
2020-03-03 08:47:02 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Be ware our favorite telephone

Do you like phones? When college students are asked this question, and I suppose what they will answer.The recent survey about college student’s attitude toward phones aroused my interest.A result that what college students like phone most is that they can reach others and what they like least is that others can reach them is given by a profeor.I am partially agree with the profeor’s opinion as a college students and a member among the been surveygroup, what I like phone most is that I can reach others and what Ilike least is not others can reach me but it brings mepotential problems.

In modern society, I can’t get by without my cell phone and I view it as a neceary tool to reach others.To begin with, I came to college and I am away from my families.Cell phones allow parental communication which can make me feel more secure.Besides, even if the crime rates are low, as a student I may find myself in situations where I feel unsafe.Phones allow me to all for help when I feel unsafe.Cell phones allow me to call for help when I feel I need an escort.In a real emergency, where I need medical attention, a cell phone could prove lifesaving, and it brings me a safe .what’s more telephones allow me to have an always –on connection to my social network.I can use short time and few words to reach others at any time.I like phones which really bring me great convenience.

However, for me, what I like phone least is that it brings me potential problems.I waste lots of time on mobile phones, obseing with the QQ zone, wrapping in the games, chatting with others and so on.These are the visible effects.I think others also have this problem.What’s worse, phone brings indifference and distance between us, and this invisible effect is more awful.when my friend sand I have no phones, we get together playing and talking, but now we talking little when we get together.Everyone has a small screen, and we prefer engraining in the virtual world rather than communicating with our friends sitting beside us.A group of people sit together and play without communication.How awful that was.It is telephone that reducing our communication and bringing a gap between us.I found the telephone is the real subtle poison which is destroying people’s relationship .but few of us has realized this.Most of us just see it’s advantages and college students are addicted into it.

Beware our favorite phone which is destroying our relationship.As college students we need realizing this and using our phone properly.










