
2020-03-02 04:21:06 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


摘要: 安娜卡列尼娜是列夫托尔斯泰笔下的一位为追求个人自由与幸福的英雄。自其同名小说出版以来,一直受到世人的关注和评论。然而,在故事结尾,安娜选择卧轨自杀的一幕渲染并强调了整个故事的悲剧色彩。本文将结合安娜个人因素及外界因素等方面来讨论其悲剧人生的根源,旨在给现世以启示。



\'Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.\', grammatically the first sentence of Anna Karenina implies the following content includes several unhappy stories happening in several families.And the song of tragedy finds its full expreion bylast saying of Anna, \' God, forgive me\' completely.Holding the sorrow for Anna\'s tragic life like all the others, the thesis is to study the resource of Anna\'s destiny buy discuing Anna \'s nature , her information expect her inner word, the characters who directly and indirectly have relationship with Anna, the background where she lives in and the collision between all the above factors which finally kill the lady named Anna Karenina.

1.The Introduction of Anna Karenina

1.1 The Inner Word of Anna Karenina

One of two main protagonists in the novel (the other being Konstantin Levin), Anna is the beautiful, paionate, and educated wife of Alexei Karenin.Her character is rich in complexity: she is guilty of desecrating her marriage and home, for instance, but she remains noble and admirable nonethele.Anna is intelligent and literate, a reader of English novels and a writer of children’s books.She is elegant, always understated in her dre.

Among Anna\'s most prominent qualities are her paionate spirit and determination to live life on her own terms.She is a feminist heroine of sorts.Though disgraced, she dares to face St.

Petersburg high society and refuses the exile to which she has been condemned, attending the opera when she knows very well she will meet with nothing but scorn and derision.

The governing principle of Anna’s life is that love is stronger than anything, even duty.She remains powerfully committed to this principle.She rejects Karenin’s request that she stay with him simply to maintain outward appearances of an intact marriage and family.In the later stages of her relationship with Vronsky, Anna worries most that he no longer loves her but remains with her out of duty only.She insists on following her heart alone.As a result, Anna contrasts with with the ideal of living for God and goodne that Levin embraces in the last chapter, and she appears self-centered by comparison.Even so, Anna’s insistence on living according to the dictates of her heart makes her a pioneer, a woman searching for autonomy and paion in a male-dominated society.

1.2 The Outer Word of Anna Karenina

Born in a noble family, but miserably loosing her parents during youth, Anna is arranged to marry Alexei Karenin, a cold and paionle government official.And Anna play her role well for 8 years as a wife and a mother.Living a comfortable and descent life peacefully and patiently until her coming acro a special man who stimulated her paion for love.After doing social- unacceptable things like having adultery with Vronsky, even opening it up publicly and leaving her husband and child, under great agony she choose to fall down onto the railway facing the running train.

2.The Related Characters

2.1 Konstantin Levin

Independent-minded and socially awkward, Levin is a truly individual character who fits into none of the obvious claifications of Ruian society.Levin is his own person.He follows his own vision of things, even when it is confused and foggy, rather than adopting any group’s prefabricated views.Moreover, Levin prefers isolation over fitting in with a social set with which he is not wholly comfortable.

Levin is special simply in feeling them so deeply and openly.His comfort with his peasants and his loathing of social pretension characterize him as an ordinary man, one of the Ruian people despite his aristocratic lineage.When Levin mows for an entire day alongside his peasants, we get

no sense that he is deliberately slumming with the commoners—he sincerely enjoys the labor.Levin’s final discovery of faith learned from a peasant, is equally ordinary.

2.2 Alexei Karenin

A government official with little personality of his own, maintaining the fade of a cultivated and rational man.He is civil to everyone and makes no waves remaining a bland bureaucrat whose personality has disappeared under years of devotion to his duties, with little room for personal whim or paion.

His appreciation of Anna is only for her role as wife and mother, similarly, he\'s fatherly interaction with Seryozha is cold and official.When Anna leaves, she does not simply dump Karenin the man but also the conventionalism that Karenin believes in and represents.Karenin’s slide into occultism and stagnation at the end of the novel suggests indirectly how much he needed Anna, and how much she was the life behind his fade.

2.3 Alexei Vronsky

The novel depicts Vronsky as a handsome, wealthy, and charming man who is as willing as Anna is to abandon social standing and profeional status in pursuit of love.But the novel also shows Vronsky\'s many realistic faults and imperfections.This limitation in Vronsky provides Anna’s greatest disappointment in the novel: she yearns for a total escape into a love affair of unbounded paion, only to discover that Vronsky\'s paion has its limits.Tolstoy gives Vronsky the same first name as Karenin, suggesting that Anna’s longing for another Alexei leads her to a disappointing repetition of her first relationship.

2.4 Stiva Oblonsky

His his affair with the family\'s governe brings Anna to Moscow, and thus to Vronsky—heStiva embodies the notion that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, not repreed by duties.His dazed reaction to being chastised for adultery is not so much regret at his wrongdoing but rather regret at being caught.Indeed, even after Dolly forgives Stiva, he does not stop carrying on with other women.He does not feel any duty toward his wife and family that constrains his freedom.He represents an ordinary man in 19th century Ruia, and is kind and jovial and genuinely loves his wife and family, yet he feels entitled to have sex with whomever he pleases.

2.5 Counte Lydia Ivanovna

The Counte is a good friend of Karenin\'s and after Anna leaves him she falls in love with him

and tries to take care of him.She convinces Karenin not to let Anna see Serezha (son of Anna and Karenin) and convinces him to become even more serious about his Christianity.In the end she and Karenin take guidance from a French clairvoyant for their decisions.

2.6 Prince Elizabeth Fedorovna Tverskaya (Betsy)

Betsy is the link between Anna and Vronsky, and it is through her and her Society that they are able to meet and begin their affair.She also has affairs, but she shuns Anna after Anna is open about her affair and does not get a divorce.

3.Background of Anna Karenina

19 century had witneed great changes in Ruia.For the invasion of the capitalism, gradually the feudal serfdom social suffered disintegration and capitalism came to emerge.But capitalist powers is still very slim because of the consolidation of Ruian feudal power.Therefore, during 19 century Ruia was in a transitional period from the feudal society to capitalism society.It is a period in witch the thoughts of Ruian experienced great changes and Anna is the one ,as a presentive of new women living in such social environment.

4.Conflicts of Anna Karenina\'s Life

Firstly, Anna\'s paion and self- realization reflects her advance in spirit, but her motion is too strong to hurt the family including her son Serezha and the normal family life of his husband so she respectively got self- regret for not taking her responsibility to take care of her child and lost support for her infidelity to the marriage.For Serezha\'s pure attachment to her and Karenin\'s forgivene for her wrongdoings, though Anna sticked to her belief bravely, she couldn\'t avoid the condemn from the conscience.

Secondly, if she is an average person, such affairs may not caused that much attention, but her honorable status and life in the past made her situation more awkward.Like Emma in Madame Bovery written by Gustave Flaubert, she has unacceptable things with several men but during the course there not exists much influence from other\'s eye, but the rejection from the mainstream and the enclosure of her past life to some extent makes her lonely and abnormal dependence on love.

Thirdly, Anna\'s longing for true love should be praised from the aspect of a sincere person, but people around her give some influence negatively, as a result Anna\'s disappointment devour

her hope for life.Her husband\'s unwilling to divorce and later agreement on condition that permanently segregation with her son bring her to a deadly dilemma.Then Vronsky\'s leening paion to Anna causes her distrust and the sense monopolize to Vronsky, wich in fact is the reflection of her doubt to her faith and the meaning of life.Next is the original matchmaker, Anna\'s brother Oblonsky\'s has nearly parallel experience of unfaithful to marriage but receives contrary reaction which shake her self-esteem as a woman.Also, Lydia Ivanovna who represents the moral social group encourages Anna\'s husband to enforce the moral principle of that society which full of false and stiffne, therefore Anna\'s situation becomes worse and worse.Betsy, a \'high- cla whore \' who represent the Grand Society and the group more concerned with pleasure than morality despises Anna and shuns Anna after Anna is open about her affair and does not get a divorce, which makes Anna feel her lowline and increase Anna\'s self- deny.Lastly, it is Konstantin Levin.Though Anna Karenina gives the novel its name, Levin acts as the novel\'s co-protagonist, as central to the story as Anna herself.Similar to Anna, he feels the drawbacks of the aristocrat life and has a wish to live a free life naturally and sincerely.He is the only one has the nature, chance and power to help Anna, but with insufficant effort to voice his supply to Anna he adds the sorry of Anna\'s tragedy.

The last but not least, the background in the day when Anna\'s story happens.With the industrial revolution and the development of capitalism, people\'s life become richer and colorful which stimulates the desire to reach more happine and self- satisfaction.But, the feudalism system of Ruia is to strong to collapse soon, so the strict social grade system and the over deified religious belief still dominates the moral principle then.From the sentence \'God, forgive me \' it can directly conclude that the great influence of religion on Anna\'s regret and sadne.The author giving that is to denounce the prevailing and powerful society force rather than ask for the forgiving.


From the aspects of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the tragic story of Anna Karenina is a typical production of that special period in Ruia history.But it can not be viewed as a kind of real tragedy for she is succeful in pursuing her self- accomplishment and freedom in spirit.Although she died from her complex nature, special social status, people\'s

attitudes towards her, all the factors share the common thing branded with the features of the times.So, it is neceary to improve the ethos of society to serve a harmonious, democratic, equal and humanism atmosphere to the people who is the eence in the universe.

In this thesis, by the means of analysis and comparison, the resource of Anna Karenina\'s tragedy has been discued.To summary the whole study, it can clearly get the fact that environment makes people and gives the people basic tone in their melodies of life.But, for the limitation of proper methods, personal emotion and time, some mistakes are inevitable in the course of study so it will be great for someone has query in this thesis to rethink about this topic.


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