
2020-03-03 09:14:09 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

A Forever Waiting

Cla Three Ou ChenchenTen years’ time only for waiting.

Ten years’ waiting only for one man.

When you hear these words, you may think it’s a beautiful love story between humans.Yes, it is a story about love, but between a dog and its master.

The real Hatchi, the dog in this story, was born in Japan in 1923.In the movie, Hatchi croedthousands of miles by train, and then he met Parker (the main actor) in a snowy day.Parker took the lost Hatchi back to his home, and then kept it.After that, they ate together, bathed together, slept together and Parker taught Hatchi to play balls every day.Parker was so good to Hatchi that Hatchi decided to return his love with its whole life.So he waited for Parker to return from work at the station every day.

However, beautiful things don’t last long.One morning, Parker,

didn’t come back from his work forever.He died suddenly.Every

member of the family accepted the fact except Hatchi.Every day, no matter what happened, Hatchi just came to the train station at the same place and time.Then Hatchi spent ten years waiting for his master to

come back.Ten years time, maybe it is just one-tenth of a human life, but for a dog it means a whole life.

Hatchi’s story showed how great the loyalty and love is.However, how many of us can be as loyal as Hatchi for even ten years? I think nobody can.

Loyalty is a sense of responsibility.In fact, to be loyal to someone is easy to say, but hard to do.To be loyal, you should never forget the one that you loved.

Cruelty Hidden in the Beauty

Cla Three Zhang MeiqiAt first, I’d like to show you a picture.Can you name the animal in this picture? Yes, it is the most lovely animal in the world.Maybe you have seen it in the zoo before.They often jump out of the water and play

games to make visitors happy.However, i want to show you some cruel facts about the happy dolphins.

In the middle of September, the fishing village in the south of Japan will have a celebration called “Killing Dolphin Festival”.In the next six months, there will be more than 2000 dolphins to be killed.The dolphin meat can sell for about 4000 yuan.However, this is only a beginning.The number of the dolphins to be killed increases to 20000 a year.If this cruel behavior goes on, the dolphins will die out in the next few years.

However, the Japanese government doesn’t stop killing at all.The

government encourages the people to kill the dolphins for food.So our lovely dolphins are in great danger.

Once I saw a documentary called “The cove”.The blooded river, the sad screaming of the poor dolphins and the ignorant of Japanese people really shocked me so much.How they did such bad things to the lovely dolphins.

The documentary introduces us the sad situation of dolphins in Japan.It makes more and more people think about protecting dolphins.As

students, we should do what we can to protect animals in danger because they are our friends.








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