剑桥少儿英语教案kid\x27s box Unit 8 My clothes

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Unit 8 My clothes


剑桥国际少儿英语Unit 8,Page 48-Page 51.


重点语言:He‟s got…She‟s got…, He hasn‟t got… She hasn‟t got… /d/的发音

补充语言:Who‟s got…?




学会唱“He‟s got a blue jacket”这首歌,正确掌握/d/的发 音,能够进一步讨论服装。



2.道具手掌两个。 3.Unit8的故事卡片。


1、【warm-up 热身】 ① Greeting T:

Good morning ! Ss: Good morning ! T:

How do you feel today? Ss: … ② Review 1.Fast look.复习上节课学过的关于衣服的单词。 2.What have you got?复习单词和句型。

3.Spell the words.给学生10s记住单词,然后拼读出来。 4.Look and say.说出人物身上所穿衣物。

2、【Presentation 呈现】&【Practice 操练】

Page 49,Part 7:Sing the song 呈现

① “Look at the picture.What can you see?” 呈现歌曲相关图


② “What colour is it.Where is the jacket?”让学生说出blue

jacket,in the hands等。

③ 呈现第一段歌词,放录音,学生只是听。 ④ 跟着录音唱,用同样方法学习第二段歌词。

Page 49,Part 7:Sing the song 操练

① 播放音频,学生跟着录音一起唱。 ② 全班起立,一起大声唱。

③ Have a competition.The winner can get a star.Page 50,Part 8:Say it with Monty 呈现

① 展示图片问“What’s this”让学生说出dog。“Do you know his name?”介绍Daisy。“This is Daisy cat.Say hello to him, OK?”

② “Today’s sound is… ”引出D的发音/d/,带领学生读“/d/ /d/,Daisy、/d/ /d/,dog.③ 显示以/d/发音开头的单词图片:door,doll,dirty,dog。

④ “Is the dog clean?”引出“A dirty dog”。引出句子“A dirty dog,a doll and a door.带领学生读句子。 ⑤ Say it with Monty!播放flash,让学生跟着读。

Page 50,Part 8:Say it with Monty 呈现

① Green or yellow side.When I touch the word with green side, say it loudly.When I touch it with yellow side, say it loudly and squat down.② 绕口令比赛。给1分钟的时间练习此句子,然后个人show。 ③ Ask and answer.(学生用书P50 Part 9)“Look at the picture.Who can you see?”给学生1分钟时间,尽量记住人物所穿衣物。老师提问“Who has got a yellow T-shirt?”学生根据记忆回答,看出记得多。

Page 51,Part 10:Listen to the story 呈现

① “Today we will learn a story.Look at these pictures.Who & What can you see.Can you gue what happened.”呈现故事图片,发挥想象力。

② “Watch the DVD,and put the pictures in the right order.”播放故事,然后让学生上来把图片正确排序。 ③ “Look at picture one.Who can you see?What are they doing?”呈现第一副图片,提出问题,学生回答。“Now,you are the toys.”播放magic language,学生扮演玩具苏醒。 ④“Look,what has Stella got?”让学生先根据图片回答。“Now,I will play the listening,listen carefully and answer my question.”播放音频,找出答案。

④ “ Listen and imitate”播放录音,让学生跟着录音模仿。“Now,you are… ”让学生自己模仿,看谁模仿的最像。 ⑤ “ To be a detective.Listen carefully.Am I right?”老师故意说错原文中的一些句子,让学生找出错误。 ⑥ 用相同方法把其他故事图片内容教授给学生。

Page 51,Part 10:Listen to the story 操练

① Listen and touch.让两个学生出来比赛,播放音频,用手掌道具拍正确的图片。然后回答老师的问题。

② Fun fun show.角色扮演,让学生一人扮演一个角色,带上人物头饰,跟着DVD把故事表演出来。

3、【Production 任务实施】

① 学生活动用书第50页,活动7.Write „d‟, „b‟, „p‟.说:Open your Activity Books at page 50, please.举起书,指着图中的门和字母d,让学生发/d/的音。让学生独立完成题目,然后一起核对答案。 ② 活动用书第50页,活动8.Write the words.说:Look at Activity 8.举起书,指着方框,让学生读出单词。指着T恤的图片,让学生说出T-shirt。指着旁边的横线说:Write the word here.学生自己抄写单词,然后核对答案。

4、【Homework 作业】

★ Read the sound of Letter d more than 3 times.

(跟读“跟Monty学语音” 3次以上) ★ Read and act out the story more than 3 times.

(跟读并表演故事3次以上) ★ Finish the Unit-Test.

(完成Unit8的学习的平台“考考你”的单元测试) ★ Play the games of Unit8.


★ Sing the song (Part 7) more than three times.

(跟唱“挑战麦克风” 3次以上)



剑桥少儿英语教案kid\x27s box Our world


剑桥少儿英语教案kid\\x27s box Unit 8 My clothes

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剑桥少儿英语教案kid\x27s box Unit 9 Fun time[定稿]





少儿英语教案 第一课

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剑桥少儿英语教案kid\x27s box Unit 8  My clothes