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摘自《视觉英语》wt 1.life生活

Men talk of killing time,while time quietly kills them.——人们在谈论着怎么消磨时间,而时间却在悄悄地销蚀着人们的生命。

Everybody has difficult years, but a lot of times the difficult years end up being the greatest years of your whole entire life, if you survive them.——每个人都有很艰难的岁月。但是大多数时候,那些艰难的岁月最后会变成整个生命中最精彩的日子,如果你挺过来的话。

It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.——长大,成为你自己,是件需要很大勇气的事情。

To be beautiful means to be yourself.You don\'t need to be accepted by others.You need to accept yourself.——真正的美丽就是要做自己。你不需要得到别人的认可,自己认可自己就够了。

When you know this world as it is and you still love it, your life will be beautiful.——当你理解了世界的本来面目,依然热爱这个世界,你的生命就会是美丽的。 You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren\'t busy denying them。——当你不再急于否认错误时,你就学到了重要的一课。

Remember the three words when you\'re upset: never mind; It doesn\'t matter; It will be over in the end.——心烦时记住三句话:算了吧,没关系,会过去的。 Everybody has problems.Everybody has bad times.Do we sacrifice all the good times because of them? ——每个人都会有问题,每个人都会有糟糕时刻。但要把所有美好时光,牺牲在纠结这些问题上嘛?

To live is the rarest thing in the world.Most people exist, that is all.——活着是世上最珍贵的,大多数人只是存在,仅此而已。

If you are honest to yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.——当你对自己诚实的时候,世界上没有人能够欺骗得了你。

Precious things are very few in this world.That is why there is only one you.——在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

Remember everything you have, and cherish it while you have it.Cause one day, you might wake up, and it will be gone.——铭记拥有的一切,珍惜它,趁你还拥有的时候。因为有一天,也许你醒来它就一去不复返了。

It\'s true that we don\'t know what we\'ve got until we lose it, but it\'s also true that we don\'t know what we\'ve been losing until it arrives.——的确只有当我们失去时才知道曾拥有的是什么,同样,只有当我们拥有了才知道曾经失去了什么。 Love fight, get treasure, Mi forget, life is actually so simple.——喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。

What you see reflects what your heart is like.——你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心。

It\'s time to start living the life you\'ve imagined.——是时候开始过自己想要的生活了!

2.dream and succe 梦想和成功

What makes life dreary is the want of motive.——没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 If you never chase your dream, you will never catch them.——若不去追逐梦想,你将永远无法抓住梦想。

To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate.——宁可在你所喜欢的事情上失败,也不要在你所厌恶的事情上取得成功。

Hold fast to dreams , if dreams die , life is a broken-winged bird , that can never fly.——紧紧抓住梦想,梦想若是消亡,生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀,再也不能飞翔。 We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit!——我们重复做什么,就会成为什么样的人!优秀不是一个行为,而是一个习惯! If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true.——如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所以梦想就都能实现。

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progre, you are still way ahead of everyone who is not trying.——无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。

There can be miracles when you believe.——当你充满信心,奇迹就会出现。 There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.——任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径。

Everybody wants happine.No one wants pain.But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain? ——大家都想得到幸福,却不愿承担痛苦。可不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?

Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences.No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.——下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不决成就不了任何事。

Knowing is not enough; we must apply.Wishing is not enough; we must do.——仅限于知道是不够的,我们必须去实践;单纯的希望是不够的,我们必须去行动。

Life can notcook, all the materials are ready to the pot.——人生不能像做菜,把所有的料准备好了再下锅。

Behind every succeful man there\'s a lot u unsucceful years.——每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月.Life is like a fable, its value is not the length, but in content.——生命如同寓言,其价值不在于长短,而在于内容。

We don\'t need to follow the footsteps of others to go, because we do not have the same ambition.——我们不需要跟着别人的脚步去走,因为我们有不一样的志向。

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.——如果你的行为能激励他人梦想更多、学习更多、行动更多和成就更多,那么你就是一个领导。

The best way to predict future is to create it.——预测未来的最好方式就是去创造它。


Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain, but this is the way to make your life complete.——全情投入地去爱吧!哪怕会受伤,但这样你的人生才能完整。 Love is, no matter what you resist, it is still to come.Love is, no matter how you down, it was a noble thing.——爱就是,无论你怎么抵挡,它还是要来的东西。爱就是,无论你怎么诋毁,它还是高尚的东西。

A person who truly loves you wants to see you happy.Even if it’s not with them.——一个人若真的爱你,会希望看到你快乐,即使是不跟他在一起。

I always mi you, so i mi you, so i mi you, so i mi you so much now.——我总是逃避你,于是我错过了你,终于我失去了你,以至于此刻的我如此地想念你。

No matter how familiar we used to be with each other,as long as we are apart then we become strangers.——原来只要分开了的人,无论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。

A great relationship is about two things: first, find out the similarities, second, respect the differences.——一段美好的关系就关乎两件事:首先,找出双方的共同爱好,第二,尊重彼此的不同。

Never mind, you\'ll never know how to love.——永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。

Introspection always makes you communicate with the innerself, but too much of introspection can make you scale the altitude of selfpity.——孤独有益于一个人审视自己的行为,自省总是会使你与你的心灵有所交流。但是过度的自省,却会使我们总感觉遗憾。

When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you.No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.——当你真的对某某有重大意义,那个人总会为你挤出时间。没有借口,没有谎言,也不会食言。

I want our relationship to be like Tom and Jerry.No matter how many times we fight, we won’t be apart.——我希望我们会像《猫和老鼠》里的汤姆和杰瑞一样。无论打打吵吵多少次,却永远都不会分开。

The woman must withstand lies, bear perfunctory, can bear the deceit, forgot the promise, put down everything.——女人一定要经得起假话,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言,放得下一切。

A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.——如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。

The women without charm regard men as playboys, and the men lacking competence find women materialistic.——女人没魅力才觉得男人花心,男人没实力才觉得女人现实。

To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely.——不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

When you can\'t remember why you\'re hurt, that\'s when you\'re healed.——有一天,当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就是痊愈之时。










