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小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.daodoc.com/?tid=16-73374-0 外贸英语:电话预约

A: I hope to visit your factory.What time will be convenient for you.A:我希望参观贵工厂。你们什么时候方便? B: You are welcome to visit our factory at any time.B:我们随时欢迎您参观本工厂。 A: How about tomorrow morning? A:明天早上如何? B: It\'s fine.We\'ll pick up at your hotel at 8:00 tomorrow morning.B:没有问题,我们明天上午8点半到宾馆接您。 A: OK.A:好的。

B: Could you wait at the front door of the hotel as it\'s difficult to park the car? B:因为不好停车,可否请您在宾馆大门口等候? A: No problem.How far is it from here to your factory? A:没问题。从这儿到贵厂有多远? B: Our factory is in Eastern Mountain Industry Area.It takes about 45 minutes by car.B:我们工厂在东山工业区,开车大约45分钟。

A: Can we come back to Shenzhen before noon time\'?

A:中午以前能赶回深圳吗? B: It should be no problem.B:没有问题。

A: Then see you tomorrow.A:那我们明天见。 B: See you tomorrow, B:明天见。


A: Welcome to our factory,Mr.Hill.A:欢迎来到我们厂,希尔先生.B: Nice to meet you.Mr.Sun.B:很高兴见到你,孙先生。

A: Let me show you around the factory.This way please.A:让我带您到处看看,这边请。 B: Thank you, B:谢谢。这个工厂有多大? A: How large is the plant? A:面积有87000平方米。

B: It covers an area of 87.000 square meters.B:比我想象的要大多了。你们建厂有多长时间了?

A: It\'s much larger than I expected.How long has your factory been established? A:快30年了。七十年代末建成的。我们很快就要庆祝建厂三十周年了。

B: About 30 years.In the late 1970s.We\'II soon be celebrating the30th anniversary.B:祝贺你们! A; Congratulations! A:谢谢。 B: Thank you.B:这个丁厂有多少员工? A: How many employees do you have in this plant? A:600个,我们是三班制。

B: 600.We\'re running on three shifts.B:从原料到成品都是工厂自己生产吗? A: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product? A:有些零配件是我们的联营单位生产的,他们是专门从事这一行的。好了,我们到生产车间了。咱们从装配线开始看,好吗? B: Our aociates specializing in these fields make some acces- sories.Well.here we\'re at the production shop.Shall we start from the aembly line? B:好的.A: That\'s fine.


A: Mr.Brown.l\'d like to welcome you to our tools factory site.My name is Li Hui and I will be showing you around today.Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour.l will be happy to answer questions for you.I hope you will have a main idea about our factory.A:布朗先生,欢迎您来到我们工厂参观。我叫李辉,今天由我来带您参观工厂,参观期间,如果有问题请随时提问。我乐于为您解答。希望您会对我们厂有个主要了解 。 B: Thank you.B:谢谢。

A: Now this is our office block.We have all the administrative departments here: Sales.Accounting.PersonneI.Market Research and so on.A:这是我们的办公区,我们所有的行政部门都在这儿,销售部、会计部、人事部、市场调查部等等。

B: Can I have a look at your main plant? B:我能看看你们的主要车间吗? A: Yes.this way, Considering your safety.please wear protective gear.A:可以,这边走。考虑到您的安全,请戴上安全防护装备。 B: Is it really neceary to wear all this protective gear? B:真的有必要戴上防护装备吗? A: Yes.I\'ll bet your wondering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safety goggles while you\'re in the plant.The reason is simple:we want to ensure there are no injuries today.As you will see.to maintain a high level of safety,we also require all of

our staff to wear similar protective gear.A:是的。我敢说您一定想知道我们为什么要求您戴上工程帽和护目镜。原因很简单,我们要确保今天不出任何受伤事故。您还会看到,为了保证绝对安全,我们要求所有的员工也都戴上同样的防护装备。 B: Okay.B:好吧。

A: Here in the main.plant is where most of the action takes place.We produce and package more than six hundred thousand units per year on these machines.A:这里是主要生产车间,大部分生产在此完成 们用这些机器每年要生产和包装60万套产品。

B: How many employees do you have working in this area? B:这个车间有多少工人? A; We have about 50 employees on the ground floor.which is about 200/o of the total staff.Ground floor employees include production line workers.maintenance staff.and quality control managers.A:有50人在这里工作,占总人数的20%,包括 生产线工人、维修工和质量检查人员。 B: What do all your quality control people oversee? B:质量检查人员负责检查什么? A: They are responsible for ensuring the continuity of quality of the products that come out of our plant.Here.Iet\'s move on to the aembly shop.A:他们负责确保我们工厂生产的产品质量的稳 定性。现在,让我们去装配车间看看。 B: It\'s up to you.

B:你决定吧。 A: OK.lets go.A:好,走吧.B: All right.B:好的。


A: Please come this way.Mr.Hill.The new machine is very similar to the old one.although it\'s a lot faster.A:请这边走,希尔先生。这台新型的机器和旧的很相似,但是速度要快的多。

B: I\'ve been very impreed by what l\'ve seen.I know the factory is operating at full capacity, B:我看到的一切给我留下了深刻的印象。我知道厂里正在全力生产。

A: Yes,we\'ve received plenty of orders.both for home needs and for export.A:是的,我们收到了大量的订单,有国内的也有国外的。 B: Is any work done by subcontractors? B:有些工作转包给他人了吗? A: No.we are fully self-sufficient.We have laboratories.quality control department and packaging department all here.A:没有,我们自给自足。我们这儿有实验室、质量检查部门和包装部。 B: Have you been producing this new model for a long time?

B:你们生产这种新产品很久了吗? A: Yes,we\'ve introduced new technology and started the new model last year.Our designers always keep up with the state of art technology.A:是的,我们刚刚引进了新的技术,去年开始 投人生产这种新产品。我们的技术水平始终与最新的技术保持一致。 B: Is the staff of engineers big? B:工程师队伍大吗? A: Totally we have about two hundred design engineers and production engineers.A:我们有设计工程师和生严工程师一共200人。 B: How do you ensure quality control? B:你们怎么保证质量检查呢? A: Well,it\'s done by the quality control department.A:嗯,由质检部来完成。

B: Do you also check the packaging? B:你们也检查包装吗? A: Sure,but we\'ve recently started to use packing companies too.A:当然,但是我们最近也开始请包装公司来完成包装了。 B: I hear there is on-the-job training program here? B:我听说你们还有在职培训项目? A: Yes.our staff training department is responsible for this.And that is our office block.We have all the administrative departments there.Down there is the research and development section.


B: How much do you spend on development every year? B:你们每年在科研上花多少钱? A: About 3% ~5% of the gro sales.A:大约是总销售量的3% N5%。 B: What\'s that building opposite us? B:对面那座建筑是什么? A: That\'s the warehouse.We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock.A:那是仓库,存放周转快的货物,这样有急得订货时,就可以立刻交现货。 B: If I placed an order now.how long would it be before I got delivery? B:如果我现在订购,到交货前需要多少时间? A: It would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want.A:那主要得看订单大小以及您需要的产品而定。

B: It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place.It gave me a good idea of your product range.B:谢谢你陪我看了整个工厂。这次参观使我对你们的产品范围有了一个很好的了解。 A: It\'s a pleasure to show our factory to our friends.What\'s your general impreion.may I ask\'.\' We\'d like to have your suggestion and comments.A:带朋友参观我们的工 厂是我们的荣幸 ,不知道您的总体印象如何?我们希望听取您的建议和评价 .

B:It\'s really impreive ; you have fine facilities and efficient people.especially the speed of your NW Model.B:印象真的很深刻,你们拥有很好的设备和高效率的员工,尤其是你们的 NW型机器的速度。

A:That\'s our latest development.A product with high performance.We put it on the market just two months ago.A:那是我们新开发的产品,性能很好两个月前刚投入市场.B:The machine gives you an edge over your competitors,I gue.B:和你们的竞争对手相比,我想这机器可以让你们 多占一个优势.A:Certainly.No one can match us as far as speed is concerned.A:当然就速度而言,目前没有厂家能和我们相比。

B:Could you give me some brochures for that machine?And the price if poible.B:您能给我一些与那机器配套的小册子吗?如果可能,还有价格。 A: Right.Here is our sales catalog and literature.A:好的这是我们的销售目录和说明书。

B: Thank you.l think we may be able to work together in the future B:谢谢。我想将来也许我们可以合作。


A:Where can we see your complete line A:什么地方可以看到你们全部的生产线?

B: We have a showroom in this city.B:我们在本市设有一个展示中心。 A:I\'d like to see it.A:我想看一看。 B:Drop by anytime.B:随时欢迎参观。

B: Welcome to our showroom.B:欢迎参观我们的展示室。 A: Thank you,I\'m glad to be here.A:谢谢,我很高兴到这里来。 B:Is there anything I can show you? B:有什么要我展示给您看的吗? A:I think I\'d like to just look around.A:我只是看看而已。

B:Is this your first visit to our showroom? B:您是第一次来到我们展示室吧? A:Yes.it is.A:是啊。

B:Can I show you around? B:我带您四处看看好吗? A; That would be nice of you.A:那太好了。

B: This is our latest product.B:这是我们的最新产品。

A: When is it going to be on the market? A :什么时候上市啊? B: It will be out next month.B:下个月即可推出。

A: Could I have this sample free of charge? A:这个样品可以免费送我吗? B: No problem.B:没问题。

A: How is the product selling? A:这产品卖得怎么样? B: It\'s selling well.B:卖的很不错。

A: What are the selling points of your product? A:你们的销量重点是什么? B: Compared with competing products.ours is smaller and lighter.B.比起其他竞争产品,我们的产品更小更轻。 A: l\'m not sure how this works.A:我不懂这是如何操作的。

B: Would you like me to demonstrate it for you ? B.要不要我来为您演示一下?

A: Can you\'? A:可以吗? B: Sure.No problem at all.B:当然。没问题。

B: We hope you enjoyed the visit to the showroom.B:希望您喜欢我们的展示室。 A: Yes.it helped me out a lot.A:嗯,收获不少。

B: Would you be kind enough to sign our visitors\'book\'? B:请在来宾簿上签名好吗? A: I\'d be happy to.A:很乐意。

B: Anything particular you\'re interested in.B.有什么您特别感兴趣的吗? A: l\'m very much interested in your personal computers.A:我对你们的个人电脑很感兴趣。 B: Well.this is our latest catalog.B:嗯,这是我们最新的产品目录。 A: We\'II order after we see the sample.A.我们要看过样品后才会下订单。

B: We\'re having a special showing next week in our showroom.B:下周我们的展示室将有一个特别的展示会 .

A: What do you mean by special? A:怎么特别呢? B: It will be by special invitation only.B.我们会有特别邀请函.A: Please make sure I get an invitation.A:请一定要寄张邀请函给我哦、


A: Mr.Fang,may I take a look around your company? A:方先生,我可以 参观一下贵公 司吗? B: Yes,ot course.I\'ll show you around.Let\'s go outside.B:是的,当然,我带你 四处转转,咱们走吧! A: Your buildings are very large.A:你们的办公大楼真大啊! B: Yes.We are still expanding.B:是的,我们还在扩建呢。 A; What\'s that red building? A:那座红色的建筑物是做什么用的? B: That\'s our research and development center.B:那是我们的研发中心。

A: Would you mind showing me your showroom?

A:可以带我去看看你们公司的展示间吗? B: Of course.lt\'s on the fourth floor.B:好的,在四楼.A: Is any work done by yourself? A:所有的工作都是由你们自己来完成的吗? B: Yes.we are fully self-sufficient, B:是的,我们完全自给自足。 A: What type of company is it? A:你们是哪一类型的公司? B: lt\'s.a trading company.B: 我们是一家贸易公司。

A: Does most of your busine deal in exports? A: 你们的主要生意是出口经营吗? B: Yes.most of our busine is in trade with America.B: 是的,我们大部分的生意都是跟美国交易的.A: How about Europe? A:那欧洲方面呢? B; Well.at the moment.not much.But with a view to future trade.we have branch offices in New York and Chicago.We\'re planning to open a new office in Paris.too.B:嗯,目前还不是很多。但是鉴于长远的贸易发展,我们在纽约和芝加哥已设立分公司。我们也计划在巴黎开一家新公司。 A: Is your main office in Shanghai?

A:总公司是在上海吗? B: Yes.it was founded in 1993.1 belong to the Export Department and I meet foreign customers; I show them our new products and discu trade terms with them.I sometimes entertain our customers.B:是的,它成立于1993年。我属于出口部,我负责接待外国客户,带领他们参观本公司的新产品,并和他们讨论贸易条款。有时候,我还要款待我们的客户呢!


A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow? A:你明天有什么特殊的安排吗? B: Yes,l mean to go downtown to do some shopping.What do you have in mind? B:是的,我想去市里买些东西。你有什么主意吗? A: I was thinking of taking you to Mt.Laoshan.A:我想带你去崂山玩玩。

B: Oh.I\'d love to.I\'m sure the trip will be very pleasant.I\'ve heard that Mt.Laoshan is a must, B:哦,我很高兴去,我想这次旅行一定会很愉 快。我听说崂山是个不能不去的地方 A: Yes.a visit to Mt.Laoshan would be very worthwhile.lt would be the ideal place for you.It has around 200 sightseeing spots.But you are going shopping.A:是的,去崂山游玩肯定会很值得的。 说应该是个理想的地方。那儿有共约200处旅游景点。但是你还要购物呢。

B: Never mind.We can put it off until some other time.l\'ve been looking forward to visiting Mt.Laoshan.I love beautiful scenie spots.B:没关系,我们可以推迟到其他时间,我一直盼望着去崂山看看。我喜欢看优美的风景。 A: Well.there are plenty of worthwhile places for you to see in Qingdao.For example.the beaches.the Stone Old Man National Tourism and Holiday Resort any more.A.其实,在青岛有不少值得你去看的地方。比如海滨浴场、石老人国家旅游度假区等。 B: Wow! Qingdao is really a great tourist attraction! I doubt I can see it this entire trip ! B:哇!青岛可真是个旅游胜地!我这趟旅行不知道能否游遍所有的地方!


A: Good moming.Mr.Smith.Sightseeing is our agenda today.A:早上好,史密斯先生。我们今天为您安排的日程是观光。 B: Wonderful! Where shall we go today? B:太好了!今天我们去哪儿? A: I will take you to the Great Wall.A.我要带你去长城。

B: Exactly my thought.l\'ve been waiting for it so long.B:正合我意。我真是盼望已久了.A: The Great Wall like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging

Garden of Babylon.is one of the eight great wonders of the world.A:如同埃及的金字塔、印度的泰姬陵和巴比伦的空中花园一样,万里长城是世界八大奇迹之一? B: Yes,indeed.I have also heard an interesting saying.\" You are not a true man until you\'ve been to the wall!\" B:是的,的确如此.我还听说过一句很有意思的谚语:“不到长城非好汉!”

A: Yes! It is said that if we look down from the sky.the Great Wall is the only piece of architecture we can see on Earth, A:是的。据说从宇宙眺望地球,唯一能看到的建筑物就是万里长城。 B: It\'s so great! What\'s the length of the Great Wall? B:真是太了不起了!长城有多长? A: The Great Wall starts from Shanghai Pa in the east and ends at Jiayu Pa in the west.with the total length of about 6000 kilometers or 12 000 11.That\'s why we call it in Chinese.Wan Li Chang Cheng\' .which literally means a \'Ten-Thousand-Li-Iong Wall\'.We\'re approaching Badaling section and you will see the Great Wall in a short time.A:长城东起山海关,西到嘉峪关,全长6000公里,也就是12,000里、因此在汉语里我们又称它为“万里长城”。我们就要到八达岭了,马上就要看到长城了。

B: ( After a while.) How magnificent! Would you please tell me something about the history of the Great Wall? B:(过了一会儿)真雄伟啊!你能给我讲讲长城的历史吗? A: OK.Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive

fortification back to the year 656 BC.Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth century BC.Later in 221 BC.when Qin unified China.for guarding against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection and repair of these indMdual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall.Building was not finished until Ming Dynasty.A:好的。据历史记载,将长城作为防御工事建筑的起源要追溯到公元前656年.公元前五世纪战国时期,长城得以 继续修筑 到公元前221年,秦统一中国,为了抵御来自北方的游牧民族侵略,秦始皇下令将各国分散的城墙接起来加以修缮,形成了今天万里长城的雏形。长城的修建止于明朝。

B: It is said that the.Great Wall is divided into two sections,the east and the west.What\'s the difference between the two sections? B:听说万里长城分为东、两两个部分,这两个部分有什么不同吗? A: The western part is a rammed earth construction.In the eastern part.the core of the wall is rammed earth as well,but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks.A:西部是土筑建筑,东部的墙内也是土筑建筑,但外城墙用砖石加同.B: How many paes are there along the Great Wall? B:长城有多少关隘呢? A: There are 14 major paes at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall,and the most important are Shanhai Pa and Jiayu Pa.A:占有重要军事地位的有14座关隘,其中最重要的是山海关和嘉峪关.

B: What are the functions of the rectangular lookout stations built about every 100m.and beacon towers at regular intervals? B:那每隔100米修建的长方形嘹望台确有什么用处呢?烽火塔之间的距离是固定的吗? A: They served as a signal system to communicate military information to the dynastic capitaI.At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towels in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hours long before the invention of anything like modern communications, A:长方形嘹望台是用 来向国家的首都传递军事消息的。当敌军临近时,火塔的烟雾信号发出警告,晚上就用篝火。在尚未出现代通讯技术的紧急信号能在几个小时内从遥远的地方传到首都。

B: Thank you for your introduction.B:多谢你的介绍。 A.You are welcome! A:不客气









参观工厂 伊利奶源了解总结


