2020-03-03 08:20:06 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

I am reckoning that perhaps it is good to move English test from gaokao, which is an absolutely important step of education reform whose signal is to reform English education in China but not to eliminate English entirely from senior high schools.For me, the majority of my English knowledge was acquired in my senior high school.So I suppose that English test can be removed from gaokao but English teaching shall never be removed from high school education.High school students are able to survive English test at last but they shall never be given a chance to give up learning English in their best times.If the Ministry of Education one day has English learning removed from high schools and students’ chances of English acquisition exploited, I can never tell you what a bulk of stupid fools they are.

The impacts on our future job are explicit.On the one hand, schools will need le English teachers because many schools won\'t take English seriously anymore, thus le positions to be expected.On the other hand, English learners are anticipated to become le and good ones will become even rare, which are bound to benefit us a lot if we have ourselves outstanding enough in English.My conclusion is that more efforts ought to be made to learn English so that we’re able to become very outstanding one day and put what we’ve acquired into real application.


It is very much poible both to popularize Mandarin Chinese and to preserve the various Chinese dialects in the meantime.Are they absolutely contradictory? Do you speak Mandarin Chinese with your parents? Do you speak your dialect with your clamates who came from a totally different part of China? The answer is no for sure.Why? Because dialects and Mandarin Chinese were brought into birth for different purposes.Various dialects were born in a very natural way, which is used as a vital tool for interpersonal communication within the rank where they can be understood.They means a lot for us due to the sense of regional integration they brought to us.They are strong enough to survive.Those who can’t continue to exist are not ruined by Mandarin Chinese but themselves because they’ve lost the meaning for which they were born.

Mandarin Chinese is another thing.It was born for its special purpose to help with national unify with which Chinese people strive to work together to make a better future.Both languages should be considered from different levels of perspectives in which dialects is for micro-use while Mandarin macro-use.Both of them have their meaning they were born for.Therefore, I believe they are justified to coexist.


