
2020-03-02 12:02:03 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


1、The King’s Beloved Cat


One day , the king‟s beloved cat climbed up into a tree .(一天国王的爱猫爬到了树上) The king very worried about him.(国王特别担心他) The king tried to get the cat to come down .(国王尽力让这只猫从树上下来) But the cat was not willing to climb down.(但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

The queen didn‟t like the cat .She yelled , “I command you to come down now!” But the cat wouldn‟t climb down .(王后不喜欢这只猫,她大声地喊道:“我命令你现在马上下来。但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

The king‟s chef brought chicken pies and said , “Here , kitty! These are for you!” But the cat still wouldn‟t climb down .(国王的主厨带来了几块鸡肉并说:“小猫咪,看这里,这是给你的”, 但这只猫还是没下来。)

A magician said a magic spell : “Ding , dang , dong ! Dong , dang , ding …” But the cat still wouldn‟t come down .(一个魔术师念着咒语说:“叮当咚!咚当叮------”, 但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

A fisherman brought a fresh fish for the cat .But the cat still wouldn‟t come down .(于是一个渔夫拿来一条新鲜的鱼为这只猫,猫还是不行。)

The king was very upset .He asked , “ What is the problem ?”(国王非常的伤心,他说:这究竟是什么问题呢)

The king‟s advisors said ,”The problem is the tree .Cut the tree down , and the cat will come down!”(国王的顾问说:“是树的问题,把它砍了,猫就下来了。)

The king happily ordered a woodcutter to cut down the tree .Suddenly a child‟s voice was heard from the crowd .(国王很高兴于是救命令樵夫砍树。突然从人群中传来了一个孩子的声音。)

“My king , I think you should be more patient and wait .The cat will dome down when he wants to .” (“国王,你应该再耐心的等等。”当这只猫想下来的时候自然会下来。)

That night , the king was sleeping .Suddenly , he felt something on his quilt .Then he happily cried , “My lovely cat!” (那天晚上,国王正在睡觉。突然间,他觉得什么东西在他被子上。原来是小猫,国王高兴得叫到:“我可爱的小猫咪啊”。

Kitty in the Tree

Kitty , kitty in the tree , Will you please come back to me ? Help me , help me , all of you .Someone tell me what to do ! Don‟t stay in the tree ! Please come down , my pretty Kitty !

Why won’t You Come Down?

Oh! My lovely cat , my lovely cat ! Why won‟t you come down? Why won‟t you come down? I will , I will.(x2) But not now , but not now .When will you come down ? When will you come down ? When I want to , I will come down .I will come down .



2、Where is Santa Claus Christmas is coming ! Everyone is waiting for Santa Claus .“Bad news ,bad news! Santa Claus is miing.Santa Claus is miing,” the goat said.

“That is not true.I will go find Santa Claus,” Piggy said . “Is Santa Claus on the roof ?” Piggy asked. “No, he is not here , ” the rooster said .“Is Santa Claus under the ground ? ”Piggy asked. “No ,he is not here .” the marmot said.“Is Santa Claus in the river ? ” Piggy asked.“No, he is not here.” The turtle said.“Is Santa Claus in the cave ? ”

Piggy asked.“No , he is not here.” The lion said.“Where is Santa Claus? It‟s dark.I have to hurry and find him.” Suddenly, Piggy heard a sound , “Help! Help! I‟m so cold.” “Let me help you , Snowman ,” Piggy said.He gave the snowman his gloves and scarf .Then Piggy made a fire.Piggy found Santa Claus was inside.“Santa Claus , I found you! I found you!” That night , Santa Claus went to Piggy‟s home. Piggy was very happy.

Where is Santa? Where is Santa? Where is Santa? Is he on the roof? No, no , no! Is he under ground? No, no ! Is the river or the cave ? No, no , no! Where is Santa? Where is Santa? Shhh! I hear a sound ! Mister Snowman, is that you Santa? Look what I have found !

3、The Warm – hearted Little Rabbit


Mama Rabbit is picking carrots.Little Rabbit is playing .They see a butterfly flying in the sky .(兔妈妈在采胡萝卜,兔宝宝在旁边玩耍。她们看到一只蝴蝶在空中飞舞着。)

Good morning , Mrs.Rabbit and Little Rabbit .Good morning , butterfly .How gracefully you fly.( 你飞舞的姿势好优美啊。) Thank you Mrs.Rabbit .Good-bye , butterfly .Mama Rabbit and Little Rabbit see a squirrel pick acorns.(看到一只松鼠在采摘橡树子。) Good morning , Mrs.Rabbit and Little Rabbit .Good morning , squirrel .How hard you work! (你工作的好努力啊!) Thank you , Mrs.Rabbit .Good-bye , squirrel .Mama Rabbit and Little Rabbit see a pony .He is standing on three legs .(他只用三只脚站立着。)

Good morning , Mrs.Rabbit and Little Rabbit .Good morning , my dear pony .What happened to your leg ? Does it hurt ? I fell yesterday .(我昨天跌倒了) It hurts but it‟s OK .I still can walk .How brave you are ! (你好勇敢啊) Thank you , Mrs.Rabbit .Good-bye , pony .OK , dear , it‟s time for lunch .Let‟s go into the house .But Mama how about me ? You gave the butterfly a flower .You helped the squirrel pick acorns .(你送给蝴蝶一朵花,你帮助松鼠采橡树子。) And you gave the pony a carrot .What a warm-hearted bunny you are ! (你给了小马一根胡萝卜, 你真是一支好心的小兔子。)

A little Praise

Give a little praise .Always give a little praise ! Little Rabbit and his mom , Are so smart in what they say .They know that just a little praise , Will make a happy day !


赞美的话真棒! 兔妈妈的赞美让飞的很优美的蝴蝶小的更美丽;让辛苦的松鼠心情更好;让受伤的小马觉得自己很勇敢,更加不怕疼了。这些动物不仅有兔妈妈的赞美,小兔子还送小礼物给他们作为鼓励。对这些动物来说,这真是快乐的一天啊!小朋友,你可不可以成为一个鼓励别人,带给别人快乐的人呢?

4、The Wonderful Fish(秒秒鱼)

Once upon a time , there was a fish kingdom under the sea .The king of the fish had four children .They were Swimmer , Jumper , Beauty and Wonderful .Hi , my name is Swimmer .I can swim very fast .Hi , my name is Beauty .I have many beautiful scales .Hi , my name is Jumper .I can jump very high .Hi , my name is Wonderful .I …

Every fish in the kingdom was happy and smiled every day , except Wonderful .My brothers and sisters are good , but I am not , said Wonderful .

What can I do to be wonderful ? (我该怎么做才可以变得更好呢?)asked Wonderful .Maybe I need to swim very fast .Maybe I need to jump very high .Maybe I need to put on many beautiful scales .Why am I still not wonderful ? Wonderful was sad .Then the king of the fish swam by and said , My son , Wonderful ! You don‟t need to do anything to be wonderful .(然后国王又过来说:“我的孩子秒秒鱼,你不需要做任何事情来证明你很好。)

Why , Father ? asked Wonderful .Because , my son ,you are already wonderful .That‟s why I gave you the name Wonderful , answered the king .(“ 我的孩子,因为你本来就很美好了。那就是为什么我会给你取秒秒鱼这个名字啊!”

国王回答说。) From then on , Wonderful was happy and smiled every day .(从那以后,秒秒鱼每天都很快乐。)

You Are Wonderful !

You‟re not just any fish in the sea .You‟re just wonderful to me ! You are special and you‟re the only one ! I am special and you‟re the only one ! I am special and I‟m the only one ! You‟re wonderful ! I‟m wonderful ! Wonderful ! wonderful ! Wonderful !



5、Little Spotty(小黑点)

A little sheep was born on a farm .This little sheep looked different from the others .Everyone called him Little Spotty .When Little Spotty grew up , his friends always teased him .But his master still loved him very much .One day , Little Spotty decided to look for animals who looked like him .Giraffe said , “ I „m taller than you .You don‟t belong here .” Cow said , “ I‟m bigger than you .You don‟t belong here .”

Zebra said , “My legs are stronger than yours .You don‟t belong here .” Snake said , “My body is longer than yours .You don‟t belong here .” Leopard said , “Look ! You look like me .You belong here .” Hyena said , “Look! You look like me .You belong here .” Little Spotty said , “No , no , I don‟t want to belong here .” “Where do I Belong ? Oh , I mi the farm .”

Then , Master held Little Spotty and said , “Look Carefully ! We both have spots .We both belong here .”

Happy Spotty Sheep

Happy , happy spotty sheep ! Happy , happy spotty sheep ! Are you happy ? Yes , I am .Are you happy ? Yes , I am .I am happy , happy ,happy everyday ! I am happy , happy ,happy everywhere !

Little Spotty

Little spotty ! Little spotty ! Who‟s Little spotty ! Who is he ? Where is he ? Let‟s wait and see !



6、Who Can Marry Mi Mouse?


Papa Mouse wanted to find a husband for Mini “He said ,who is the best ? Only the best can marry Mini.” “Mr.sun shines on everything .So Mr.sun is the best.”

Said Mama Mouse.Papa Mouse went to Mr.Sun.He said, “Mr.Sun ,you are the best .Would you marry Mini ?”

“I am not the best .Mr.Cloud can cover me .He is the best .” said Mr.Sun .Papa Mouse then went to Mr.Cloud .He said ,“ Mr.Cloud , you are the best .Would you Marry Mini ?”

“I am not best .Mr.Wind can blow me away .He is the best,”

said Mr.Cloud .

So Papa Mouse went to Mr.Wind.He said,” Mr.Wind, you are the best.Would you marry Mini?”

“I am not the best .I can‟t blow down Mr.Wall.He is the best,”

Said Mr.Wind.Then Papa Mouse went to Mr.Wall.He said, “ Mr.Wall, you are the best.Would you marry Mini?”

“I am not the best .A mouse always makes a hole in me.He is the best ,” Said Mr.Wall.Just then , a mouse came out.“Oh, I see!” said Papa Mouse, “This mouse is the best!”

That New Year Mi Mouse, Mini the Mouse, married the best one -- Mickey the Mouse.

Who Can Marry Mi Mouse?

Who can marry Mi Mouse? Papa wants the best.The sun said the cloud , And the cloud said the wind.The wind said the wall , And the wall said the one so small.Is best of all for Mi Mouse after all !

7、The Rooster and the Fox


(It is evening .An old rooster is sitting on a big tree .A fox is standing under the tree .He is looking up at the rooster .) Fox(F for short): Hello , Mr.Rooster .I‟ve good news for you .Rooster(R for short): Oh , what is it ? F: All the animals are good friends now .Please come down and play with me .R: That‟s very good ! … Oh , I see some dogs over there .I think they‟re coming this way .F: What ? Dogs ? Well , I must go now .R: Don‟t run away , Mr.Fox .Why , dogs are your friends now .F: Yes .But maybe they don‟t know that yet.R: Is that so ? Well , goodbye , Mr.Fox .

8、Little Red Riding Hood


Mom: Little Red Riding hood! Take this basket to your grandmother .There‟re sandwiches in the basket .There‟s a wolf in the wood.He is dangerous. Be careful ! Little Red Riding hood(L for short): All right , Mom .Wolf(W for short ): Hello ! L: Hello, sir ! W: Where‟re you going ? L: I‟m going to my grandmother‟s.W: Where does she live? L: Near the river .W: Oh , I see .See you later .L: Goodbye .(The wolf runs to the grandmother‟s house .) Grandmother: Who‟s that ? W: It‟s me .Grandmother: Come in , dear ! (The wolf goes into the house and eats the grandmother .He waits for Little Red Riding Hood .Little Red Riding Hood comes back.) W: Who‟s that ? L: It‟s me .W: Come in , my dear .L: Your ears are big .W: Better to hear you , dear .L: Your eyes are big .W: Better to see you .L: Your teeth are long .W: Better to eat you .(The wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood .He goes to sleep .A hunter comes .He kills the wolf .Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood jump out .)

9、The wolf and the hares


(The wind is blowing .It is snowing .) Wolf(W for short ) : I‟m a wolf .I‟m hungry .(The wolf is going to the hares .) W: Open the door .Hare(H for short ) 1: Who is it? H2,3,4: It‟s not grandma .(The wolf comes to the hares again, with a basket of sweets .) W: Open the door .I bring you sweets .H1: Ah ! It‟s the wolf .We can‟t open the door .H2,3,4: We can‟t open the door .

(The wolf is very angry .He is hitting at the door .) W:

Open the door ! I want to come in ! H1: You are the wolf .We can‟t let you in ! H2,3,4: We can‟t let you in !

10、The Tiger’s Dinner(老虎的晚餐)

(The tiger is looking for some food in the woods .) Tiger: Oh , a rat ! I‟ll catch you .Rat: Don‟t eat me , Mr.Tiger.Tiger: Why? Rat: A hare is over there .He is bigger than me .Go and catch him .Let me think it over .Tiger: Mm .Let me think it over .Rat: Hurry up , or he will run away .Tiger: OK .Go away .(The tiger is running after a hare .) Hare: Don‟t eat me , Mr.Tiger.Tiger: Why ? Hare: A goat is over there .He is bigger than me .Go and catch him .You‟ll have a good dinner .Tiger: Mm .Let me think it over.Hare: Hurry up , or he will run away .Tiger: OK .Go away .

(The tiger is running after a goat .) Goat: Don‟t eat me , Mr.Tiger .Tiger:

Why? Goat: A deer is over there .He is bigger than me .Go and catch him .You‟ll have a good dinner .Tiger: Mm .Let me think it over .Goat: Hurry up , or he will run away .Tiger: OK .Go away .(The tiger is running after a deer , but the deer is running faster .) T: I‟m tired .I‟ll have a rest .(The tiger is sitting on the ground , feeling very sad .) T: I‟m hungry .Where is my dinner ? Birds : A greedy tiger ! Where is your dinner ? Ha-ha-ha.Tiger: You cheat me! I‟m very angry.

11、Pulling up the turnip(拔大头菜)

Turnip: I‟m a turnip .I‟m big .I‟m ripe now.(grandpa and grandma come out .) Grandpa: Good morning .Turnip: Good morning , Grandpa .Look , I‟m ripe .Please pull me up .Grandpa & Grandma : All right .Let‟s try .(Grandpa is pulling up the turnip .Grandma helps him with pulling .) Grandpa : One , two , three .Grandma:

One , two , three .Oh , you are too big .We can‟t pull you up .(A girl comes out .) Turnip: Look , your granddaughter is coming .Girl: Good morning , Grandpa and Grandma .What are you doing ? Grandpa : We are pulling up the turnip .Grandma: Come and help us .Girl: OK.(The girl and her grandparents are pulling up the turnip with efforts .) Grandpa: One , two , three .Grandma & Girl : One , two , three .(The turnip is still three .A black dog and cat come out .) Dog: Oh , they are pulling up the turnip .Let‟s help them .Cat: OK.Cat & Dog: We‟re coming .(They are pulling up the turnip one after another .) All: One , two , three .One , two , three .Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Turnip: I‟m out .I‟m out .Thank you .Grandpa & grandma: Let‟s go home .Girl & Dog & Cat: All right .

12、The Little Tadpole Looking for His Mother


(A little tadpole is swimming in the river .She is looking for her mother .) Tadpole (T for short): Mummy ! Fish: Good morning .T: Good morning .Are you my mummy ? Fish: No , I‟m not .T: Where‟s my mummy ? Fish: Sorry , I don‟t know .Duck: Good morning .T: Good morning .Are you my mummy ? Duck: No , I‟m not .T: Where‟s my mummy ? Duck: I‟m sorry .I don‟t know .Tortoise: Good morning .T: Good morning .Are you my mummy ? Tortoise:

No , I‟m not .Your mummy is over there .T: Mummy ! Mummy ! Mother Frog: Here ! Here ! T: Mummy ! Mummy ! I mi you .Mother Frog: Honey , I mi you , too .Let‟s go home .

13、The Little Tadpole Looking for His Mother


目的:能用简单的英语询问和回答特征。 角色:气味同学扮演小动物。 道具:头饰(鸭子、河蛙、河马、两只小蝌蚪、以及雄雌青蛙各一只。) 小蝌蚪们:Mummy, mummy.Daddy, daddy! ( 鸭子、河蛙、河马、一次出现,小蝌蚪们迎上去相认。) 小蝌蚪们:Daddy, daddy! 鸭子/河蛙/河马:No, I‟m not your daddy/mummy.小蝌蚪们: Do you know my Parents? 鸭子/河蛙/河马:Yes.小蝌蚪们:Are they tall/ small/fat? 鸭子/河蛙/河马:No, they aren‟t.小蝌蚪们:Are they short/ big/ thin? 鸭子/河蛙/河马:Yes, they are.小蝌蚪们:Thank you!

鸭子/河蛙/河马:You are welcome.Goodbye! 小蝌蚪们:Goodbye! Ah, they are short/big/thin.小蝌蚪们:Mummy, mummy.Daddy, daddy! 青蛙夫妇:We are here.Come on, baby! 小蝌蚪们:Mummy.

14、Gogo 电视台

Gogo :

Hi, Gogo.Hi , Tony.Tony& Jenny:

Hi, Gogo.Tony:

G…T…V.what does it mean? Gogo: Gogo TV, of course.Gogo: I‟m going to the airport now.Do you want to come? Tony: Yes, please.Gogo: Good.Get in.Crowds: Zak! Zak! Zak! Zak! Crowds: Zak! Zak! Zak! Zak! Gogo: Can you help me, please, Tony? Tony: Of course, Gogo.Crowds: We want Zak! We want Zak! Gogo: There‟s Zak.Let‟s ask him some question.Gogo: Excuse me.May I ask you some question? Zak: Sure.Gogo: Can you see me, Tony? Tony: Yes, Gogo.I can see you clearly. Gogo: Can you hear me, Jenny? Gogo: Can you hear me, Jenny? Jenny: Yes! Don‟t speak loudly. Gogo: Ready? Tony & Jenny: Yes, we‟re ready.Gogo: Hello.I‟m Gogo.Gogo: I‟m speaking to Zak.Gogo: Er…How old are you, Zak? Zak: I‟m nearly eleven.Gogo; Er…When is your birthday? Zak: My birthday‟s in December.

Gogo: Zak‟s eleven and his birthday‟s in December.Crowds: Sing, Zak! Sing, Zak! Sing! Zak: Listen.They like me.I‟m going to sing now.Gogo: He‟s going to sing.

Gogo: What are you going to sing , Zak? Zak: I‟m going to sing a new song.Gogo: Zak is going to sing a new song.Gogo: Do you have a guitar? Gogo: Zak has a guitar.Gogo: He‟s playing his guitar.Gogo: He‟s getting ready.Gogo:He‟s opening his mouth.Gogo:He‟s going to sing.Gogo: Do you like singing? Zak: Stop talking! Be quite! Zak: I‟m not going to sing now. Crowds: Oh! Oh! Oh! Gogo: I like singing.( Sing)

Gogo: Let‟s sing ! Crowds: Let‟s sing .Let‟s sing.Crowds: Let‟s sing and sing and sing.Crowds: Let‟s sing and sing and sing and sing and sing.


1、Sleeping Beauty


Many pathways lead to love.到达爱的彼岸有很多路 Some are very narrow. 一些是险路 Others have a lot of turns.一些有荆棘

And some are straight as arrows.还有一些是坦途 When it feels like true love 当我们要寻求真爱 It‟s getting much too hard to find.确实不好寻 Listen to your heart.倾听自己的心声 And let your heart. 让你自己的心

Make up your mind. 来决定谁是你的真爱 Follow your heart. 跟随你的心

Wherever it needs.无论它将带你到哪里 Follow your heart. 跟随你的心 Learn what it needs.倾听它的需要 Follow your heart.跟随你的心

It always knows best. 它是最了解你的 You‟ll be bleed.你会被保佑

If you follow your heart.如跟随你的心

Many roads are paved in gold.很多道路黄金铺就 And some are made of gravel. 一些道路碎石造成

Which may seem the easiest .看起来最简单的 Is often hard to travel. 也许是最难行的 When it feels like true love.It‟s getting much too hard to find.Listen to your heart

And let your heart make up your mind.

2、Cinderella (灰姑娘)

Lovely as a flower blooming on the first spring.

Roses bloom to her touch. She makes the song bird sing.Dream on Cinderella

Dream the day away Dreaming of a handsome prince to take your heart away Life was filled with joy but nothing seems to stay the same Spring gives way and summer falls and winter brings the rain Dream on Cinderella

Dream the day away Hoping that your prince will come and take your heart away.Oh! Dream on Cinderella

dreaming of the day A handsome prince will come and take you far away.You‟re the most beautiful girl in the land, but where is the prince who will give you his hand and dance through the night The ballroom so grand and make you the queen of his heart.Till the clock decrees you must part Dream on Cinderella

Dream the day away Dreaming of a handsome prince to take your heart away Oh! Dream on Cinderella

dreaming the day away Hoping that your prince will come and take you far away.Oh! Dream on Cinderella

dreaming of the day A handsome prince will come and take your heart away.Oh! Dream on Cinderella

dreaming is on the day Soon your handsome prince will come and take you far away.

3、Do Re Me Far Let‟s start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with Do Re Me

Do Re Me

Do Re Me The first three notes just happen to be Do Re Me

Do Re Me

Do Re Me

Do Re Me Fa So La Ti ( oh, Let‟s see if I can make it easier, Mnn) Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden son Me, a name I call myself Far, a long long way to run.Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to doe, oh, oh, oh.

4、Good night (晚安)

There‟s a sad sort of clanging(发出铿锵声) From the clock in the hall And bells in the steeple , too.And up in the nursery an absurd little bird is popping out to say cuckoo.Cuckoo Cuckoo



Regretfully they tell us , but firmly they compel us to say Goodbye (Cockoo

Cockoo) to you .So long, farewell.

Aufwiedersehen, good night.The girl A:

I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.The boy A:

so long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, adieu, adieu, adieu.To you and you and you.The girl B:

So long, farewell.Au revoir, aufwiedersehen

I‟d like to stay and taste my first champagne.Yes ? The father: No (laughing) The boy B: So long, farewell.Affwiedersehen, good-bye.

I leave and heave a sigh and say good-bye, good-bye.The girl C: I‟m glad to go.I cannot tell a lie.The girl D: I flit.I float.I fleetly flee.I fly.The girl E: The sun has gone.

To bed and so must I

So long.Farewell.Au wiedersehen.Good-bye.Good-bye.

5、You are sixteen going on seventeen(我快17岁了)

The boy:

You wait little girl on empty stage for fate to turn the light on.Your life, little girl is an empty page.That man will want to write on.The girl: To write on The boy: you are 16 going on 17. Baby, it‟s time to think.

Better beware be canny and careful.Baby, you‟re on the brink.You‟re 16 going on17.fellows will fall in line.Eager young lads and roue‟s and cads will offer you food and wine.Totally unprepared are you to face a world of men.Timid and shy and scared are you of things beyond your ken.You need someone older and wiser.Telling you what to do.I am 17 going on 18.I‟ll take care of you.The girl: I am 16 going on 17.I know that I‟m naïve.

Fellows I meet may tell me I‟m sweet and willingly I believe.

I‟m 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose.

Bachelor and dandies. Brinkers of brandies.What do I know of those? Totally unprepared am I to face a world of men Timid and shy and scared am I of things beyond my ken.I need someone older and wiser telling what to do.You are 16 going on 18.I‟ll depend on you. ( the girl) : wheee






英文短剧剧本 《项链》




