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good morning, teachers and friends.my name is li wenkai.i am a cool boy.i like reading books and surfing the internet, i think they can make my life more happy.today an interesting story for you.the story is : the wolf and the lamb.

one day a lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep.she soon found some sweet gra at the edge of the field.farther and farther she went, away from the others.she was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf ing nearer to her.however, when it pounced on her, she was quick to start pleading, \"please, please don\'t eat me yet.my stomach is full of gra.if you wait a while, i will taste much better.\" the wolf thought that was a good idea, so he sat down and waited.after a while, the lamb said, \"if you allow me to dance, the gra in my stomach will be digested faster.\" again the wolf agreed.while the lamb was dancing, she had a new idea.she said, \"please take the bell from around my neck.if you ring it as hard as you can, i will be able to dance even faster.\" the wolf took the bell and rang it as hard as he could.the shepherd heard the bell ringing and quickly sent his dogs to find the miing lamb.the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb\'s life.haha, how foolish the wolf is! the lamb is really very clever.it is an interesting story, isn’t it? it tells us: the gentle and weak can

sometimes be cleverer than fierce and strong.that’s all.thank you for your listening.

初中生英语自我介绍hi, my name is xxx.i\'m xx years old, a middle school student apparently.i love music very much although i\'m not very good at singing.i\'ve been playing guzheng, an ancient traditional instrument for a long time and now i\'m in level 10, which means a really high level among the amateurs.apart from that, i also like to reading and writing.they both give me a lot of fun and build my unique personality as well as my goal and dream.i like wangfei very much.she could be my favorite singer....personally, i\'ve been considering i have a really plicated personality because sometimes don\'t really like to study, sometimes.....however, i\'m very positive and look forwards to my future because i\'m the one who will realize my goal.自我介绍英语范文-初中生英语自我介绍i have spent fifteen years in my life.so, this is my ninth year to study.by the way, my name is wengjingru.my father thought hard about my name.he consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me.of course, this name is very good and i like it very much.sometimes i think i am a little strange.because i often think the world isn’t full of happine.and i want to be different from others.i hate superficial people.but always i am very out-going and kind to others.i精彩简历,让求职更简单中文简历模板英文简历模板分专业简历模版求职信简历自我评价can’t say ‘no’ to others.so i don’

t know how to refuse.i can’t see i am a pretty girl, but i am not an

ugly person, either.i am very general.i can’t say too much about my appearance.in this term, i make a little progre in my study.in my life, i have my parents’ love, and many, many people’s love.i am happy.i achieved so much, and i also lost so much.my star sign is aquarius.it represents kindne and wisdom.but i don’t think i am such a clever person.maybe i am modest.aquarius has many friends.it also says that some people think i am strange because i hate to be li(转载请注明来源:)ke others.i try to do everything differently.i like yellow the most.yellow is the color of the sun, it can remind me of a warm, sunny day.yellow is also the color of wisdom.and i like it because it is one of the colors that are vivid.of course, most students have problems in their study.i don’t know how to make progre.i think i should work harder.that is the only way.i like reading very much.my favorite writer is guojingming.and now iam reading a book called ‘gone with wind’.i keep reading half an hour every day.i like english and chinese best.i want to establish an english club.i want everyone to speak english in the daily life.all above are my real things.i hope everyone will like me.hello ,everybody.my name\'s ***,i\'m from ***.it\'s really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.there\'re also some places of interests in my hometown,i love it and hope that you can visite it someday.i was graduated from ** school/university,it\'s also a nice school.there\'re 3 people in my family,you know,my parents and i.we love each other and live a happy life.i usually play ballgames in my spare

time,and i think i\'m good at basketball.my dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--kobe one day.:) so,you see,i\'m really an easygoing guy(如果是女的就说gal).that\'s all,thank you.中学生英语自我介绍

hello, everyone! my name isand my english name is.i’m 15 years old.i’m a student in a very beautiful school called liangbing middle school and i am in cla 1 grade 7.my hometown liangbing is also a beautiful town.i’m very happy and i like to make friends with others.ialso like singing but traveling is my favorite, i have been tomany interesting places in china but i haven’t been to othercountries.what a pity!

at school, i study chinese,math, english, history, politicsand so on.i like all of them.i often help my teacher takecare of my cla and i think i am a good helper.i live with my parents and we go home on time every day.when i am at home, i often help my mother do some housework and my mother said i am a good helper, too.my mother is a barber.she cuts hair very well.she is kind.many people like her.she often teaches me the way of learning well, if you want to learn english well, here is some of my advice.at first , you must read many articles and know many s, if you meet up with some new s, you can look them up in the dictionary, you should know their meanings, how to read them and spell them.if you keep working hard, you will be succeful.then, you ought to speak english as much as poible.remember an old saying, nothing is impoible in the world if you put your heart into it.that’s all, thank you.

hello, everybody! i am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction.i am from liangbingmiddleschool.i am studying in cla 1,grade 7.ilovemyhometown liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town.

i have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening tomusic, surfing the internet and traveling.but listening to music is my favorite.i like pop music best.my idol are jay.i am a lively girl.i like making friends and chatting with them.i can play the chinese kungfu.i paed all ten levels when i was in grade 5.however, because of the busy study, i don’t have any free time to practise it.what a pity!i am good at math and english and i like english better.inmy opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use englishand this contest is a great chance for me to learn english from others.my saying is god help those who help themselves and i will never give up during my course of learning.now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well? that’s all.thank you! she was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf ing nearer to her.however, when it pounced on her, she was quick to start pleading, \"please, please don\'t eat me yet.my stomach is full of gra.if you wait a while, i will taste much better.\" the wolf thought that was a good idea, so he sat down and waited.after a while, the lamb said, \"if you allow me to dance, the gra in my stomach will be digested faster.\" again the wolf agreed.while the lamb was dancing, she had a new idea.she said, \"please take the bell from around my neck.if you ring it as hard as you can, i will be able to dance even faster.\" the wolf took the bell and rang it as hard as he could.the shepherd heard the bell ringing and quickly sent his dogs to find the miing lamb.the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb\'s life.haha, how foolish the wolf is! the lamb is really very clever.it is an interesting story, isn’t it? it tells us: the gentle and weak can sometimes be cleverer than fierce and strong.that’s all.thank you for your listening. in 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) -- widely considered one of the china’s best engineering schools.during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.i was granted first cla prize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admiion test.at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department.in the second semester, i became teacher aistant that is given to talented and matured students only.this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis.research experience and academic activity when a sophomore, i joined the aociation of ai enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.with the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.it is now widely used by different research groups in nust.i aumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for nanjing sewage treatment plant.this was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a mercial product.in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the ph.d.program.my future

research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance analysis with petri nets and data mining. excellent graduation thesis.research experience and academic activity when a sophomore, i joined the aociation of ai enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.with the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.it is now widely used by different research groups in nust.i aumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for nanjing sewage treatment plant.this was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a mercial product.in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the ph.d.program.my future research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance analysis with petri nets and data mining. 么呀?‛这一类算是‚无准备型‛。自我介绍是你与人打交道,参加各类口语考试,职场面试不可或缺的一部分,同时也是非常重要的一部分。作为口语测试,测试的老师其实重点考查的是你运用语言的能力,而不是对你的背景的了解。所以想把口语学好的同学不妨大胆的秀一下。



初学英语的各位人士,可以学着用一下;对于自认为用英语作自我介绍已经易如反掌的英语高手,不妨在平时也试试使自我介绍增添一些新意:) 实用演讲稿大全
