇报:T here are four families in our group.There are __fifteen__ members in our group.Like this to report the result of your survey.Are you clear? 3分钟抽5个代表发言。

T:Tomorrow is my birthday,my family prepares something for me,do you want to have a look,(yes),Let’s go.播放课件练习:

一分钟,T:Thanks for my familyWhat is family?Do you discover? 播放课件:F is father.A is and.M is mother.I is I.L is love .Y is you.Ss:Father and mother ,I Love you! T:Great,let’s watch the cartoon.T: Father and mother are a big tree in my heart.When I have some difficults(困难) and troubles(麻烦), Father and mother will help me selfle.(无私的)。Father and mother are the greatest people in the world, I hope your bodies are healthy (健康)for ever(永远).I hope you live happy for ever.\" Let’s say it together.Father and mother ,I Love you!我们同学们要有一颗感恩的心。因此在以后的学习生活中,要用优异的成绩来报答父母亲的养育和呵护之心。

I love my family.I love my father ,my mother,my brother and my sisiter.Oh , I love everyone!And I know you love me , too!Yes?bye (good, great, super, excellent)










