
2020-03-02 19:04:48 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Common 长篇

1.Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.


2.Discu some iue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.


3.Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.


4.Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

选择一个小说人物、历史人物或者一件作品(艺术、音乐、科学等作品),对它进行描述并且 说明它对你的重要影响以及原因。

5.Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.




写作要领: 反映一个中学生从不成熟到逐渐成熟的成长心路。


Ideas are extremely important, especially those that are creative, original and bold.After my experience in organizing a badminton tournament at school, however, I realized that turning an idea into reality is challenging but even more meaningful than the idea itself.An idea is not the end of a story; it should also include a lot of hard work to put the idea into practice.

Badminton is one of my favorite sports that I,ve been playing since 8-years-old.However, after entering high school, I could hardly find time to play badminton due to the heavy academic load, not to mention the lack of a game court.Then in the second semester of the tenth grade, a new stadium was constructed at our school which got me excited with the idea of a badminton match on campus.I told people about my idea and we all dreamed about it.But six months paed and nothing happened.Finally, I couldn’ t wait anymore; my friends and I will make a badminton tournament ourselves.With the support of many students, I went to ask for permiion from our principal.Rather than objecting to my ideas, he came up with a series of questions about financial support, qualified referees, and safety iues.These were really beyond my expectations that I had not planned for.

Motivated by the desire for the games, I faced the challenge.With the guidance of my father, I came to understand that enthusiasm alone could not convince the principal to allow the games; I needed to come up with a plan.So, I searched the Internet and consulted teachers, and finally worked out a plan that I presented to the principal.This time I was fully prepared to answer any questions the principal shot at me.

After a few rounds, I got my answer: YES.

With the permiion, my friends and I began to prepare the badminton games with every single detail: registering players, preparing the court, making the rules, training referees and so forth.Unfortunately, winning the principle ’ s favor was not the only obstacle.

Since it was a school wide tournament, it was very time consuming.A few months before the games, some of my teammates dropped out because they could not balance their academic studies.So at the most crucial moment, I called together my fellow teammates and told them frankly that I could not follow through with the tournament without their support.I proposed that we should setup a study partnership to find time to study together as well as continue to prepare for the game to free our parents from their concerns.My teammates agreed, and we encouraged one another that we could do it.Finally, after so many obstacles, the tournament finally took place and over one hundred students from all four grades participated.This event taught me the skills needed to organize a large event in which every little step and detail counted.Having an imaginative idea is a valuable characteristic, but critical thinking and practical skills are also indispensable to succe.Without the collective effort of my great team, however, my idea of the badminton tournament never would have come alive.Now, a badminton club is set up and is in preparation for next year’ s tournament.Perhaps I should pa on some tips to the new leader of the club.


想法是非常重要的,特别是那些有创意的、全新的、大胆的想法。然而,当我在学校组织了一次羽毛球联赛之后,我意识到将想法变为现实的过程可能会遇到很多困难,而这也比想法本身更有意义。想法不是故事的结局,故事的结局应该是通过艰苦的努力将想法实现。羽毛球是我最喜欢的运动之一。从八岁开始,我就练习打羽毛球。然而,上了高中之后,我发现繁重的课业负担让我很难找到时间打羽毛球,而且学校里也缺少打羽毛球的场地。于是在10年级的第二学期,当我看到学校建成了一座新体育馆,我的脑海中涌现出了在学校举办一场羽毛球比赛的想法。我把 这个想法告诉了很多同学,我们都很期待。然而6个月过去了,什么进展也没有。

终于,我坐不住了。我和朋友们决定自己动手筹办一次羽毛球比赛。在很多同学的支持下,我向校长 提出了举办羽毛球比赛的想法,请求他的允许。他没有拒绝我,但是却提出了一连串的问题:经济支持,从哪里找到合格的裁判员以及安全问题等等。我从没想到校长会问我这些问题,我一点准备也没有。

想要举办羽毛球比赛的愿望让我决定接受挑战。在爸爸的指导下,我开始明白单凭热情是不能说服校长允许举行这次比赛的。我需要拿出一个方案来。所以,我在网上进行搜索,并且咨询了老师,终于 提出了一个方案。我把方案拿给校长看,这次我有了充分的准备迎接校长的每个问题。



因为这是一次全校性的比赛,准备起来非常耗费时间。比赛前的几个月,我的几个团队成员相继退出,因为他们没办法平衡繁重的学习负担和工作压力。在这个关键的时刻,我把所有的团队成员召集起 来,诚恳地告诉他们如果没有他们的帮助,我无法一个人举办这次


终于,克服那么多的困难后,联赛终于开始了,四个年级总共超过100名学生参加了这次比赛。这 次经历教会了我举办一场大型活动所需的技能,让我懂得每一步、每一个细节都需要被仔细考虑。有一个充满想象力的想法是很可贵的,但是批判性思维和实践能力也是成功必不可少的因素。如果没有团队合作,我举办羽毛球比赛的想法可能永远不会成为现实。现在,我们建立了一个羽毛球俱乐部,并且正 在筹备明年的比赛。或许我可以给俱乐部的下一任主席留下一些建议。


不以情动人而以理服人,读完这篇文章大概会有这样的感觉。想法和实践孰轻孰重一直是人们在探讨的问题,作者则结合自己的亲身经历给出他的答案——有想法固然可贵,但实践能力却是获得成功所不必不可少的。文章第一句话就点明了这一点,随后通过详述自己举办羽毛球比赛的细节 来证明这个观点。从只有一个模糊的概念而回答不上校长的任何一个问题到拿出细致的方案并且克服所有的困难,作者娓娓道来,将这个大家原本就很熟悉的道理讲得生动翔实,令人信服。无论是以情动人,还是以理服人,都能够成就一篇佳作。










