加拿大 澳大利亚 新西兰英语简介

2020-03-03 06:04:53 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Canada is the second largest country in the world .Occupying most of northern North America, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.Canada shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.There are only 35 million residents living in Canada, the population density is very low.Canada is a modern industrial technology level and with energy and resources plenty of developed countries.

The lands have been inhabited for millennia by aboriginal peoples.Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored and later settled the Atlantic coast.France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years War.In 1867, Canada was formed through an act of union of three British North American colonies.In 1931 it became member of the Commonwealth.A gradual proce of independence from the United Kingdom culminated in the Canada Act 1982, severing the last vestiges of dependence on the British parliament


The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere

comprising the mainland of the world\'s smallest continent.It is the east Pacific Ocean, West Indian Ocean.Neighboring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east and New Zealand to the south-east.The major island with an area of 7.69 million square kilometers is the Earth’s largest island.Australia is the 6th largest nation after Ruia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil.

The Australian mainland has been inhabited for more than 42,000 years by Indigenous Australians.After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and by European explorers and merchants starting in the 17th century, the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation as part of the colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788.As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established during the 19th century.On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed.Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm(王国).


New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising of two large islands,the North Island and the South Island,and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands.New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometers acro.Its closest neighbors to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.

Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 AD and Europeans first made contact in 1642 AD.In 1840 a treaty was signed between the Maori and British, making New Zealand a colony of Britain.The colony became self governing in 1852 and was made a Commonwealth realm in 1947.During liberal reforms in the 1890s, New Zealand became the first country to extend voting rights to women and to develop a system of compulsory arbitration between unions and employers.Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country\'s head of state and is represented by a Governor-General.The Queen\'s role is limited and executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister.New Zealand has close ties with Britain, Australia, the United States and several Pacific Island nations.











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加拿大 澳大利亚 新西兰英语简介