
2020-03-03 10:24:24 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Teaching the Alphabet

Game 1

Letter Sculptures: Either print the alphabet on the board or use alphabet flashcards.Divide the cla into teams of 3.Model that each team must work together and use their bodies to make a letter.Then start with: \"Make the letter (H) ...Go!\"Ss can make the letter shape either by standing or lying on the floor.A points can be allocated for: (1) the team that is the first to make the letter shape, or

(2) the team that makes the best letter shape.

(游戏1:首先把字母写在黑板上,或者做成闪卡。然后把孩子们分成大约三组,请每组的孩子们用身体来做字母的造型,可以站着做也可以躺着。家长或引导者的语言是“Make the letter (H), Baobao, Go!”。第一个完成的小组或者做得最好的小组,将得到一分。)

Game 2

Magic Finger: This is a good activity to use before going on to printing practice.Go through your routine of teaching a letter using an alphabet flashcard.Then hold the flashcard letter up in front of each S and let them trace the letter on the card with their \'magic\' finger.Then the T, using his/her magic finger, traces the letter in the air and the Ss follow suit.The T and the Ss can then use their magic fingers to trace the letter on all sorts of fun places.E.g.T: \"Draw \'P\' on your hand.Now on the floor.Now on your partner\'s back.Now on your cheek.Now on the wall.Now on your foot\" etc.Finally, if you have posters on the walls get the Ss to find examples of the letter in the posters.

(游戏2:这个游戏是一个统感的培养。在教孩子字母拼写前,让孩子们看着字母卡片,用自己的神奇手指先在卡片上按照笔画“写”字母,然后教师用自己的神奇手指在空中“写”,孩子们模仿。渐渐地,老师和学生在任何想象到的地方,用自己神奇的手指“写”字母。指令如下“Draw \'P\' on your hand.Now on the floor.Now on your partner\'s back.Now on your cheek.Now on the wall.Now on your foot”等等。最后把练习过的字母写在一张大海报上,让孩子们去找。在玩这个游戏时,我增加了一个内容,就是请两个孩子合作,一个孩子A面向黑板站着,另一个孩子B在他(她)背上拼写,然后A大声说出自己认为B写的是哪个字母。孩子非常喜欢,有一个一直没说话的孩子自告奋勇来参与活动。)

Game 3

Yell it: Have your Ss close their eyes and turn their backs so they can\'t see what you are doing.Take a letter flashcard, letter block or letter shape and hide it somewhere in the claroom (behind a curtain, on a chair seat, under a book, etc).Then shout \"Go!\" and Ss race around the claroom looking for that letter.The S that finds it yells it out and wins a point.This can be done a letter at a time, or with a number of letters at the same time\".











