The Great Dictators—大独裁者

2020-03-03 20:17:11 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The Great Dictators The Great Dictators 对不起,但我不想成为什么皇帝 I\'m sorry, but I don\'t want to be an emperor.那不是我的事情 That\'s not my busine.我不想统治或征服任何人

I don\'t want to rule or conquer anyone.我想帮助每个人: I should like to help everyone: 犹太人,非犹太人,黑人,白人 Jew, gentile, black man, white.我们要彼此帮助 人类就应该那样

We all want to help one another.Human beings are like that.我们要幸福的生活,而不是悲惨的

We want to live by each other\'s happine, not misery.我们不希望彼此憎恨

We don\'t want to hate one another.在这个世界上 In this world, 土地是富足的,它能养活每一个人

the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. 1

The Great Dictators 生活本可以是自由且美好的

The way of life can be free and beautiful 但是我们迷失了方向 but we have lost the way.贪婪侵蚀了人们的灵魂 Greed has poisoned men\'s souls, 用憎恨阻隔了世界

has barricaded the world with hate, 我们一步步走向血腥

has goose-stepped us into bloodshed.我们飞速发展,但是同时又自我封闭

We have developed speed but have shut ourselves in.工业时代让我们物欲横流 Machinery has left us in want.我们的知识让我们玩世不恭,我们的智慧让我们冷酷无情 Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverne hard and unkind.我们考虑得太多而感知得太少 We think too much and feel too little.除了机器我们更需要人性

More than machinery we need humanity.除了智慧我们更需要仁慈和礼貌

More than cleverne we need kindne and gentlene.

The Great Dictators 没有这些品格,生活将充满暴力,一切将不复存在… Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost...飞机和收音机让我们彼此靠得更近

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer.这些发明呼唤人类的良知

These inventions cry out for the goodne in man, 呼唤全世界的手足情谊,让我们团结在一起 cry out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all.现在我的声音传到数以百万的 Even now my voice is reaching millions, 数以百万的绝望的男人,女人和孩子们的耳朵里 millions of despairing men, women and children, 被那些在暴政制度下痛苦折磨的受难者 victims of a system that makes men torture 和无端入狱的人们的听到 and imprison innocent people.我要对那些能够听到我讲话的人们说,不要绝望! To those who can hear me I say:‘Do not despair’.我们正经受的悲惨遭遇不过是那些畏惧人类进步的 The misery upon us is but the paing of greed, 贪婪的人所承受的痛苦

the bitterne of men who fear the way of human progre.

The Great Dictators 人们间憎恨将会过去,独裁者也会消亡 The hate of men will pa, and dictators die, 被他们夺走的权力将会重新回到人民的手中

and the power they took from people will return to the people.只要人类没有灭亡自由之火就永不会熄灭 So long as men die, liberty will never perish.士兵们,不要替那些畜生们卖命 Soldiers, don\'t give yourselves to brutes, 他们鄙视你们,奴役你们 men who despise you, enslave you, 操纵你们的生命,告诉你该想什么,感觉什么 regiment your lives, tell you what to think and feel, 他们把你们当牛一样训练为的只是拿你们去当炮灰

who drill you, treat you like cattle and use you as cannon fodder.不要把自己的命运交给给这些人 Don\'t give yourselves to these men, 这些像机器一样思想机械毫无感情的人

machine men with machine minds and machine hearts.你们不是机器,你们不是牲口,你们是人! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! 你们每个人的心中有着人性的爱 You have the love of humanity in you.

The Great Dictators 不要憎恨 只有那些没有人爱和邪恶的人才会憎恨 Don\'t hate.Only the unloved and the unnatural hate.士兵们,不要为奴役而战斗,要为了自由而战斗! Soldiers, don\'t fight for slavery, fight for liberty! 圣徒路加说过,\"上帝的国就就在人间\" St Luke says, \"The Kingdom of God is within man.不在一个人也不是在一群人中,而是在所有的人中 就在你们之中! Not in one man nor a group of men, but in all men.In you! 你们有能力创造机器

You have the power to create machines, 有能力去创造快乐

the power to create happine.你们有能力使生活自由而美好

You have the power to make this life free and beautiful, 把生活当作一场美妙的冒险

to make this life a wonderful adventure.以民主的名义,让我们使用这种能力吧 In the name of democracy, let us use that power.让我们联合起来,为创造一个崭新的世界而奋斗 Let us all unite, let us fight for a new world, 在这个世界人们将不会失业

a world that will give men a chance to work,

The Great Dictators 它会给青年人更好的未来,老人也老有所养 that will give youth a future and old age security.那些畜生们对我们承诺过的

Promising these things, brutes have risen.全都是谎言!他们没有实现那些诺言 永远都不会! But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise.They never will! 独裁者使自己享受了自由却奴役其他人

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people.现在,让我们为实现那个诺言而斗争吧! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! 让我们为了自由的世界而斗争,为了废除国界而斗争 Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers 为了驱除贪婪,憎恨和狭隘而斗争

to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance.让我们为一个公正世界而斗争 Let us fight for a world of reason, 一个科学和进步将会为全体人类创造幸福的世界

a world where science and progre will lead to the happine of all.士兵们,以民主的名义

Soldiers, in the name of democracy, 让我们联合起来! Let us unite!






《The Great Dictators—大独裁者.doc》
The Great Dictators—大独裁者

