
2020-03-03 15:42:34 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Difference between Chinese and Western food dietetic

culture Abstract:The difference between Chinese and Western food dietetic culture were introduced.Food dietetic customer,food dietetic idea,dish proceing,seat arrangement and western fast food were also compared respectively.The development trend of the Chinese and Western food dietetic culture were pointed out.Keywords:Chinese culture

Food dietetic culture

Differences between Chinese and Western culture


Contents Introduction …………………………………………………1 Diet custom …………………………………………………1 Nutrition and delicious ……………………………………3 table manners ………………………………………………4 Conclusion …………………………………………………5 Works Cited ………………………………………………7


Introduction:In the world ,based on the different standard can put people into yellow white and black people or into Asians, Africans Europeans,but we have the same body structure.People have the same origin.But the difference between the way of thinking has led to the cultural differences between people.Differences between Chinese and Western cultures has created differences between Chinese and Western food culture.China has a abundant food culture,Western has a convenient and refinement diet civilization.This thesis explores the differences between Chinese and Western dietary culture.9 In the complex world culture, the dietary culture plays an extremely important role in the world culture.The differences between Chinese and Western culture created the differences between Chinese and Western dietary culture.Different countries have their own dietary cultural.Traditional Chinese culture is agricultural culture and land culture, while traditional western culture is animal husbandry culture and ocean culture.These two kinds of cultures reflect diverse life styles in which food is the most representative aspect.In variously cultural contexts, whether it is in concept, objects, kitchen ware, table ware, or table manners these differences are obvious.1 Diet custom Westerners always maintained during cooking practicality of food,They think from nutritional value, food should be contend with the human bod body\'s health.Westerners don`t pay attention to the style of

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according to the chef\'s personal characteristics are different.Is the same Chef a menu, despite its own generating method, but may vary according to different seasons, different, eat different identity, to be adjusted (such as rich in winter, light in the summer, the wedding to be colorful,4 ). 2 Nutrition and delicious

In China, cooking is an art, which embodies the unity of the rigor and improvisation, so cooking has been extremely interesting to attract the Chinese diet for the pleasures of life.A variety of cooking methods, fried, fried, explosion, bombing, slip, simmered, steamed, boiled, stewed, roasted, braised.While we pay attention to diet, a healing cuisine, food, attention to diet to keeping fit, but we cook in search of delicious as the first requirement, resulting in many nutrient loes in the proce. Contrast to focus on the taste of Chinese food, Western food are more meticulous and absorb nutrition with emphasis on the nutritional value of diet, focusing on the food contains vitamins, protein, calories, and whether it is fully absorbed, with or without other side effects, while not unduly the pursuit of the taste of food Westerners eat nutrition, and more understanding of the diet from a nutritional point of view.Cook about nutrition in the West at the expense of taste, at least for primary purpose is not to taste enjoy.

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information changes.It can not only enhance the mutual understanding and enjoy the different feeling from different food, but also strengthen the communication, complementation(互补) and fusion in culture6.

As the improvement of the living quality and standard, Chinese begin focusing on the food nutrition, health and science of cooking while westerners start to develop from the artistic realm of color, smell, taste, meaning and shape of Chinese food.Only if the dietary culture communicates in common development can people enjoy the more delicious, convenient, nutritional and healthy food.The communication of dietary culture exists in our daily life as the hinge of diverse cultures in the proce of integration in economic and cultural globalization.The dietary culture has become a type of cultural impact which is strengthening step by step.Moreover, it exerts a huger effect than any other power on globalization and changing the world softly.It is poible to anticipate that the dietary culture between Chinese and westerners will become more and more charming under the communication and fusion8.

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