
2020-03-02 09:51:17 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


1. 询问信(inquiry)


I hope you had a great vocation last week in Paris .I look forward to hearing about it when you get a chance .I plan to go to Paris with my life next summer .

Could you please let me know when the new version of your desktop publishing software will be released ?We are eager to purchase the new version and are hoping it will be available soon .

Thank you ,Jason ,and I look forward to hearing from you soon.Regards,

Jeff Lee,

Purchasing Manager

Electronic Publishing Inc


2. 请求信(request)


I am a senior auditor from corporate headquarters in Seattle.Could you please send the following information by Friday?I need the information to prepare for audit next week .

1.Open account balance statement .

2.List of all suppliers .

3.Payroll breakdown by department.

Thank you ,Frank,and I look forward to meeting you next week .Regards,


Senior Auditor,Supercompanny


3. 确认信(acknowledgement)

Dear Mr.Wang,

Thank you for requesting information about our consulting services.

Thank you again,Mr Wang,and if you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call or write .My contact information is listed in my signature below .

Best regards ,

Jim Wu

Senior Manager ,XYZ Consulting


4. 催询信(reminder)

Dear Sir/Madam:

On Thursday ,June 2,I sent an inquiry about your company’web design and hosting service .Please find my original e-mail attached for your reference.

As for today ,I have not received a reply .Could you please send the requested information by Friday afternoon ?

We plan to select a company to design and host our new website next week.

Thank you, and if there is any way I can be of aistance ,please let me know .

Best regards ,

Phillip Hsieh

Purchasing Manager

Electronic Books Ltd.


5. 回复请求信(replying to request)

Dear Lynn ,

Please find attached the open account balance statement and the list of suppliers .The payroll breakdown by department will not be available until Monday morning .As soon as I Receive it ,I will send it to you .

Let me know if you need anything else .

Regards ,

Frank Tsai

General Manager , Supercompany Taiwan


6. 回复询问信(replying to inquiry)

Dear Mr.Wang ,

Thank you for inquiring about our consulting services.

Please find attached the brochure you requested .It details our consulting services ,what our clients say about us ,and our pricing.I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you to discu our consulting services in more detail and answer any questions you may have .

Thank you , Mr.Wang ,and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information .I can be contacted at the number listed in my signature below .

Best regards ,

Jim Wu

Senior Manager , XYZ Consulting


7. 开会邀请函(同事)(making appointments with


Dear Sally ,

Would it be poible for us to meet on Tuesday at 2:00 PM in

my office to discu next year’ budget ? The meeting should last about one hour .Please bring your latest division forecast and this year’budget .

Thank you ,Sally ,and look forward to discuing the budget with you on Tuesday .

Regards ,

Kim Wang

Finance Manager ,Creative Design


8. 开会邀请函(客户)(making appointments with clients) Dear Sally ,

I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discu next year ’budget.The meeting should take about one hour .I am available at any of the following times :




Please let me know which time is best for you .For the meeting ,please prepare your latest division forecast and this year’ budget .

Thank you ,Sally, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Kim Wang

Financial Director, Creative Design


Dear Pennie,

I was hoping we could meet at your office to review our busine .Also,I would like to introduce our plans for next year and our new products.

I am available on Tuesday ,October 26 at 3:00

9. 回复会议请求信(responding to meeting requests)

10. 更改会议时间信(changing appointments)

11. 跟催信(follow up letter)

12. 自动回复邮件(out of office auto reply)

13. 邀请信(invitation)

14. 求职信(resume cover letter)

15. 辞职信(resignation)










