
2020-03-04 00:43:11 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。








“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。



The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I\'m different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor. 只几句话:但wish的几种用法已跃然纸上,这样写下来印象会深刻得多,这样比死记硬背wish的用法也有趣轻松的多。





人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从\"记\"到\"忆\"是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。



德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,1850-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告后,记忆研究就成了心理学中被研究最多的领域之一,而艾宾浩斯正是发现记忆遗忘规律的第一人。














注意方法,循序渐进 决心下定,还注意学习方法,有时根据自己的情况和不同的学习目的,选择不同的学习方法,但是学习英语一定要踏踏实实地、一步一个脚印地走。要把基础知识掌握好,也就是说,发音要正确、基本词汇要掌握牢、基本句式要熟练、基本语法要会用。









学完每一课,要认真完成课后作业。做作业时一定不要看参考书上题的答案,做完后再对答案,对于作业中所出现的不明白的问题,应该记下来,等下次上课时提出来。做作业是英语学习的很重要的环节,它是消化知识和巩固知识的过程,一定要认真完成规定的作业,笔头作业要动一动笔,口头作业要动一动嘴,提高听力要练一练耳,课文在听和读的基础上,最好背诵某些精彩段落。总之,要做大量的练习,英语是练出来的, 一定不要偷懒。




06年12月大学英语四级真题听力原文 Section A: Conversations Short Conversations 11.

M: Christmas is around the corner.And I’m looking for a gift for my girlfriend.Any suggestions? W: Well you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first.Also, what’s your budget? Q: What does the woman want the man to do? 12.

M: What would you like for deert? I think I’ll have apple pie and ice cream.W: The chocolate cake looks great, but I have to watch my weight.You go ahead and get yours.Q: What would the woman most probably do? 13.

W: Having visited so many countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.M: I wish I could.But Japanese and of course English are the only languages I can speak.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 14.

M: Profeor Smith asked me to go to his office after cla.So it’s impoible for me to make it to the bar at ten.W: Then it seems that we’ll have to meet an hour later at the library.Q: What will the man do first after cla? 15.

M: It’s already 11 now.Do you mean I ought to wait until Mr.Bloom comes back from the cla? W: Not really.You can just leave a note.I’ll give it to her later.Q: What does the woman mean? 16.

M: How is John now? Is he feeling any better? W: Not yet.It still seems impoible to make him smile.Talking to him is really difficult and he gets upset easily over little things.Q: What do we learn about John from the conversation? 17.

M: Do we have to get the opera tickets in advance? W: Certainly.Tickets at the door are usually sold at a higher price.Q: What does the woman imply? 18.

M: The taxi driver must have been speeding.W: Well, not really.He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck ahead of him.Q: What do we learn about the taxi driver?

Long Conversations Conversation 1 W: Hey, Bob, gue what? I’m going to visit Quebec next summer.I’m invited to go to a friend’s wedding.But while I’m there I’d also like to do some sightseeing.M: That’s nice, Shelly.But do you mean the province of Quebec, or Quebec City? W: I mean the province.My friend’s wedding is in Montreal.I’m going there first.I’ll stay for five days.Is Montreal the capital city of the province? M: Well, Many people think so because it’s the biggest city.But it’s not the capital.Quebec City is.But Montreal is great.The Saint Royal River runs right through the middle of the city.It’s beautiful in summer.W: Wow, and do you think I can get by in English? My French is OK, but not that good.I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English? M: Well, People speak both French and English there.But you’ll hear French most of the time.And all the street signs are in French.In fact, Montreal is the third largest French speaking city in the world.So you’d better practice your French before you go.W: Good advice.What about Quebec City? I’ll visit a friend from college who lives there now.What’s it like? M: It’s a beautiful city, very old.Many old buildings have been nicely restored.Some of them were built in the 17th or 18th centuries.You’ll love there.W: Fantastic.I can’t wait to go.Questions: 19.What’s the woman’s main purpose of visiting Quebec? 20.What does the man advice the woman to do before the trip? 21.What does the man say about the Quebec City?

Conversation 2 M: Hi, Mi Rowling, how old were you when you started to write? And what was your first book? W: I wrote my first Finnish (finished) story when I was about six.It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean.And I’ve been writing ever since? M: Why did you choose to be an author? W: If someone asked me how to achieve happine.Step 1 would be finding out what you love doing most.Step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this.I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults? W: My first two novels were for adults.I suppose I might write another one.But I never really imagine a target audience when I’m writing.The ideas come first.So it really depends on the ideas that grasp me next.M: where did the ideas for the “Harry Potter” books come from? W: I’ve no ideas where the ideas came from.And I hope I’ll never find out.It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny wrinkle on the surface of my brain, which makes me think about the invisible train platform.M: How did you come up with the names of your characters? W: I invented some of them.But I also collected strange names.I’ve got one from ancient saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memoirs and people I met.M: Oh, you are really resourceful.Questions: 22.What do we learn from the conversation about Mi Rowling’s first book? 23.Why does Mi Rowling consider her so very lucky? 24.What dictates Mi Rowling’s writing? 25.According to Mi Rowling where did she get the ideas for the Harry Porter books?

Section B Paage 1 Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day.According to claroom teachers, elementary and middle school students who stay up late exhibit more learning and attention problems.This has been shown by Brown Medical School and Bradley Hospital research.In the study, teachers were not told the amount of sleep students received when completing weekly performance reports, yet they rated the students who had received eight hours or le as having the most trouble recalling all the material,learning new leons and completing high-quality work.Teachers also reported that these students had more difficulty paying attention.The experiment is the first to ask teachers to report on the effects of sleep deficiency in children.Just staying up late can cause increased academic difficulty and attention problems for otherwise healthy, well-functioning kids, said Garharn Forlone, the study’s lead author.So the results provide profeionals and parents with a clear meage: when a child is having learning and attention problems, the iue of sleep has to be taken into consideration.“If we don’t ask about sleep, and try to improve sleep patterns in kids’ struggling academically, then we aren’t doing our job”, Forlone said.For parents, he said, the meage is simple, “getting kids to bed on time is as important as getting them to school on time”.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the paage you have just heard.26.What were teachers told to do in the experiment? 27.According to the experiment, what problem can insufficient sleep cause in students? 28.What meage did the researcher intend to convey to parents?

Paage 2

Patricia Pania never wanted to be a public figure.All she wanted to be was a mother and home-maker.But her life was turned upside down when a motorist, distracted by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car.The impact killed her 2-year-old daughter.Four months later, Pania reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving.She wanted to save other children from what happened to her daughter.In her first speech, Pania got off to a shaky start.She was visibly trembling and her voice was soft and uncertain.But as she got into her speech, a dramatic transformation took place.She stopped shaking and spoke with a strong voice.For the rest of her talk, she was a forceful and compelling speaker.She wanted everyone in the audience to know what she knew without having to learn it from a personal tragedy.Many in the audience were moved to tears and to action.In subsequent presentations, Pania gained reputation as a highly effective speaker.Her appearance on a talk show was broadcast three times, transmitting her meage to over 40 million people.Her campaign increased public awarene of the problem, and prompted over 300 cities and several states to consider restrictions on cell phone use.Questions 29 to 32 are based on the paage you have just heard.29.What was the significant change in Patricia Pania’s life? 30.What had led to Pania’s personal tragedy? 31.How did Pania feel when she began her first speech? 32.What could be expected as a result of Pania’s efforts?

Paage 3

Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall.It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon.Why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy.There’re actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there.You never know which one you will get, so there isn’t a cure for each one.When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it.Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockade in it.You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus.Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus.You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells.You may feel miserable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.Different people have different remedies for colds.In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better.Some people take hot bath and drink warm liquids.Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms of colds.There was one interesting thing to note.Some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you.The virus stays in you longer, because your body doesn’t develop a way to fight it and kill it.Questions 33 to 35 are based on the paage you have just heard.33.According to the paage, why haven’t scientists found a cure for the common cold? 34.What does the speaker say about the symptoms of the common cold? 35.What do some scientists say about taking medicines for the common cold, according to the paage?

Section C: Compound dictation

You probably have noticed that people expre similar ideas in different ways depending on the situation they are in.This is very natural.All languages have two general levels of usage: a formal level and an informal level.English is no exception.The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a particular level.Formal language is the kind of language you find in textbooks, reference books and in busine letters.You would also use formal English in compositions and eays that you write in school.Informal language is used in conversation with colleagues, family members and friends, and when we write personal notes or letters to close friends.Formal language is different from informal language in several ways.First, formal language tends to be more polite.What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite.For example, I might say to a friend or a family member “Close the door, please”, but to a stranger, I probably would say “Would you mind closing the door?” Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary.There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.Let’s say that I really like soccer.If I am talking to my friend, I might say “I am just crazy about soccer”, but if I were talking to my bo, I would probably say “I really enjoy soccer”.


●说吧,你是想死呢还是不想活了? ●好久没有人把牛皮吹的这么清新脱俗了!








●要不是打不过你,我早就和你翻脸了。 ●我这心碎得,捧出来跟饺子馅似的。




●唉~这人要一没正形,连头痛都是偏的。 ●我这人不太懂音乐,所以时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 ●怎么会突然想哭?难道我也有些逆流成河的小忧伤?








●李碧华说过: 什么叫多余?夏天的棉袄,冬天的蒲扇,还有等我已经心冷后你的殷勤。


●我爸面对我发胖一事发表了看法:没有韩红的命,还得了韩红的病。 ●你来我信你不会走,你走我当你没来过。——我们该这样对待缘分与爱。












的,可是我看见了她的坐骑,却没有看见她的主人。 ●孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。














●年轻算什么,谁没年轻过?你老过吗?真是的 _________________________________________________







● 如果全是老姜,将是一个何等辛辣的社会。

● 狮子不会因为听到狗吠而回头。

● 水越深,水流越平稳。


● 无论是国王还是农夫,只要能在自己家里找到安宁,他就是最幸福的人。


● 一分钱一分货,稀饭吃了不经饿.

● 水壶啊,你为什么哭泣,是因为屁股太烫了吗?

● 如果命运抓住了伱的喉咙,伱就挠命运嘚胳肢窝。

● 拦着成长的不是幼稚,而是自以为成熟。

● 如果命运折断了你的腿,他会教你如何跛行


● 打死你我也不说

























12月 英语 四级 听力(原文+原题+答案)

