
2020-03-02 06:28:50 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



王霞 20110430214

The Course of Report The semester we learned an important course: A collegiate course in English-Chinese translation.As the basic course of translation, I think we should pay more attention to it.After two months’ learning, I acquired a lot.Here I would like to make a conclusion for the course and I will mention two parts: my understanding of translation, what I have learned from the course。 The first part: my understanding of translation.Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.Whereas interpreting undoubtedly antedates writing, translation began only after the appearance of written literature.The proce of translation concludes two parts: accurate comprehension and adequate representation.Accurate comprehension is the first step of translation.Comprehension likes the foundation of the building of translation.If the foundation is not stable, the building will collapse.Thus we should make an accurate comprehension when we translate the material.Comprehending the material is not a easy thing.Such as: 在一片追忆周恩来的个人印象散记里,有这样一句形容周恩来神态举止的话:An extraordinary mobile face, now ironical, mow jesting, now with his head thrown back in laughter;then at some comment, instantly alert and attentive.

不少人把at some comment (当一听到某评论时)译成“当要对某物作出评论时”。

一位中国学者竟把《红楼梦》中“(王熙凤)自幼假充男儿教养,学名叫做王熙凤”一句译成:Who, as a child, disguised herself as a boy in order to go to school.把贾母像林黛玉介绍王熙凤时说的话:“他是我们这里有名的一个泼辣货”译成:

She’s one of those notorious goips here.“所有关于翻译问题的研究都认为这是理所当然的事,即翻译者已经领会原作的语言和思想。然而我们从经验里懂得:领会并非易事,汉语翻译尤其如此。 Comprehend accurately.Such as: Evening 指晚饭后到睡觉前; night 指从日落到日出;small hours 指凌晨两三点;early hours则指大清早,比small hours要晚一些。再如: He is not more a writer than a painter. 与其说他是个作家还不如说他是个画家。 He is no more a writer than a painter. 它既不是个作家,也不是个画家。

Expreing adequately is based on accurate comprehension, which expre exactly of the thoughts, position and style.Such as: Reports of new succe keep pouring in.


We excel at making a living but often fail in making a life.我们善于谋生,但往往不会营造生活。

He sold hard-to-get items.

他行贿受贿,兜售紧销商品。 The second part: what I have learned from the course.I

Foreignzing and domesticating


In vain to me the smiling morning shines.我眼前徒有微笑的早晨在闪耀。 Every tub must stand on its own bottom. 人贵自立

Homer sometimes nods.荷马也有打盹的时候,(洋化) 智者千虑必有一失。 II Division and combination 所谓分译是指把原文的一个简单句译成两个或两个以上的句子。

This military maneuver strained the government’s principles as well as their budgets.参考译文:这种军事演习使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their speedy economic development.参考译文:中国人以他们的经济发展速度感到自豪,这是无可非议的。

E law of universal gravitation states that every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their maes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.参考译文:万有引力定律,宇宙中每个质点都以一种力吸引其他各个质点。这种力与各质点的质量的乘积成正比,与它们之间距离的平方成反比。 I wrote four books in the first three years,a record never touched before . 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。 (名词短语)

The rain having ruined my hat, I had to buy a new one.雨水把我的帽子淋坏了,我得买个新的。(独立结构)

所谓合译是指把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复杂句在译文中用一个单句来表达。There are men here from all over the country.Many of them are from the South.


I know a doctor.He is expert in curing stroke.我认识一个医生,专治中风。

It is New Year\'s Day.Go and see your father.


Darkne fell.An explosion shook the earth.It did not shake his will to go to the front.

夜幕降落时,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没动摇他上前线的决心。(原文三句,合译成一句) She went back home to take care of her husband.He was seriously ill.

她回家去照料病重的丈夫。(原文两句,合译为一句。) III 表与里


I have read your article; I expected to meet an old man.


The old man is like the setting sun; the young man, the morning sun.the old man is like a lean ox; the young man, a cub tiger.The old man is like a monk; the young man, a knight.The old man is like dictionary; the young man, the text of a play.老年人如夕阳,少年人如朝阳;老年人如瘠牛,少年人如乳虎;老年人如僧,少年人如侠;老年人如字典,少年人如戏文。

She lived well, but her husband did not believe her.她掩饰的不错,但她丈夫不相信她的话。 IV 顺与逆


Computers can work through a series of problems and make thousands of logical decisions without becoming tired.


When I came into claroom, she was reading newspaper.


I was surprised at what he said.




Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior.


He was always proud of telling how he entered Philadelphia for the first time.

当诉说第一次他如何进入费城时,他总是很骄傲。 V

Conversion 转译成动词


Interest in historical methods has arisen, le through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historian’s themselves.


参考译文:人们之所以关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学家们内部分歧过大,其次才是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学科。 2.形容词转换成动词

Additional social strees may also occur because of the population explosion problems arising from ma migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.参考译文:由于人口的猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易)所造成的种种问题也会增加社会压力。 3.副词转换成动词

She opened the window to let fresh air in.参考译文:她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。 4.介词转换成动词 Many laboratories are developing medicines against AIDS.参考译文:许多实验室正在研制治疗艾滋病的药物。 转换成名词 1.动词转换成名词

The university aims at the first rate of the world.参考译文:学校的目标是世界一流。 2.形容词转换成名词

They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.参考译文:他们尽了最大努力帮助病号和伤号。 3.代词转换成名词

According to a growing body of evidence, the chemicals that make up many plastics may migrate out of the material and into foods and fluids, ending up in your body.分析:your body直译是你的身体,而细读原文,我们发现其实your body是泛指人体。作者为了引起与读者的共鸣,用了与读者更息息相关的your.在翻译时,应将此代词转换成名词,体现其真实含义。

参考译文:越来越多的证据表明,许多塑料制品的化学成分会移动到食物或流体上去,最终进入人体内。 4.副词转换成名词

The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure1.参考译文:图一所示是这种新型机器的简图。 正反转换 A.正说反译

1.Wet paint.油漆未干

2.Keep upright.(Handle with care.) 切勿倒置(小心轻放)

3.Admiion by invitation only.非请莫入 4.If it rains in Cleveland today, volunteers will stand in lines with umbrellas to keep voters dry.如果今天克里弗兰下雨,志愿者将打着伞排着队,以免选民淋湿。

B 反说正译

I do not doubt that he will be appointed sales manager of the company.

我相信他将被委任为公司的营业主任。No refunds or exchanges without complete factory packing and sales slip.


She never comes but she brings something for the children.


Isn’t it funny?


We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.


Conclusion These are what I want to conclude for the course of translation.From the conclusion, I learned a lot of things.As the saying goes: “gain new insights through reviewing the old material”.I will try my best to improve the skill of translating and make good use of every minute of the cla.

王霞 个人总结







成语 王进霞


