辩论赛赛制及评委评分细则 中英

2020-03-02 03:46:29 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文





正方一辩发言 (立论) ( 3 分钟) 反方一辩发言 (立论) ( 3 分钟)

(注:每方队员在用时剩余 30 秒时,计时员以一次短促铃声提醒,时间用完时,以钟声终止发言。)



(每一轮攻辩阶段为 1分30秒,攻方每次提问不得超过10秒,辩方每次回答不得超过20秒。用时满时,以钟声终止发言,若攻辩双方尚未完成提问或回答,不作扣分处理。) 2、正方三辩向反方二或三辩提问;反方三辩向正方二或三辩提问。

(每一轮攻辩阶段为 1分30秒,攻方每次提问不得超过10秒,辩方每次回答不得超过20秒。用时满时,以钟声终止发言,若攻辩双方尚未完成提问或回答,不作扣分处理。) (注:提问、回答均简洁明确,回答方须正面回答提问方提出的问题。重复提问、回避问题均要被适当扣分) 3、攻辩小结:

正方一辩进行攻辩小结; ( 1 分 30 秒) 反方一辩进行攻辩小结。( 1 分 30 秒) (注:要针对此前所有阶段的态势及涉及内容,严禁脱离比赛实际情况的背稿,否则将被适当扣分。攻辩小结阶段,在每方用时剩余 10秒时,计时员以一次短促的铃声提醒,时间用完时,以钟声终止发言。)


正反方辩手自动轮流发言。每方限时 4 分钟,双方总计 8分钟。发言辩手落座为发言结束即为另一方发言开始的记时标志,另一方辩手必须紧接着发言;若有间隙,累积计时照常进行。同一方辩手的发言次序不限。若某一方的选手已连续发言四次以上,其中一人未参与发言,将做扣分处理。如果一方时间已经用完,另一方可以继续发言,也可向主席示意放弃发言。自由辩论提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避交锋两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,适当扣分。

(注:自由辩论阶段,每方使用时间剩余 30秒时,计时员以一次短促的铃声提醒;时间用完时,以钟声终止发言。)


反方四辩总结陈词; ( 3 分钟) 正方四辩总结陈词。 ( 3 分钟)

(注:应有针对性的对辩论会整体态势进行总结,否则将被适当扣分。每方队员在用时剩余 30秒时,计时员以一次短促铃声提醒,时间用完时,以钟声终止发言。)





1、论证有力,引述资料充实恰当(满分 20 分) 2、分析的角度中肯,层次分明,逻辑性强(满分 20 分) 3、语言流畅、脱稿、有文采(满分 20 分) 4、反驳应变能力强(满分 20 分)

5、风度端庄、表情自然有幽默感(满分 20 分)

6、全队整体配合默契,能充分论证本方观点(满分 20分)

每名队员满分 100 分,四名队员相加是 400 分,另有全队整体配合表现 100 分,每队总分满分为 500 分。每场比赛由评委根据评分规则独立打分,评分表由工作人员在监督下统计,分数高者为胜队。各人得分最高者为本场比赛的优秀辩手,本届比赛的最佳辩手将在决赛中产生。




Good morning,ladies and gentleman, contestants and adjudicators.Welcome to English cla 2 English debate competition.Today we are debating on the topic— should we celebrate western festivals? (评委介绍) First of all, please allow me to introduce our honorable adjudicators XXX.Secondly, let me introduce today’s two teams: on my right hand side is the proposition team, they hold the opinion that we should celebrate western festivals.And on my left hand side is the opposition team, which holds the opposite opinion that we should not celebrate western festivals.

Well, now, let’s get started.

Part I Statement Now let’s come to the first part—statement.

In this part each leader of the two teams needs to state their point of views within 3 minutes.The timing of each speech starts at the moment that the member begins speaking.The timekeeper will give you a signal when there is only 30 seconds left and also when the time is up.Ok, now please welcome the leader of proposition team.

Now, the leader of the opposition team, you could state your point of views now, the time for you is also 3 minutes.Please.

Part II Rebutment Well, let’s move to the second part— rebutment.

First of all, the 2nd debater of proposition team, you could select the 2nd or the 3rd debater of the opposition team to the questions.Time for you is one and half minutes.Please.

Now, the 2nd debater of opposition team, you could select the 2nd or the 3rd debater of the proposition team to the questions.Time for you is also one and half minutes.Please. Now, the 3rd debater of proposition team, you could choose the 2nd or the 3rd debater of the opposition team to the questions.Time for you is one and half minutes.Please.

Now, the 3rd debater of opposition team, you could choose the 2nd or the 3rd debater of the proposition team to the questions.Time for you is also one and half minutes.Please.

OK.Both teams have done great jobs.Now, the leader of the proposition team, please, you need to make a summary to the rebutment part, time for you is one and half minutes.

The leader of the opposition team, please, time for you is also one and half minutes.

Part III Free Debating Now, let’s come to the most exciting part— free debating.

Free debate should be around two teams.A debater in proposition team speaks first then a debater in opposition team speaks.Two teams take turns, until the time is up.

Each team has 4 minutes, altogether 8 minutes.You should pay attention to the time, the settling down in the seat suggests the end of the debater’s speech.When each side has 30 seconds left, our timekeeper will give you a signal.

If one of the teams uses out the time, the other team can give up speaking or keep on taking turns until the time is up.Giving up speaking will not influence the score.

Now, the proposition team, please.

Part IV Summary

From the free debate, we can see that today’s competition is really a fierce competition, but we still have our 4th debater of each team to sum up all the arguments.Let’s begin with the 4th debater of the opposition team, time for you is 3 minutes.Please.

Thank you for your summary.And now the 4th debater of the proposition team, please, time for you is also 3 minutes.

Well, both teams have showed great debating ability in today\'s fierce competition.Now, let us wait for the adjudicators’ scoring.And during the scorning, let’s welcome one of our adjudicators XXX to make comments or you also can ask the 4th debater of each team one question.Welcome!

OK.The score is in, and please allow me to announce the winner of today\'s debate is XXX and the best debater is XXX.

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, up to now, the competition has all over.Thank all of you for your attention and supports! Thank you!






辩论赛流程细则 (新赛制)





《辩论赛赛制及评委评分细则 中英.doc》
辩论赛赛制及评委评分细则 中英