
2020-03-02 05:05:15 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

表示欢迎:Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m privileged to welcome you all to “Nuclear energy around us” conference.

You have come all the way for this conference.Thank you very much for your attention/participation.

自我介绍:Let me introduce myself I am Dr Wangfrom DLUT, China, and I am going to be the chair for this morning’s seion.


This conference will focus on the

discuion of the various aspects of Nuclear Energy

It includes the application of nuclear energy and the Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy .And we will also discu the prospect of Nuclear Energy.


I hope that this conference of Nuclear Energy will improve our understanding of DEF.I also hope that the Congre will provide the opportunity for personal

exchange of scientific results, facilitate the making of new acquaintances, and strengthen personal friendships among participants from different parts of the world.


Now it gives me great pleasure to introduce today’s speakers.They are :

Zhao Fan, profeor of Tsing Hua University institute of Nuclear and new energy technology.

Xu Chong feng, president o f China Power investment group company.

Liu Qian, profeor of Physics ,head of American Nuclear Energy Aociation.

1Today our first speaker is Zhao Fan,

The title of her presentation is “The History of Nuclear Energy”.Let’s welcome

toprofeor Zhao Fan.


Thanks profeor Zhao very much for her splendid report.After pro Zhao’s speech , do you have any questions, hands up please!

No? Okay,

Our allocated time is almost up.Now I would like to answer one more question.

Any additional questions ?Thank you once again for your excellent explanation

2Our second speaker is Xu Chong

feng, as the president of China Power investment group company,he will present us another excellent report titled “The Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy”.

Let’s welcome to president Xu with our warm applause.


Thanks president Xu very much for

his excellent speech.After pre Xu’s reportIs there any specific question you would like to addre to president Xu?

I believe president Xu will give you any satisfactory answers.

Any additional questions?

I hope the audience will participate in the discuion by raising their hands.

3The third presentation will be made

by Liu Qian, head of American Nuclear Energy Aociation.She will be speaking to us on something about the Prospect of Nuclear Energy.

Let’s welcome to Profeor Liu.向报告人示谢:

Thanks profeor Liu very much for her wonderful speech.After pre Xu’s report is there any specific question you would like to addre to profeor Liu?

Any additional questions ?


Let’s keep on schedule and go ahead to the fourth paper.We’ll then go on with the last paper.Well, I am sure we could discu longer, but unfortunately time is up.Thank you very much, Dr A.Our next speaker

is Dr C.Sorry, we don’t have any time for questions, so we have to proceed to the next paper.


Thanks for the excellent report of the three experts.Finally Let’s welcome to Profeor Liu Jian ,Secretary,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian,China, give us a summary of conference.报告总结:

Thanks for the excellent report of the four experts.

Nuclear energy Safety is important for public health, socio-economic stability and global commerce.


There is no denying the fact that it makes nuclear energy protection an

extremely important iue worldwide, the city authorities should take strong

measures to deal with it.Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


Nuclear energy safety also happens to be an iue that could be significantly improved through dialogue, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

核能安全也是一个可以通过对话、协作和知识共享而得到极大改进的问题。he International “Conference Nuclear energy around us”

Each year the nuclear Safety Conference offers stakeholders an

unparalleled opportunity to come together to discu and solve the most preing nuclear energy safety challenges.


宣布休会 We have come to the end of our seion。 We will now close the seion.Thank you.I declare the seion closed.Today,we are so lucky.今天我们很幸运。

We have given a lot of outstanding experts` reports.

我们听取了许多优秀的专家的报告。Thanks again!Okay, well, thank you all for your

attention and your time.I appreciate it very much.I am sorry to say that this seion will have to stop here.Thank you for your illuminating questions, I would be very glad to discu them with you after the meeting.Any other questions? Well, we do

appreciate your patience and willingne to share with us your experiences as well.I hope that you enjoy the rest of the afternoon.Drive safely or fly safely.Additional questions from anyone in the audience? If not, on behalf of the three of us, we greatly appreciated all of your interaction with us.





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