
2020-03-03 08:55:44 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

All of the girls are princees

——My impreion of

Do you know there was a little prince named Sara Crewe? Well, she was not a true prince.But, she believed that “All of the girls are princees.”

was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the writer of . described a kind, warm-hearted and an iron girl who named Sara.She used to live in a very rich family and study in Select Seminary for Young Ladies, an aristocratic school.Everyone around Sara called her “my little prince”.But soon after Sara’s twelfth birthday, her father died from the war.Little Sara couldn’t afford the tuition any longer.She was forced to be a humble maidservant.Almost everybody in the school insulted Sara.However, little Sara didn’t give up herself.She encouraged herself again and again.She believed that” Even if they live in tiny old attics.Even if they dre in rags, even if they aren\'t pretty, or smart, or young.They\'re still princees.All of us.”I think no matter how, we should always keep a warm heart like Sara, even if we are poor and humble.To help others as much as you can, to show a face with smile and never gives up hopes.This is what we can learn from little Sara.Because ”All of the girls are princees.”!










