
2020-03-04 05:43:19 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Words to Live By 人生箴言

—Washington’s Rules of Civelity contained 110 maxims(格言,箴言,座右铭) Here is a sampling:

Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.和别人在一起时,一切举止都要体现出对在场所有人的尊重。

In the presence of others, sing not to yourself with a humming voice, or drum with your fingers or feet.在他人面前,不要自对自地哼歌,也不要敲击手指或用脚拍地。

If you cough, sneeze, sigh, or yawn, do it not loud but privately, and speak not in your yawning, but put your handkerchief or hand before your face and turn aside.如果你咳嗽、打喷嚏、叹气或是打呵欠,都不要出大声,而是要私下做,而且打呵欠的时候不要说话,而是要拿手帕或用手遮住脸并转过身去。

Sleep not when others speak; sit not when other stand; speak not when you should hold your peace; walk not on when others stop.别人说话时,不要睡觉;别人站立时,不要坐下;该保持安静时不要讲话;别人停下时不要前进。

Shift not yourself in the sight of others, not gnaw your nails.在他人面前不要晃动身体,不要咬指甲。

Shake not the head, feet, or legs; roll not the eyes; lift not one eyebrow higher than the other, wry not the mouth, and bedew no man’s face with your spittle by approaching too near him when you speak.不要晃头,不要晃动腿和脚;不要骨碌碌转眼睛;不要挑高一边的眉毛,也不要撇嘴,和人说话时不要靠对方太近而使唾液溅到对方脸上。

Keep your nails clean and short, also your hands and teeth clean, yet without showing any great concern for them.保持指甲短而简洁,以及手和牙齿的洁净,但不要过分地去修饰。

Let your countenance be pleasant but in serious matters.要使自己面容和蔼,但在严肃场合时要庄重。

The gestures of the body must be suited to the discourse you are uopn.肢体语言必须与谈话相符。

Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another though he were your energy.不要对他人的不幸面露喜色,即使他是你的敌人。 Superfluous compliments and all affectation of ceremonies are to be avoided, yet where due they are not to be neglectedd.多余的赞美和所有的虚假的套话都应避免,但该用的时候却不可忽视。

Let your discourse with men of busine be short and comprehensive.与商人的谈话要简短全面。

In visiting the sick, do not presently play the physician if you be not knowing therin.探病时,如果你不是医生,就不要假充内行。

Strive not with your superior in argument, but always submit your judgement to others with modesty.不要和上司争论,但可以谦虚地向别人提出自己的观点。

When a man does all he can, though it succeed not well, blance not him that did it.如果一个人已竭尽全力,即使最终没有成功,也不要责备他。

Being to advise or reprehend any one, consider whether it ought to be in public or private, and presently or at some other time; in what terms to do it; and in preproving show no sign of color but do it with all sweetne and mildne.给别人提建议或责备别人时,考虑一下是该在公共场合还是在私下里,是现在还是另找时间;以何种措辞进行;而且在批评别人时,不要面露怒色,而是要态度温和亲切。

Mock not nor jest at any thing of inportance.Break no jests that are sharp, biting; and if you deliver any thing witty and pleasant, abstain from laughing thereat yourself.不要嘲弄或拿重要的事情开玩笑。也不要开尖刻伤人的玩笑;如果你说了一些机智风趣和令人愉快的话,自己不要笑。

Use no reproachful language against any one; neither curse nor revile.不要用批评的语言说任何人,也不要咒骂或辱骂别人。

Be not hasty to believe hasty flying reports to the disparagement of any.不要去草率相信轻视任何人的草率言论。

Play not the peacock, looking everywhere about you, to see if you be well decked, if your shoes fit well, if you stockings sit neatly and clothes handsomely.不要炫耀,要检查周身,看你是否穿戴得体,鞋是否合脚,长袜是否干净,服装是否美观。

Aociate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it’s better to be alone than in bad company.如果你尊重自己的声誉,一定要和品行好的人交往,因为和坏人交往还不如自己一个人独处。

Speak not injurious words, neither in jest nor earnest; scoff at none although they give occasion.不要说一些伤人的话,无论是开玩笑还是认真;也不要嘲笑任何人,即使他们给你这样的机会。

Detract not from others, neither be exceive in commanding.不要贬低别人,也不要过度指挥别人。

Go not thither, where you know not whether you shall be welcome or not; give not advice without being asked, and when desired do it briefly.不要去那些你不确定自己是否会受到欢迎的地方;在没被问及的情况下不要给别人建议,当被问及时,建议要简短。

Reprehend not the imperfections of others, for that belongs to parents, masters, and superiors.不要指责别人的缺点,那是父母、老师和上司才有权力做的事。

Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.讲话前要三思,发音准确,讲话不要过于匆忙,而是要清晰有序。

Treat with men at fit times about busine and whisper not in the company of others.要挑选合适的时机与别人谈事,也不要在别人面前窃窃私语。

Be not curious to know the affairs of others, neither approach those that speak in private.不要好奇地想知道他人的隐私,也不要靠近那些私下交谈的人。

Undertake not what you can not perform but be careful to keep your promise.不要承诺自己无法完成的事情,但要注意遵守诺言。

Be not disverse in discourse; make not many digreions; nor repeat often the same manner of discourse.交谈时不要乱扯各种话题,不要过多的跑题,也不要总是重复同一种谈话方式。

Speak not evil of the absent, for it is unjust.不要说不在场的人的坏话,因为这样很不公平。

Put not another bite into your mouth till the former be swallowed; let not your morsels be too big.吃完一口再吃第二口;一口别吃太多。

Drink not nor talk with your mouth full; neither gaze about you while you are drinking.嘴里塞满食物时不要喝东西或说话;喝东西时也不要直直地环视四周。

Rinse not your mouth in the presence of others.在他人面前不要漱口。

Cleanse not your teeth with the table cloth napkin,fork, or knife; but if others do it, let it be done without a peep to them.不要用餐巾或刀叉清理牙齿;但如果其他人这样做,也不要朝他们偷看。

If others talk at the table be attentive, but talk not with meat in your mouth.如果别人在桌旁说话,注意听;但嘴里有肉时不要说话。

Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.要努力使那被称作良知的天火在你的胸中燃烧。










