口语比赛 评委提问

2020-03-01 18:18:31 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Questions 2.How important are friends to you? Has it always been that way? 3.Do you have a future plan? What are the goals for your life? 4.Do you generally enjoy playing sports? What is your favorite sport ? 5.What are the most important qualities a student needs? 6.Do you agree that sport plays an important role in one’s overall education? 7.Is there anyone that you admire most in your life? why? 8.What are the most important skills nowadays? 9.Do you think it’s easy to make friends at school? 10.What are the important qualities of a friend? 11.What do you think are the differences between clamates and friends? 12.What are the qualities you value in your best friends? 13.Do you agree that the students enjoy more freedom and have a strong sense of responsibility? 14.What can our school do to help the students to reduce the preure? 15.What can our school do to help improve the boring school life since you have piles of homework every day?

16.What do you think of your clamates in the new cla? 17.Can you give an example to show that your parents make great sacrifices so that you can receive a good education? 18.What is a good teacher in your mind? 19.What might you do to encourage the students to balance both their school work and enjoy the school life if you were a teacher? 20.What do you think good parental guidance should be? 21.What do you think is the importance of playing sports? 22.Do you think spending too much time playing ball games is a waste of time? Why? 23.Why do you think English is important to you? 24.What imprees you most in your English cla? 25.How do you have a good relationship at school and at home? 26.Do you think helping parents do some housework important? What do you usually do to help them?











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口语比赛 评委提问