
2020-03-01 17:58:56 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Just like my partner said,there are many famous e-commerce websites in China nowadays, such as taobao , Jingdong, Amazon and so on.And today, what I will talk with you in detail is taobao.Well, I believe that everyone here is familiar to it.My part contains 4 sections 1.Taobao’s development

Everyone knows him.The e-commerce in China is clearly dominated by the Alibaba group.It was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, The group therefore created Taobao, a C2C website in 2003 which benefited from an enormous succe among the online Chinese shoppers.At that time online shopping is a new thing in China .But one of the largest American E-commerce company eBay have already came into this big market , at that time eBay had more than 90% of the e-commerce Market share in China .So when alibaba declared to establish taobao , no one think it would last for a long time .Buttaobaoput its eye on the grow marketing.It adopted a ‘free of charge’ strategy to compete with Eachnet’s listing fee model.And in 2005 taobao firstly beyond eBay ,became the largest e-commerce company in China and the largest shopping website in Asian .As time goes on , taobao has make it poible that Internet is not only a tool , but also a way of live .Taobao also do a great contribution in public welfare .If you think the people who do busine in taobao just know how to make money , I may say you are wrong .For example , after the wenchuan earthquake happened , those people in taobao raise fund within twelve hours .More than 20 million yuan are donated in ten days .

2.Singles day As we all know,singles day is coming!Have you added items to the shopping cart?On this day,many e-commerce sites will hold this activity of promotion.Singles day, refers to the singles day on November 11,is also known as a \"double 11\".It is not in the traditional sense of the holiday, but in China,in recent years, young people start to celebrate the entertaining festivals.Since 2009,Alibaba group has held consumer feedback activity on a large scale on 11.11 each year.So far,7 year paed,the day has partly become a shopping carnival of all people,and reached the peak of e-commerce transactions each year.Taobao and T-mall just seems to bring paion to people to create a retail miracle, this day seems crazy for shopping.From this picture,we can see that people prefer to choose t-mall and taobao on 11.11.Last year,Ali Baba\'s T-mall obtains 57.1 billion Yuan of transactions within 24 hours, and this event has caused the Chinese people\'s great concern for e-commerce.Logistic order:2.78亿 Mobile transactions:24.3 billion Picture,so far, 6 consecutive years of rising daily sales.Some people predict,this year\'s sales will increase to 86 billion!So amazing,right? Now November 11 is not just the shopping festival of Alibaba , it is becoming our online shopping section of the Chinese people.I think this pattern is very conducive to the development of China\'s e-commerce platform.And finally I just want to say,on the coming double 11,we should be more rational.

3.The Succeful Strategies of Taobao’s E-Commerce Behind this powerful digital above, taobao and T-mall how to caused the amazing record.Its succe is never means for accidental.Next,we’ll talk about The Succeful Strategies of Taobao’s E-Commerce. 1.Capturing the market by No Fees

In order to create brand, Taobao made a plan that it wouldn’t receive any charging transaction fees and listing fees in the first three years.With this belief, Taobao captured the market rapidly and took more than 60% market share in two years.2.Service strategies Taobao Wangwang, as a communicate tool, provides a convenient platform for buyers and sellers,and makes a discuion on the quality and price.Alipay is the domestic advanced online payment platform, which is founded by alibaba , it offers high-quality security payment services for network busine .This is a flowchart.In my mind Alipay is just like a bank , sometimes it is more than a bank .

4.The problems Of course,taobao still faces some problems.First,the huge sales will bring enormous preure for the logistics company, which caused the backlog.Some people don’t receive his goods until more than half a month after buying.Second,the uncertainty customers faces,people can only see the item through a picture,they may buy the thing they dislike.Third,customers are at higher risk of fraud than in a physical store.And the solutions of these problems will be mentioned by my next partner.










