
2020-03-03 01:49:32 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


申请文书PS的创作,适合的才是最好的,它既不是简单的写作,更不是含糊的照搬。俗话说,世界上没有两片一模一样的叶子,每个学生也都是独一无二的个体,文书当然也应该是独一无二的!无论是PS或SOT抑或是CV,内容一定要有针对性,要以每个学生的特质、背景和经历为依据,文书老师和学生应当面对面一对一沟通交流,深度挖掘学生身上的闪光点,在这个基础上,用行文的创意与技巧去征服国外大学的教授,这样的文书既是贴合学生身份的,又是熠熠生辉的,怎能不被刮目相看呢? 这又岂是那些放诸四海而皆准的文书所能媲美的呢?思为最看不上“一篇打天下”的文书模版,思为只做适合的独一无二的文书,哪怕付出多百倍的努力!




“Of course it was impoible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college.But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.Again, you can\'t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” When I watched the video of Steve Jobs’Commencement Addre at Stanford University for the first time, I failed to acquire an exact understanding of the figurative meaning of the dots in our lives, but now, four years later, when I look back, a map of dots with lines connecting them gradually, and yet clearly, appears in my mindMadison.”

The first dot is about my grandma’s choice of treatment of her liver cancer.I still remember when she was dying,tears sliding down her wrinkled cheeks, she murmured “I should have chosen conservative treatment to die peacefully in bed „I should have„” That unforgettable memory still lingers on my mind and keeps me reflecting on methods of guiding patients to make better decisions, and evaluating the health related quality of life.Therefore, I determined to minor in Pharmacy, to explore the pharmaceutical field furthera fantastic world of science, and gradually I have acquired a thorough knowledge of Pharmacy.Based on the study of Pharmacology, I started to learn Pharmacotherapy by myself, and progreively got to know the corresponding medication therapies to treat and prevent each kind of diseases, and realized the importance of safe, appropriate and economical drug therapy for achieving outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life.During this exploring, I encountered another subject -Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy.

Later on, a lecture called “Comparison Study of Education in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy in China and USA” solidified my interest in this discipline.With the guidance of the lecturer, Profeor HU, and through searching information about this area, I formulated a clear vision of the purpose of research in this disciplinethis is the third and one of the most crucial dots on the route of my adventurous voyage.

Ever since I made my decision, I have prepared my graduate study in the United States dot by dot.I managed to develop my interest in this discipline without weakening my performance of my major English, and participation in variou activities.I ranked first in the overall performance of my major and minor in Pharmacy, and won the National Scholarship.With regards to activities and volunteer works, student leader forums, English club and summer social practice activities cultivated my strong leadership and organization skills; additionally, debate and speech competitions, and volunteer experience developed my communication and presentation skills, which are my aets that will largely benefit my future study and career development, as well as the graduate program in which I will get enrolled.

At the same time, Pharmacoeconomics course and related literature have broadened my insight into Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy.Throughout the proce, I developed considerable literature retrieval skills and sharp abilities to grasp new concepts and knowledge quickly.Also, through involving in the Open Experiment in the Enzyme Engineering Laboratory, I learned to be an excellent coordinator, building a bridge between teachers and other research teammates.From March this year, I have taken an active part in the research project on Comparison Study of Chinese GMP 2010 and GMP 1998.During this research I sharpened my analytical abilities, critical thinking skills, as well as built strong team spirit.I will aist the research advisor Profeor HU to deliver a series of lectures in our university and pharmaceutical companies.During my colorful college life, I have made a substantial number of presentations at cla, department and school levels.And as one of the best students, I have participated in study method seminars for many times to instruct freshmen and sophomores in learning and researching.Therefore, I have the confidence to say that I will be qualified for teaching or research aistantship in my graduate study.Because of the aforementioned skills and knowledge I gained, this month I am participating in the research project the Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Diabetes in China, which will pave the way for my graduate research.

The further I explored in this area, the more clearly I realized the dire need for talents specialized in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacythis will certainly be a dot on my life expedition.

In order to achieve this profeional goal, an advanced degree is indispensible, and the Ph.D.program in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy at University of WisconsinMadison will be the next requisite dot on my pursuit of what I love to do.I sincerely hope that I can begin a social, profeional and academic relationship with you; one that is sure to be mutually beneficial.










