
2020-03-01 21:10:09 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

To accept your mate ---The foundationof succeful marriage Good morning everyone! It is pleasant to share a leon with you.I heard it from a marriage cource.The topic is the foundation of succeful marriage: to accept your mate.Hearing the topic, you may have question, “since we love each other and get married, how we don’t accept each other?”I’d like to say, love is not equal to acceptance.So what is acceptance? It is accepting what he/she is no matter the strength or even the weakne you dislike.A lady with happy marriage asked her husband “Is there any pleasant surprise in our marriage that you never expected?”“yes,” her husband said”I never thought I can be so easy in front of a woman.” He can be himself and no need to pretend or worry about his wife may deny him, despise him or reject him.He can be totally relaxed and dare to tell wife the thoughts in his deep heart.Because of his wife’s acceptance to him, he feels home is safe and tolerant with mistake.Her husband told the lady,”I never expected marriage can be so good!”

Many women do many things for their husband.They cook, wash, take care kids and old parents.But that cannotcertainly lead to a succeful wife.Their husbands still feel unsatisfied.But some other women are very “lucky”.They don’t do so much housework and so many things for their husband while they gain husbands’satisfaction.Why? Those “lucky wives” must do one thing that those unlucky ones never did.It is acceptance to their husbands.Many women wait on their husbands face to face while complain face about”He never show gratitude to me!” or “He is not as diligent as my friend’s husband Mr.x” or even talk with kids, ”You see, how bad is your father.Never follow him!” Just like a sentence in bible:” You build up before and tear down later” Those women tear down what they did for husbands much quicker than build up.How can their husbands feel gratitude to them? Do you know whatthe killer for marriage is? It is comparison.In China, people really like to compare, especially comparing mate and kid.But I need to tell you the truth.Comparison can not arouse their emulation and make them better but worse.Just imaging, your husband comes back home and talks to you,”Honey, I just visit the new neighbor who family name is wang.I found Ms Wang does good work in house clearing.Do you like to learn from her?” I believe few of you will say,” Thank God! I have a good model now and I will visit her and learn how to clear house!” Will you? If it is me,I will think,”Well ,do you mean Ido bad work with house clearing? You feel unsatisfied with me.If so, why did you marry me? You can marry with the Ms Wang!” Then I will lose my paion in house work and do worse.Many people try to use this way to change their mate or kids.I’m afraid they will be disappointed.Acceptance is not based on their performance.True love is accepting your matewholly.It is the key to a succeful marriage.










