
2020-03-04 01:56:07 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



In dealing with foreign affairs, a Guide must have a strong sense of national self-respect and integrity.He or she must stick to the Party\'s four cardinal principles-Communist Party Leadership, Socialist Road, People\'s Democratic Dictatorship and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and in work he or she must have a high sense of political responsibility as his or her job has profound political significance.A Guide must always remember that he or she represents the Chinese people, doing interpreting and introducing our country to foreign visitors.


A qualified Guide is not born but made, so a Guide should try to remember the following proverbs and put them into practice.\"For good work, you need sharp tools”,” Practice makes perfect”,” Use makes perfect\", and \"Fluency comes from practice\".A greenhorn Guide should be bold in practice and learn from the old and experienced Guides and try to soak up their experiences like a sponge in order to improve his or her own interpreting work.


A Guide should always remember that preparedne averts, while appeasement abets peril and \"walk softly and carry a big stick\".Wherever a Guide travels with foreign tourists or whoever a Guide accompanies, he or she has to ask himself or herself whether he or she has got everything ready for the trip and all the activities.Careful and meticulous preparation, both academically and materially, is always appreciated by the Travel Agency and foreign visitors.


Perseverance means victory.Working as a Guide, he or she is sure to encounter many hardships and difficulties besides enjoying beautiful scenery with foreign visitors.No pains, no gains.Wisdom domes out of struggling with difficulties.Years of working experiences bring wisdom.A Guide will surely win the final victory and be praised as a qualified Guide with the spirit of perseverance.


\"Forward ever, backward never\".Whenever something crops up, the Guide must be calm, trying every means poible to have the problem controlled and solved.If it is beyond his ability or out of his power, the Guide has to ask his or her superiors for help.The Guide should always aim high, never satisfied with his or her work but trying hard to do his or her work in a satisfactory way.A sense of progre is indispensable to a qualified Guide-interpreter. 6.Proficiency

An experienced Guide, after years of accompanying foreign visitors, is very familiar with the ins and outs of a trip, therefore, he or she is an expert in anticipating, and then trying to solve problems.In order to achieve proficiency in his or her work, the Guide has to be very careful about his or her work, making preparations before the trip and keeping a memo after the trip, in which various kinds of valuable materials and new expreions learned from the foreigners are kept.Therefore, the proce of achieving proficiency is an accumulation proce.It takes pains for the Guide to do so, as there is no royal road to learning.


The Guide can never dispense with patience, because he or she is dealing with foreign people who have different ideas and various tastes.No matter how trying things may get, the Guide should never lose his or hers.The Guide should always bear in mind that \"The customer is always right\",so he or she should keep calm, never get cro with visitors, learning to reason with them rather than lose temper.The Guide has done one hundred things good for the visitors but if he or she loses temper once, they would poibly hold a grudge against the Guide and the Travel Agency.So the succe of life lies not only in energy but also in patience.


\"Modesty helps one progre, while conceit makes one lag\".This is universally true.No matter what achievements one has made, what compliments one has received, one has no reason to be conceited, as they only serve as a sort of encouragement to further progre.The Guide should make the most advantage of these achievements and compliments to place a higher demand on himself or herself so as to gain more and greater succe in the service of interpreting.

Many facts have shown that a perfect Guide is very modest and sincere to the colleagues and visitors and he or she never puts on airs, always doing his or her job conscientiously without being noticed.Therefore, the Guide must pay some attention to self-cultivation, always telling himself or herself that he or she is nothing but an English-speaking Guide-interpreter serving foreign visitors wholeheartedly and publicizing Party\'s policies so as to strengthen the relationship between China and other foreign countries.


The Guide must have a strong sense of national self-respect as mentioned above, but in the meantime, he or she should be very friendly and polite to visitors.His or her behavior should neither be haughty nor humble; neither overbearing nor servile; neither supercilious nor obsequious.To some extent, politene shows one\'s level of education.A well-educated person must know how to deal with people in a polite way; if the Guide\'s attitude is rude, he or she would betray himself or herself to be ill-educated.If he or she doesn\'t know how to be polite, he or she is not fit for the job and had better leave for other positions.


旅行社:travel agency 报价:quotation 包价旅游:package tour 团体旅游:group tour 散客:individual tourist 住宿:accommodation 膳食:meals 交通:transportation 游览:sightseeing 衣食住行:clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation


点:spot, site, resort, destination 旅游景点/名胜景点:tourist attraction/destination, scenic spot 避暑胜地:summer resort 避暑山庄:mountain resort 名胜古迹:scenic spots and historical sites 山水风光:landscape 亭阁:pavilion 楼:mansion, tower 台:terrace 塔:pagoda, tower 殿堂:hall 陵墓:tomb, mausoleum 关:pa 石窟:grotto


络绎不绝:an endle stream 美不胜收:too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 闻名遐迩:known far and wide 墨客骚人:famous men of letters 奇峰异石:picturesque peaks and rocks 奇花异草:exotic flowers and herbs


故宫:the Imperial Palace 紫禁城:the Forbidden City 兵马俑:Terra Cotta Warriors/soldiers and horses 长城:the Great Wall 居庸关:Juyongguan Pa 不到长城非好汉:He who doesn\'t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.


园林建筑:garden architecture 苏绣:Suzhou Embroidery 寒山寺:Hanshan Temple 虎丘:Tiger Hill 拙政园:Humble Administrator\'s Garden 沧浪亭:Pavilion of Surging Waves 狮子林:Lion Forest Garden 留园:Lingering Garden

杭州主要景点口译词汇 西湖:West Lake 苏堤:Su Causeway 白堤:Bai Causeway 灵隐寺:Temple of the Soul\'s Retreat 飞来峰:Peak Flying from Afar 六和塔:Pagoda of Six Harmonies 虎跑泉:Tiger Spring

成都主要景点口译词汇 武侯祠:Wuhou Temple 九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley 三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui 世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage 都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam 杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage 青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple









英语口译 复习资料

