
2020-03-01 19:57:02 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?

2.What are your short & long term career job for you?

think you can contribute to IBM?Shell company:

1.How wold your colleagues /clamates would they base this aement.2.If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would you do to attract them? What would you do to select them?

initiated and implemented.Please highlight your role out.

4.Please describe your outstanding non-academic achievements.

5.Please describe any other significant activities you have been involved including organizing people.

2.Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.

3.How much is your present monthly salary including allowances.

4.Do you need to compensate your present details.

been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why? 6.Please state why the position you have have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are.德勤--推理题


2,黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。 3,爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。 4,来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。 5,吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人?右边隔壁。 6,爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。

objectives? What do you think is the most ideal employer if you resign? If so, please give 3.Why do you want to join IBM? What do you 5.Other than academic succe, what has

describe you in five words? On what evidence applied for is appropriate for you; Why you

3.Please describe a new activity that you have 下线索确定谁是养猫的人。

6.Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland 7,绿房子的人养狗。

province of China, near a large river.You are 8,爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。

responsible for planning how to transport the 9,来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一oil to the coast thousands of miles away.What 个来自成都。 are the main iue you would consider, and what would you do? 54yjs.cnHongkong Bank

activities and how they have contributed to your personal development.You may wish to was involved and any difficulties you encountered.



13,爱喝葡萄酒的人住在爱吃豆腐的人的右边隔壁。 14,吸红塔山香烟的人既不住在吸健牌香烟的人的隔15,来自上海的人住在左数第二间房子里。 16,爱喝矿泉水的人住在最中间的房子里。

1.Please state why you chose to follow these 12,红房子的人爱喝茶。

give details of your role whether anyone else 壁,也不与来自上海的人相邻。

17,爱吃面条的人也爱喝葡萄酒。 微软面试题(迷语篇)


一个,为什么? bbs.54yjs.cn


人的梦想之地,微软的面试是非常严格的,录取比例只有5分钟,超过5分钟就放弃,因为你绝对不会被微大约是60有中选一人,相信可爱的梦想家们肯定急切的想知道怎么样才能幸运的成为1/60! 微软面试试题可分为(1)迷语,(2)算法,(3)应用程序,(4)智力等等,本文为迷语篇。 现取部分试题内容:

1.为什么下水道的盖子是圆的? 2.美国有多少辆汽车?

软招聘.这是微软招聘时的智力测试!!!!超过5分钟,淘汰!!!! test 1

烧一根不均匀的绳需用一个小时,如何用它来判断半个小时? test 2。。。


3.你让工人为你工作七天,回报是一根金条。这个金test 3

一平分成相连的7段,你必须在每天结束的时候给他对一批编号为1~100全部开关朝上(开)的灯进行们一段金条如果只许你两次把金条弄断,你如果给你以下操作: 的工人付费?


凡是1的倍数反方向拨一次开关;2的倍数反方向又拨一次开关;3的倍数反方向又拨一次开关。。。。。。 问:最后为关熄状态的灯的编号。 P&G代表性考题

速度和两辆火车现时启动,比洛杉叽出发,碰到另辆1.Describe an instance where you set your 车后返回,依次在两辆火车来回的飞行,只到两面辆sights on a high demanding goal and saw it 火车相遇,请问,这只小鸟习行了多长距离?

through completion?

5.你有两个罐子,50个红色弹球,50个蓝色弹球,2.Summerize a situation where you took the 随机选出一个罐子,随机选取出一个弹球放入罐子,initiative to get others going on an important 怎么给红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划中,得task or iue, and played a leading role to 到红球的准确几率是多少? 颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? 我是

被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了? 的提桶,你如何准确称出4夸脱的水?

achieve the results you wanted.

out a relevant information, define key iues, desired results.

4.Describe an instance where you made of others.

6.想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以3.Describe a situation where you had to seek 7.你有四人装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,and decide on which steps to take to get the

8.如果你有无穷多的水,一个3夸脱的和一个5夸脱effective use of facts to secure the agreement 9.你有一桶果冻,其中有黄色,绿色,红色三种,,5.Give an example of how you worked 闭上眼睛选出同样颜色的两个,抓取同种颜色的两个。effectively with people to accomplish an 抓取多少个就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻?

important result.

6.Desribe a creative/innovative idea that you

10.将汽车钥匙插入车门,向哪个方向旋转就可以打开produced which led to a significant

contribution to the succe of an activity or project.

7.Provide an example of how you aeed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.8.Provide an example of how you acquired application.


1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?

2.What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you?

25mph, leaves from Los Angeles at the same time as the train and flies back and forth between the two trains until they collide, how far will the bird have traveled?

* You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles.A jar will be picked at random, Placing all of the marbles in the jars, how can you maximize the chances of a red marble being picked? What are the exact odds of getting a red marble using your scheme?* Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror, facing it.Raise your left hand.Raise your right hand.Look at your reflection.When you raise

technical skills and converted them to practical and then a marble will be picked from the jar.

3.Why do you want to join A.T kearney? What your left hand your reflection raises what do you think you can contribute to A.T kearney? appears to be his right hand.But when you tilt 4.Why are you applying for a position at Arthur your head up, your reflection does too, and Anderson?

5.What are your expectations of our firm.6.Describe your hobbies and interests.三个问题模式

1.自我介绍,(2分钟)2.你大学期间最辉煌的一件事 3.所谓的智力题一般都是如果你明天去火星300年,Riddles

* Why is a manhole cover round? * How many cars are there in the USA? * You\'ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them.The gold bar is segmented into seven connected

does not appear to tilt his/her head down.Why is it that the mirror appears to reverse left and right, but not up and down?

* You have 4 jars of pills.Each pill is a certain weight, except for contaminated pills

contained in one jar, where each pill is weight contaminated pills in just one measurement? * If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts?

* You have a bucket of jelly beans.Some are red, some are blue, and some green.With

今天晚上你最想做的一件事是什么? bbs.54yjs.cn+ 1.How could you tell which jar had the

pieces.You must give them a piece of gold at your eyes closed, pick out 2 of a like color.How the end of every day.If you are only allowed to many do you have to grab to be sure you have make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you 2 of the same? pay your worker?

* One train leaves Los Angeles at 15mph heading for New York.Another train leaves from New York at 20mph heading for Los

* Which way should the key turn in a car door to unlock it?

* If you could remove any of the 50 states, which state would it be and why?

Angeles on the same track.If a bird, flying at

(1)如果有了钱你干什么? 她(他)的评价为?逻辑考题

(一)测验者无法解题。 前提:

有五间房屋排成一列所有房屋的外表颜色都不一样 所有的屋主来自不同的国家 的香烟 提示:

英国人住在红色房屋里瑞典人养了一只狗 丹麦人喝茶绿色的房子在白色的房子的左边 黄色屋主抽Dunhill位于最中间的屋主喝牛奶 挪威人住在第一间房屋里

抽Blend的人住在养猫人家的隔壁 养马的屋主在抽Dunhill的人家的隔壁 抽Blue Master的屋主喝啤酒 德国人抽Prince 挪威人住在蓝色房子隔壁

只喝开水的人家住在抽Blend的隔壁 问:谁养鱼?


不同食物。根据以下线索确定谁是养猫的人? 邻)

3,爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。 5,吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人?右边隔壁。 6,爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。 7,绿房子的人养狗。

8,爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。 个来自成都

填空部分是一些时世题,如:我国有多少网民,三个问题:如我国第一个以写新闻通讯出名的记者是谁?蔡元培曾经夸奖过的记者是谁? 如深度采访的实质,记者的职业道德等。

简答题就比较专业了。一道是你参加一条高速公路的开通典礼,如何在记者会上发的新闻通稿之外写出会上没说的内容。一道是你去一个单位采访,但没有任混进去。第三道是有几家香水公司都想让你说好话,就是做软新闻了,你该如何处理。第四道是A明星与B明星不和,你如何报道A骂B的话而又不能让B告你诽谤。 议。

还有五道智力测验:如何喝道啤酒杯底部的啤酒、汽车过隧道但高2厘米该怎么办、你吃苹果时吃到几条虫最恶心之类,10只点燃的蜡烛,让风吹灭了2只,后来在关窗户前又吹灭1只。问最后还有几支。 接下来还有一些心理测验,就无所谓对错了。CICC:

1.Please tell us about an achievement that you are especially proud ofbecause it was difficult a) What the objective was? b) Why it is important to you?

you had to overcome in order to do so? graduation, and five years after graduation? What other industries do you also have interests?

4.Why do you think you can be a qualified investment banker? How can you contribute in

(2)你最要好的朋友是什么人,你们认识多久了,你对代表、北京申奥什么的。 还有是记者的一些常识性的



绿色房屋的屋主喝咖啡 抽Pall Mall香烟的屋主养鸟 写作题是以“今年冬天不太冷”为题任意想象,加叙加

五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸or demanding.

1,红房子在蓝房子的右边,白房子的左边(不一定紧c) How you achieved it and the obstacles that 2,黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。 2.What is your career plan? Three years after 4,来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。 3.Why are you interested in investment bank?

9,来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一this industry?










