
2020-03-01 20:25:58 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Brief Introduction The first novel I read this term is named The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde.It was published by Oxford University Pre for sale in the People’s Republic of China in 1989.The book I read can be found in the foreign books Beckon.The book contains 97 pages.Main Contents Basil was a famous artist.He painted the picture which was the best one in the whole works that he had ever painted.The portrait was about a handsome man named Dorian Gray.When Basil’s friend, Lord Henry advised Basil to send it to the best gallery in London.Basil refused because he had put too much of himself into the picture.Basil gived the picture to Dorian.Basil thought Dorian Gary as a a solution of his art inspiration.Basil thought Dorian was perfect.However, he said in fact he preferred not to be beautiful and in his oppinion, Dorian’s beautiful face will perhaps bring him into danger.That is all right.Because of Darian Gray’s beauty, Lored Henry wanted to know about him.Henry had important effects on ruining Dorian.Dorian was changing gradually.

Dorian loved a actre called Sybil Vane.Then a bad thing happened.Because she didn’t perform real Juliet in dramas very well, Dorian was sick of her.He loved her for her art—because she was a Wonderful actre.When Sybil had a bad perform, He said she lost fine art and killed his love for her.Dorian thought if she didn’t have art, she would be nothing After they were broken up, Sybil was so sad that she killed herself.The next day when Dorian went to see the picture of him, he found there was something different about the picture.The face changed—there was something unkind and cruel about the mouth.Dorian felt sick and ashamed.Dorian thought it was his fault that he left Sybil.However, she killed herself.Lored Henry said Sybil never really died and forbad Dorian to cry for her.Dorian was persuaded not to feel sad.From that time on, he realized he had already chosen the right way.He would stay young forever, and enjoy every wild pleasure that life could give him.The face in the

picture would grow old, ugly and unkind.But he would stay beautiful forever.

Several years paed, but time did not touch the face of Dorian Gary.He enjoyed the life of a rich and fashionable young man.He studied art and music.But his search for pleasure did not stop there.He became hungry for evil pleasure.He became more and more interested in the love with the beauty of his face, more and more interested in the ugline of his soul.Dorian both hated the picture and loved it.His fear grew stronger every year, and as time paed, the face in the picture grew slowly more terrible.At last Dorian showed Basil the picture that was real Dorian and told him it was Dorian’s soul.Basil knew his secret.And Dorian hated Basil so heavily at that time that he killed Basil. Dorian wanted to be a good man.He wanted to kill his past, so he picked up the knife and dug into the picture.Real Dorian was dead.The story was over.Excellent episodes 1.In the garden the leaves shone in the sunlight, and the flowers moved gently in the summer wind.The two young men sat on a long seat under the shadow of a tall tree.2.I feel that I’ve given myself to somebody who thinks my heart is a pretty flower.A flower that he can enjoy for a summer’s day, and can forget tomorrow.3.There is nothing in the world as important as youth.4.The words filled Dorian’s head like music—wild, exciting music, what a beautiful voice Lord Henry has, he thought.They are only words, but how terrible they are! How bright and dangerous! You cannot escape from words.5.He gave them wings, and they flew like brightly Coloured birds around the room.Reflection

When I begin to read the novel, I think that the novel is about homosexuality.However, after reading many pages, I have deep reflection on it.At first, Dorian had an open,honest face.There were no dark secrets in that face.When the kind and gentle boy saw the picture of himself, he said he wished that he could always stay young and that the picture could grow old.When he had the idea, he decided to give anything for his youth.The words that he said implied that Dorian

began changing.In fact, Henry ruined Dorian with his brains gradually.In the novel, Henry symbolized the Dark Society, ruining people’s wills.But there still was a common person, an aesthete.From the novel we can get some information about Oscar Wilde’s aestheticism.His idea was about “Art for art’s sake”.Henry said something about youth to Dorian.He said:“that there’s nothing more important, more valuable than beauty.When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it.Then you’ll suddenly discover that your life is empty—there will be nothing to enjoy, nothing to hope for.Time is your energy.It will steal everything from you.People are afraid of themselves today.Afraid to live.But with your face and your youth, there’s nothing that you can’t do.You must live! Live the wonderful life that is in youth.We can never be young again.There is nothing in the world as important as youth.” From the words we can understand that aestheticism was popular at that time.Dorian pursed the youth or perfection from that on.Aestheticism ruined Dorian.From Dorian’s life, we can image that many aesthetes maybe have ugly hearts like Dorian.We learned many things from the novel.And I understand there is no ideal person in the world.So we should not ask ourselves or other people to be ideal.Youth is important, which asks us to make use of it.However, its importance doesn’t mean that we must keep youth exited.Beauty is not the most important.Even if youth is disappeared, we can still have eternal young heart.











