
2020-03-01 21:35:00 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit9 Shapes(Part A) 第一课时


教学目标: 1.认知目标:

单词:四会单词:shape, teach, fly, us, the sun, the moon;

三会单词:square, rectangle, circle 句子:四会句型:What shape is it? It’s a/an… 2.能力目标:


b.深入挖掘教材资源,利用图片、课文语境等教学资源帮助学生理解课文中的生词,并初步培养学生的猜词能力。 3.情感目标:

通过巩固、运用环节:Talk about our claroom的设计,利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并提高学生开口说话的意识和能力。 教学重点:

1.能听懂、会说并读准形状类单词:square, rectangle, circle 2.能理解并复述课文内容。

3.能利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes。 教学难点:


2.能利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes。 教学准备: 课件,磁带 教学过程: A.Warming Up

1.Learn the song :Twinkle, twinkle, little star B.Presentation and practice

1.T:(由Twinkle , twinkle , little star引入) Look at the sky, there are so many stars in the sky.(新授star) T: Star is a star.Star is a shape.新授shape( she tape) 出示并领读课题:Unit9 Shapes 2.学习各形状

a.T :Boys and girls, look at these pictures..what shape is the cake? Ss: It’s a circle.教授句型,板书。

T: What shape is the roof? Ss: It’s a triangle.

e.T: What shape is the window? Ss: It’s a square.新授square f.T: What shape is this window? Ss:It’s a circle.新授circle g.T: This is a circle, it’s the sun.新授the sun The moon is a circle, too.新授the moon 同法操练其它形状。 3.Listen and tick T: Mi Li and her students are talking about shapes, too. Listen carefully and then choose the right answer.1.It is ____.A.an art leon B.a music leon 2.Mi li is teaching her students about____.A.colours B.shapes 3.The students are learning how to ___.A.draw pictures B.colour pictures 2.Let’s chant

What ,what , what are you doing? Teaching , teaching ,I am teaching.What , what , what are we doing? learning , learning ,You are learning. 整体感知语篇,找出关键词 3.

Watch and choose(看卡通选出文中所谈论到的物品)

在此过程中教授sun 和moon 4 Read and find(读课文找出各个物品的形状)

Square rectangle circle circle 5 Read and answer 1.Can Liu Tao draw a circle? Yes, he can.2.How does Mi Li ask Liu Tao to draw the circles?李老师是怎样叫刘涛画圆的呢? Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.到黑板前来,给我们展示怎样画它 6.

Let’s read Three tips for reading: 1.We should pause when reading a long sentence.在读一个长句时需要有停顿 2.We should use a rising tone at the end of a question.在一般疑问句末尾语调要上扬。

3.Pay attention to the linking part of a sentence.注意句子的连读部分。 C.Consolidation

1.Fill in the blanket(根据课文内容填空)

Now the students are having ___ ___ ____.Mi Li is _____ her students about _____.The students are _____ how to ____them.Look at the blackboard.A boy is ___ ___ ___.The kite is a ____ .The boy has a bag.It’s a _____.There are ____ circles on the blackboard.It’s a kite.Liu Tao can draw a circle.He is drawing the ____ and the____.2.

Let’s draw

A: I have a watermelon.Gue! What shape is it? B: Is it a____? A: No, it isn’t./Yes, it is.B: Show us your picture










