
2020-03-03 08:10:13 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Desire Under the Elm is a very interesting play.In this play Ephraim Cabot abandons his farm and his three sons, who hate him.The youngest son, Eben, resents his father for destroying his mother\'s life.He buys out his brothers, who head off to California.Shortly after this, Ephraim returns with his young new wife, Abbie.Abbie becomes pregnant by Eben.She lets Ephraim believe that the child is his, thinking the child will secure her hold on the farm, but she later kills the infant when she sees it as an obstacle between herself and Eben.Eben, enraged, turns Abbie over to the sheriff, but not before he realizes his love for her and confees his complicity.To be one of O\'Neill\'s most admired works, Desire Under the Elms invokes the playwright\'s own family conflicts and Freudian treatment of sexual themes.According to O\'Neill\'s stage directions, the elms of the title are supposed to dominate the set with \"a sinister maternity.\" Although the play is now considered a claic of 20th-century American drama, it scandalized some early audiences for its treatment of infanticide, alcoholism, vengeance, and incest; the first Los Angeles cast was arrested for performing an obscene work.

A Streetear Named Desire,this is a profound play, and tell the truth, after watching all I do not totally understand.However, I like

the heroine, Blance.In her, I see the vulnerability, frustration, deep sadne, and desire.Video made me feel shocked.It is not romantic, beautiful.It is thoroughly sad and dreary.Blance is a weak person.She loves money, love status.Actually, her youth is gone, and her life changes from rich into poverty.Even more pathetic is that she refused to face reality, is still proud as ever.It is pretty sorrow.In the play, there is a very important prop, which is the lampshade.The lampshade is not only representative of Blance’s extravagant life in the past, but also shows that she refuses to face reality, face up to her own heart.Perhaps, only in the dim light, she feels herself and other people cannot see her wrinkles and gaunt, but her heart will feel better.










