
2020-03-02 05:54:12 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



I.快拼熟记单词.liquid expand mixture oxygen electric electrical aim reaction ordinary steam balance flame department contain academic communication crash create definite develop hardware independent millionaire network scream document system web download favorite disadvantage frequently sideways design II.常用短语.

*in the last /past 20years *in the area of science *be proud of *be different from differ from *think of *be independent of

contract electricity stage equipment float lecture acce concentrate data fantastic keyword organization source browser permiion average

add…to at least be supposed to used to do be used to doing for example put …in order

substance electronic conclusion partial form lecturer acceible consist defence disk military percentage surf eay invention shorten

*******make sure *find out *keep …out of *at the top/bottom of *be/become known as be known for /by /to *come up with come up *from that moment on *work on /as *point out *take out *a series of *in one’s opinion *millions of thousands of scores of /dozens of *in addition to as well as as well

*learn from

*win the Nobel prize for…

*go down *consist of be made up of *concentrate on

concentrate one’s attention on *compared with/to *too much /much too *wrap up *instead of *click on *log on/off

*agree to /with /on sth agree to do

*come to a conclusion

reach/ arrive at a conclusion

draw a conclusion III.重点回顾与拓展。

1.It is hard to think of a world without metals.Remember the following sentence patterns: It is/was +a./ n.+to do sth./that-clause It seems /feels + a.+to do sth./ that-clause

It feels good to hear her singing.It doesn’t matter +whether /when /what /…-clause It is no use /good doing sth.It is said /reported….+ that-clause Translate the following sentences: 同他争辩是没有用的。 (It’s no use arguing with him.) 对警察来说在一次重要的足球比赛中维持秩序是一件很艰苦的事。 (It’s a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.) 他来不来都没有关系。

(It doesn’t matter whether he comes or not.) 2 agree with sb.(what one said, one’s idea ,one’s opinion ,one’s decision ,one’s view) agree to a plan ( a proposal ,a program ,an arrangement ) agree on /upon sth.agree with: His words don’t agree with his action.The climate here doesn’t agree with him.We agreed on the price for the car.We agreed on the date for the meeting.3.population Remember the following sentence patterns.The city has a population of 250 000 =the population of this city is 250 000.What’s the population of this city? A large /small population One third of the population of this city are farmers.4.make 后加宾补的几种情况: make him captain make him sad make him repeat it

He was made to repeat it.他奉命重述一遍。 make myself understood 注意:make somebody doing 一般不出现。 5.especially & specially I came here specially to ask you for advice.专门 These days the medical workers in the hospital are very busy, especially the nurses.尤其 Our garden is beautiful, especially in autumn.尤其,特别 = particularly 6.compare with /to Compared with /to her mother, she is tall.(注意:多用原级) If you compare the sentence with that one, you’ll find the difference between them.Teachers are always compared to candle.比作


1.When I got home, I found the gas ____but the door____.A.burned; locking

B.burning; locking C.to burn; to lock

D.burning; locked 2.____Beijing you see today is quite ____ different city from what it used to be.A.The; /

B./; the

C.The; a

D.A; a

3.It is generally believed that teaching is ______ it is science.A.as an art much as

B.much an art as C.as an art much as

D.as much an art as 4.What is the way Mr.Smith thought of ______ enough money to buy the new house? A.to get



D.to have got 5.He did it ____ it took me.A.one-third a time

B.one-third time C.the one-third time D.one-third the time 6.There are five pairs ____ , but I’m at a lo which to buy.A.to be chosen

B.to choose from C.to choose

D.for choosing 7.The number of people present at the concert was _____ than expected.

There were many tickets left.A.much smaller

B.much more C.much larger

D.many more 8.____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A.Compare

B.When comparing


D.When compared (DCDADBAD) V.小作文练习:假如你是一名来自加拿大的老师,某校请你去给他们的学生做场关于到国外学习的报告,提出一些建议。 参考范文:

Boys and girls,

It’s a great honor for me to be invited to give you a talk.Now I will give you some advice on studying abroad.

First, make a plan.It will prepare you well for your life in a foreign country.Second, as for places to live (in), you have many choices.You can live in a dormitory with other students or live alone.But I think a homestay is the best choice/ it’s best to live with the local family, which can give you a better understanding of foreign customs and improve your English.Third, you can apply for scholarships of the university where you study.You can also work on campus in your spare time to earn some money.Last, you must adjust yourself to the new environment to deal with culture shock.As the famous saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.Only in this way can you avoid making yourself embarraed.

I do hope my advice will be of any help to you. That’s all.Thank you.










