
2020-03-02 04:24:34 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Script of English Recitation Contest

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to English Recitation Contest.My name is___.My name is___.

This English Recitation Contest is held by Foreign Language Department.There are ___ contestants competing in today’s contest.The topic today is “Youth”.

Today you make your voice heard.Tomorrow you may become the voice of the world.There’s nothing to be afraid of.So,just be yourself and enjoy the contest.

And of course,we cannot make it without the hard work from our distinguished guests and honorable judges.

Now,it is our honor to introduce you our distinguished judges.They are______,welcome;______,welcome;and______,welcome!Let’s give them our warm applause for their coming !

First of all,please allow me to introduce the rules of the contest:Every contestant has 3 minutes to read or recite the materials.According to the performance of every contestant,score will be given by our ___ judges.The full score is 100;The final score is the average.__will explain the rules in Chinese.中文规则

Now ,we have the first contestant,______,from Cla___,Grade___,majoring in___.Contest No,2______,please get ready! Thank you/Thank for your excellent performance!Now let’s welcome contestant No.2______,from Cla___,Grade___,majoring in___.Contest No,3______,please get ready! Thank you/Thank for your excellent performance!Contestant No,1 ______ got___points.Congratulations!Now let’s welcome contestant No.3______,from Cla___,Grade___,majoring in___.Contest No,4______,please get ready!

............And now,let’s have a short break and wait for the final result.For this period,let’s welcome ______ to give us a comment on this contest.............Thank you,___.I believe all of us can benefit from your hearty comment! Contestant No, ______ got___points.Congratulations!

When it comes to youth,just as Samuel Ullman said,"youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease."

Yes,no matter how rugged the road is,we should not be frustrated ;No matter how huge the challenge is,we should not be afraid.At last,thank for all of you coming here and enjoying the contest! The result will be posted on the notice board.We hope that it can attract your attention!The final will be held on March 21.We are looking forward to your coming after 2 days! 本次比赛的最终结果将以海报的形式张贴出来,请大家随时关注。朗诵比赛决赛将于本周五下午举行,再见!










