Unit5 Let\\x27s eat !第三课时教学设计

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Unit 5 Let’s eat! 第三课时 教学设计


本课时为人教版PEP三年级英语上册Unit 5 Let’s eat! Section A Letters and sounds部分。本部分是字母Oo----Tt的学习,在原来字母学习的基础上,主要是字母读写的学习,把字母在单词中的发音掌握,还要了解字母的象形和拟声功用。





(1) The students can listen and read the letters : Oo—Tt .(2) The students can listen and say the words \" orange on pen pig quiet queen red rice tiger ten \".(3) The students can write the letters Oo—Tt.(4)掌握Oo—Tt在单词中的发音。 2.情感目标:



重点是:To listen、say、read and write the letters Oo—Tt.难点是:1.小写字母p和q的区分。



教师:课件、词卡,图片 学生:准备好英语练习本


Step I.Show the learning aims.(示标示导)

T: Hello!, boys and girls.Nice to meet you!This cla we are going to learn Unit 5Let’s eat! A Letters and sounds(书写课题) First let’s see the learning aims on the screen, please.(多媒体呈现学习目标) Step II.Show in cla and Presentation (展示导入)

1.Show in cla Let’s sing(学生拍手随着课件唱歌。)



T: Very good, you sing it very well.Now, look here.I will give you some letters.What letters can you see? I see small “b”, I see big “H”.

What letters can you see? Please tell me.S: I see small “i”.T: Yes.What can you see? S: I see ……

Now I have some new letters show you.(设计意图:先是整体感知字母,然后出示学过的字母,知道大小写字母的简单说法。) 2.Presentation.

(1)Show the letter: Oo T: First, who can call the fist friend?--o 让学生试读,然后播放字母O的读音,全班跟读。 T:Who can read again? Who can read this letter? Please.S: O,O T: Good try.Next one S:O,O ………

T: Good try.Look this is a big O.Now show me your finger, write it together.教师巡视检查纠正学生的书写。

O has a sister let\'s invite it ok? T: Look this is a small o.We write it together, ok? Ss: OK.教师巡视检查纠正学生的书写,注意小写的占格。

T: Do you know which words beginning with o? Show the word card (orange)and say: what’s this? Ss: orange T: Yes./ ɔ / / ɔ / orange Ss: / ɔ / / ɔ / orange 呈现橘子的图片,read orange 呈现蜻蜓在橘子上面的图画

T:Look!The dragon is on the orange.On 全班齐读on 个别读

T:Ok,let’s a chant!O O O, / ɔ / / ɔ // ɔ / , act like o.(2)Pp T: Let’s meet the next friend Pp.呈现字母卡.T: Who can read? Ss: P P listen to me.T: Can you make a “P”.Let me see the P.T and Ss do together.教写Pp 同 Oo

T: Many words beginning with P.Can you tell me? S: pen T: Great! p/ p / pen S :pig T: p/ p /pig S: Pencil / pencil box…..(3)Q q T: Is it O?手指着Q S:NO.T: What’s this? Who know? S:Q T: Well done! Read after him.S: Q Q 利用声音从低到高读,小组读,开火车读。 教写Q q 同 Pp O o 卡片呈现女王的图像

T: Wow ,a beautiful woman .She’s a queen.T: Queen queen.S: Queen queen.T:The queen is quiet.安静的。 教读quiet (4)Rr 课件展示奔跑的人

T:who’s running?oh,it’s Rr.

教写Rr 同上。

T: Look,which word is beginning with “Rr”.Ss: red T: Yes,/ r // r / red Ss: / r // r / red Ss: / r // r / red T: Can you read “rice”?

R---ice 利用单词和音标的迁移,让学生尝试读出rice.(5)Ss T: (Look,whose birthday?) Ss: Sarah T: Do you know the first letter of Sarah.what’s that? Ss: …..T:let’s listen.



T:ok,let’s count the candles,how many?one。。。six T:/ s / / s / six S: / s / / s / six Sarah’s birthday is beginning.Let’s have a chant O O O, / ɔ / / ɔ // ɔ / P

P P, / p // p // p / Q Q Q , /K/ /K/ /K/ R R R, / r // r // r / S

S S, / s / / s // s / (6)Tt

Sarah’s birthday is beginning.“T”: I’m T.I’m late.T: Who’s late? Ss: Tt T: Tt, Tt.Follow the tape.Ss:…….

T: Yes.You are so smart.Look here.“tiger”.Listen(跟读单词)

tiger(教师领读) /t/ /t/ t-i-ger Ss: tiger /t/ /t/ tiger 学生单独朗读教师正音 T:P /p/


T /t/

学生拼读 ten 教写 Tt。

(设计意图:把字母当做朋友,先出示字母的形态,接着读音,然后是字母在单词中的读音,书写出正规的字母,注意汉语拼音的正迁移。) Step III Practice.

1、listen to the tape.

2、listen and point

3、read by yourself

4、listen and circle

5、小组同学汇报课前搜集到的“生活中的字母Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt”

T: Can you tell me the letters of the words in our life? Tell me 0PQ RST in our life.First one, who can tell me something about O? S:“UFO”中含有O T: Good,Another one S:“WTO”中也含有O T: What about P? S:P代表可以停车

T: Good! Let’s try! Next one.S:我们聊天用的QQ T: Yes.

S: 驾车时R是倒退档。 T: Good try. Another one. S: R加个圈是商标。 S: 电池的R表示电阻。 T: Tell me something about Ss.S: S代表小号。 T: Small size.S: USA 代表美国。

T: Tell me something about “T”.S: TV 代表电视。 S:T表示时间的符号。 S:T表示温度的符号。

T: I will show you the pictures.Look!

(设计意图:联系部分除了字母的读音和书写,主要是拓展象形和拟声功用。) Step IV Production 拓展提升

1、In the party ,we should sing about the letters。 O O O, / ɔ / / ɔ // ɔ / P

P P, / p // p // p / Q Q Q , /K/ /K/ /K/ R R R, / r // r // r / S

S S, / s / / s // s / T

T T, /t/ /t/ /t/

2、Use your body make letters.Step V Summary(归纳小结)

1.Do self-evaluation.

Let the Ss think over what they have learned in this cla.And then encourage several Ss to sum up.If neceary, the teacher gives much more advice in details.2.Let’s see which group is the best (The best group must behave better and got more scores than any other group.).(设计意图:设自主评价与平台,引导学生进行自主总结评价本节课所学,一方面可以让学生感知本节课习得知识的掌握程度,另一方面有利于培养学生养成自我评价、自我总结的良好学习习惯。小组合作总结性评价是对课堂上小组合作学习效果的认可度的真实反馈,便于激励先进,鞭策后进,从而全面调动学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生学习英语的自信。) Step VI Homework

1.Listen and repeat the letters.2.Collect the letters of the words in our life.






Friendship 第三课时教学设计



《出师表》教学设计 第三课时

《出师表》教学设计 第三课时

《Unit5 Let\\x27s eat !第三课时教学设计.doc》
Unit5 Let\\x27s eat !第三课时教学设计