
2020-03-01 21:11:04 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


一、英语通知可分为两类: 口头通知(Announcememt) 书面通知(Notice)


(1) 英语通知一般在上方居中处写上Notice 或NOTICE一词作为标志,(是否书写视情况而定)在正文的下面靠右处写出通知的单位名称或人名;通知的日期放在正文的左下角。

(2)要有称呼用语。如:在正式场合用的Ladies and gentlemen,对学生用的Boys and girls 等。


May I have your attention, please?

Be quite.There is something important I have to tell you.

I have something to tell you.




That’s all.Thank you.

Any questions? Does everyone understand?

三、通知的写作步骤及超实用句型 Step One: 引起注意 【超实用句型】

1.Hello, everybody/everyone.2.Ladies and gentlemen.3.May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.4.Attention, please! I have something important to tell you.


Step Two: 主要内容 【超实用句型】

1.There will be a party/speech/contest held by the English Department in the hall of the library on Saturday evening.2.In order to welcome our friends from the United States, the Student Union will organize a party in the school hall on Saturday evening, August 15.3.Our school has decided to hold an activity to climb Xiangshan Hill this Sunday.4.It will begin at 5 pm and last about two hours.5.The school will arrange several buses to take us there. 6.There will colourful activities then, such as singing, dancing, exchanging gifts with one another and so on.

Step Three: 要求/邀请参加+注意事项 【超实用句型】

1.Those who are interested in the activity are welcom.2.Those who want to take part in it please sign up at the Student Union.3.Please come and join in it.Everyone is come to attend it. 4.Remember to take your hats and gloves.5.Remember that we are required hats and water.6.Please come on time and don’t be late.

7.You might as well take a camera in case you can take some photos of the beautiful scenery.

8.Please pa on this meage to those who are not here today.9.I hope that you will have a nice time here.10.I am sure you will have a good time there/then.11.I believe you will have a wonderful time then. 2 12.I think you will enjoy it very much.

13.There\'s sure to be a lot of fun.Everyone is welcome.14.Good luck.15.That\'s all.Thank you.16.All the teachers and students are required to attend it.Please take your notebooks and make notes.Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discuion in groups.

四、通知写作范例 范例一

假设你是校图书馆馆长的学生助理李华,图书馆要进行网络系统升级,请在阅览室向在场的留学生通知相关事宜,并请他们转告其他留学生。 1.时间:2015年5月1日至5月10日。 2.在此期间,关闭阅览室、暂停电子阅览。 3.仅周二和周五可以借、还图书。 注意:


2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 范例二

你校将组织外国留学生去北京欢乐谷(Beijing Happy Valley)游玩,请你根据下面提供的信息,通知活动安排和注意事项。 1.集合时间和地点:周六早上8:00;学校门口; 2.交通工具:校车;




2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数

Hello, everybody! May I have your attention, please?

That’s all! Thank you!

3 【满分范文一】

Hello everybody! May I have your attention?

The library will soon be carrying out an update of the Internet system.I would like everybody to know that between the dates of 1st May and 10th May, the reading room will be closed and the e-reading system will be temporarily stopped.You will only be able to take out and return books on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please pa on this meage to those who are not here today.Thank you all.(80 words)


Hello, everybody! May I have your attention, please? A trip to Beijing Happy Valley is organized for you this Saturday.You will meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning.The school bus will take you there in le than an hour.Happy Valley is one of the most popular amusement parks in Beijing.You’ll experience a variety of entertainment activities there.

Do remember to take some water and food because they might be a little expensive inside Happy Valley.To make your journey more convenient and comfortable, you’d better wear sports shoes and casual clothes.

I’m sure you will have a good time.

That’s all! Thank you!










