
2020-03-02 06:10:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Leon 1 I’m Hungry!




2、能理解并能口头运用句子 I’m (hungry/thirsty)。 I want to (eat/drink);









1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ?

(2)师生同唱“I Love You”,(可以边做动作边唱)


2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生:Who are they? 学生可以说出一些家庭成员的身份,(比如daughter, father, mother, son).What are they doing?学生可以用汉语回答,从而引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:Leon 1) Step

3、利用卡片出示桌子,放录音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习food ,eat ,drink,(在学习eat ,drink时教师可以加上动作,板书eat ,drink)鼓励发音不标准的学生多练习几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。


4、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答)

(2)Gueing words.(猜单词)


5、Practice in group(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。


6、Demonstrate: (Introduce:want) T: I want a pencil.I want a pencil .May I have a pencil.? I want a book.,say together,cla!

Ss:I want a book.(Learn to say: want)


7、(板书I want to…)Use actions to demonstrate the new phrases。

T: I’m hungry.I want to eat .(揉搓自己的肚子,装出吃东西的样子)Eat ,eat. I’m thirsty .I want to drink .(摸着自己的喉咙,装出喝水的样子)Drink,drink.(Learn to say :hungry and thirsty). Step


T: (举着有食物的卡片)I’m hungry.I want to …

Ss: Eat. T: (举着有饮料的卡片)I’m thirsty .I want to…

Ss: Drink. Step

9、引导学生:Look!There’s a boy and a girl .Listen,what are they saying?听一听他们在说些什么?播放录音,看图学习句子。(配合手偶同时使用)




六、结束教学: The students sing a song "Good

Leon 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish




(3)能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.。

2、能力方面:通过图片,词语和对话理解句子所表达的意思,并能口头运 用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的指令和要求做出适当的反应。






1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ?

(2)师生同唱“ONE, TWO,TIE MY SHOE”,(可以跟录音边做动作边唱)

(3) 复习单词food ,eat ,drink,举起词汇卡片,让学生说出这些单词。


2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生看图:学生可以说出一些熟悉的食物的名称(比如bananas, apples, pears, grapes).What is Danny saying?引出Danny的话:This food is good ! 说明good是一个我们可以用来描述食品的词。如果喜欢某种食物,我们就说Good food!或者This is good food!引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:Leon 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish)






5、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答)

(2)Gueing words.(猜单词)


6、Practice in group(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。


7、Demonstrate:eleven和twelve.课件出示十一个苹果,当学生数到ten的时候,教师接着说eleven,并让学生跟自己一起说.依次学习(twelve,thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen将标有数字的张贴画挂在黑板上) Step



9、Drill:让全班学生跟老师一起数到11,然后让他们自己接着往下数,反复练习twelve,thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.




六、结束教学: The students sing a song "Good

Leon 3 Would you like some soup ? Teaching aims : 1.Enable the students to understand and say these words : noodles dumplings soup rice 2.Understand and learn to ask and answer : Would you like some … ? Yes, please./ No, thanks.

Teaching aids : computers, radio, pictures

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warm-up /Revision

(1) Let’s chant.OK? Table food , table food,

I’m hungry.I want to eat.Table food,table food,

I’m thirsty.I want to drink.

Table food, table food,

Let’s eat.Let’s drink.

(2) Play a game : Race and Write the numbers (from one to fifteen ) (3) Make a dialoge using the food pictures they have: A: I’m hungry.I want to eat fish/chicken/meat.What about you ?

B:I’m hungry,too.I want to eat …

Step 2 Presentation

(1) Says: I have much food.They are delicious.Mmm…good! Do you want to eat .OK? Let’s eat.Let’s learn.

(2) Show the pictures: noodle ,dumplings, soup, rice Let them read after you several times. (3) Ask : What’s your favourite food, noodles,dumplings,soup or rice? (4) Play a gueing game:Gue, what’s this? If you are right,the picture is for you.OK? (5) Present the dialoge by using computer and say: Today Jenny comes Li Ming’s house for supper.What do they eat? Let’s look.Then let them act it out. (6) Says: Do you want to be a host? How to treat your little guest.Look carefully.Present the dialogue of number 2.Explain “some more ”.Then let the students say after the tape or computer.

Step 3 Practice

(1) Practise the dialoge in three: A: Would you like some …? B: Yes, please./No, thanks.

A: Are you hungry now? B: No. (2) Act it out.At last you may find out which is the best gust.Give them some flowers. Step 4 Aement (1) To have an interview with their families and friends using the dialogue we have learned.

(2) Draw and write down the food you like.

Leon 4:Vegetables and Fruit 教学目标:

1、知识方面:说、认识、口头运用下列词汇:vegetables, fruit, morning, afternoon, evening. 能够表达自己对各种食物的喜好、需求:I like…I don’t like…







第二部分Morning,afternoon or evening?内容多、句子长,是本课的难点。


Part 1:Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Part 2:Warming-up Let’s chant.Food


rice rice 米饭,米饭rice喷喷香, noodles noodles 面条,面条noodles细又长,

dumplings dumplings 饺子,饺子dumplings包大馅,

fish fish 鱼儿,鱼儿fish鲜又鲜,


[琅琅上口的歌谣,帮助学生记忆所学食物,调动积极性] Part 3:Review T:(手拿相应食物卡片)Would you like some …?

S:Yes,please.\No,thanks. (如果学生回答Yes,please.教师带着动作、表情说…likes…并将食物卡片送给学生以示鼓励。如果学生回答No,thanks.教师带着动作、表情说…doesn’t like…)

[情境对话不仅复习了前面所学,而且适当的渗透like、dislike,为新授做准备] Part 4:New Concepts

1、用图片或实物学习vegetables,fruit. [直观、形象,便于学生理解、记忆]

2、用动作和食物卡片来演示:I like…I don’t like…

举起一张食物卡片,微笑着点头,边假装吃卡片上的食物,边说I like…

表演I don’t like…教师应做出摇头、皱眉、把卡片推到一边等动作。

[丰富的表情、动作帮助学生理解I like…I don’t like…有利于形象记忆]

3、操练I like…I don’t like…

教师做示范,手拿相应的食物卡片,带着动作、表情说I like…I don’t like…What about…?之后,这名同学表演I like…I don’t like…What about…?指名另一名同学表演,依次传递。


4、游戏:Are you hungry? T:(教师手拿若干食物卡片或实物) Are you hungry? S:(带着动作、表情) Yes, I’ m hungry.I want to eat./ No.T:(手拿相应的食物卡片) Rice.OK? S: Yes , I like rice./ No ,I don’t like rice.

T:(如果学生回答Yes , 教师把食物卡片送给学生)

Here you are . S: Thank you . T: You’re welcome .

T:(如果学生回答No ,教师继续推荐食物) Chicken.OK ?

S: Yes ./ No . 这个游戏也可让学生与学生之间用自制的食物小卡片来做。


5、《教科书》L4N1 听录音,看书跟读。


6、利用形象、生动的肢体语言及多媒体课件学习本课的难点第二部分:Morning, afternoon or evening? 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。然后提问,检查学生的理解情况。例如:What does Jenny do in the morning?In the afternoon?In the evening? [多媒体课件集声音、图像、动画、文字于一体,图、文、声并茂,使课堂教学变得更加直观形象、生动有趣,帮助学生理解本课难点,降低了教学难度,保护了学习兴趣]

7、旧曲新唱,用The family in our house 的曲调,唱I get up in the morning, 帮助学生进一步理解、巩固本课的难点。

8、Homework: 让学生学习Jenny,晚上睡觉前跟爸爸、妈妈说Good night,并教爸爸、妈妈说Sweet dreams. [让学生回家“教”父母说英语,满足了学生的心理需求,使他们体验了成功,获得了成就感,学以致用] Part 5:Cla Closing 做《活动手册》L4N1 第1题,在四线三格中写单词vegetables、fruit,并画出自己最喜欢的蔬菜、水果。

Leon 5 Breakfast、Lunch or Supper 1. 2. What’s your favourite food? Breakfast,lunch or supper? 1. 2. My favourite food is ____.Delicious , good , breakfast , lunch , supper. 录音机,单词卡片, 一课时

一、Warming-up 1. 课前口语训练内容:

T:Good morning! S:Good morning! T:How are you today? S:I fine ,thank you ,and you? T:I feel too.How do you feel? S:I feel happy/sad/hot….T:Ok very good.

二、Revision 1.复习morning afternoon 和evening。教师说出get up,学生根据相应的指令说出时间:in the moring,以此类推:do my homework----in the afternoon;go to bed----in the evening。反之,教师说出时间,学生说活动内容。 2. 做游戏:COLOUR POINT,帮助学生回忆颜色的单词。


Point to red , point to blue , point to green , point to yellow and black , too.Now what colour do you see? Point to it and then tell me.让自告奋勇的学生周到黑板前,按照全班在说唱中指出颜色指黑板上相应的彩纸。唱到歌曲的最后一行,教师举起一种出人意料的颜色,让该学生指着它说出其颜色的名称。让其他学生重复做这个游戏。

三、New concept Part 1:What’s your favourite food? 1. 介绍favourite food。利用颜色来导入:在黑板上写出favourite并和学生一起读几遍,并一同操练句形:

T:This colour is blue.I like blue.What colour do you like? S:I like …

T:I like yellow; my favourite colour is yellow.favourite colour(带读) What your favourite colour? S:My favourite colour is red/green….3.出示卡片让学生复习食物单词: T:What is this? (蔬菜、水果、肉、鱼) S:It is vegetables….

T:I like vegetables.My favourite food is vegetables.favourite food (带读)。


I don’t like____.

I like _____.

My favourite food is ____.5. 学生打开书,给时间让学生自读课文,并请学生朗读课文,郎读得好的,让该学生带领全班同学读课文,当小老师。 6. 黑板上写出delicious和good。翻译delicious,练习说:It’s delicious.This is delicious.比较delicious和good,说明delicious,的程度比good更进一步,它表示的是:美味、好吃的意思。 7. 给学生下任务,让学生带着老师的问题听录音,让学生看书跟读,检查学生理解的情况:

What does Li Ming like to eat?

What does Li Ming not like to eat?

Does Li Ming like dumplings?

What is Li Ming’s favourite food?

Why does he say they are delicious? 8. 让学生分小组做如下操练:

S1:Do you like ___? S2:Yes, I like ____./No I don’t like _____.(鼓励学生做出微笑/不高兴的动作) S3:What is your favourite food? S4:My favourite food is _____.Part 2 Breakfast, lunch or supper? 1. 讨论书上几幅图,让学生根据图上的时钟说出时间:in the morning/afternoon/evening.2. 3. 教授:Breakfast , lunch , supper (板书带读并翻译) 播放录音,让学生一边听一边在句子中找出这些单词Breakfast , lunch , supper,然后提问:What is Li Ming eating for breakfast/lunch/supper?

What is your eating for breakfast/lunch/supper?

四、Practice 老师先说一句话In the morning,I eat fruit for breakfast…..让学生模仿老师说的内容进行:FREE TALK。


Do the activity book at leon 5.

Leon6: What’s for Breakfast? 1. 2. What is this? Porridge or cereal? 1. 2. Breakfast in Canada: eggs, juice, toast and jam.Porridge, cereal 录音机、磁带、单词卡片 一课时

一、Warming-up 1. 课前口语训练;T:Hello! Boys/girls!

How are you today?

S:Are you?(提示学生反问老师) T:I’m fine too.Thank you.

I am very happy today! Are you happy today?

S:Yes! 2. Play a game: “CLAP”用这个游戏来复习1至15的数字单词。

二、Revision 1. 复习:Are you _____? 练习新的口语应答形式:I am/ I am not.。先让学生们仔细听,然后模仿教师的回答。 T:Are you a student? S:Yes, I am a student.T:Are you happy? S:Yes! T:Are you a teacher? S:No.T:No, I am not a teacher.Read after me.S:No.I am not a teacher.2. 操练对话:让同桌轮流练习Are you ___?和Are you ready for breakfast/lunch/supper?

三、New concept PART 1:What is this? 1.讨论书上的图片:说明图片上反映的是一顿典型的加拿大早餐。

2.让学生尽量用英语说出图片上的事物(table, food, drink)。 3.导入:询问学生的早餐都吃些什么东西,尽量用英语说出来:(milk, noodles, cake…)解释在加拿大,人们的早餐吃一些与我们不同的事物,介绍bread, eggs, juice, toast and jam(板书),带读单词,学生拼读单词,让学生看词汇卡,翻译他们。

4.解释烤面包总是裹着果酱吃。加拿大人在烤箱里烤面包,并在上面抹一些甜的东西例如果酱之类。 5.播放录音,让学生跟读。 6.操练:为了巩固学生学习单词,用单词卡来做这个操练,说Point to_____.

PART 2:Porridge or cereal? 1.播放录音,让学生感知课文。


What is Li Ming eating for breakfast?(板书:Porridge) Is it a Chinese breakfast?(解释形容词Chinese:这个词可以用来描述中国人和物。) 介绍单词Cereal,打算学生,许多加拿大人早餐吃谷类事物,这一点课文中也有提到。让学生观察书上的图画,看他们从麦片做早餐的图画上还能了解什么,解释suger,milk。 3.带学生读课文,然后提问:Does Jenny like cereal?

What does cereal come in?

What does Jenny put on her cereal?

四、Practice 学生练习读课文,做活动手册N2。

五、Homework 让学生画一幅有关早餐的图画,图画中应包含3种学过的食物,学生并用英语单词标出来,有能力的学生在图画下写一句有关画内容的句子,例如:

I like___,____and____for breakfast/lunch/supper. I eat____,____and___for breakfast/lunch/supper.

Leon 7 What’s for Lunch ?



练习并能认读、掌握、灵活运用下列词汇:sandwich, milk, juice,能够认识和运用 deert, cookies, ice cream, cake.四个单词。


(1)能唱本课英文歌曲It’s time for lunch.







三、教学过程: Part 1 :Revision 1.sing a song

Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, Rice, meat, rice, meat. Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, I want to eat. Soup, milk, water, juice, Water, juice, water, juice, Soup, milk, water, juice. I want to drink. 2.Greeting : T:Hello,everyone! S:Hello,Mi…

T:How are you,today? S:I’m fine ,thanks.And you?

T:I’m very well,Thank you!Would you like some tea?

S1:Yes,please,I’d like some tea.(Give the card to the sudent)

T:Would you like meat /fish/chicken/apples/grapes/oranges…….?

S2:Yes, please……(Tell him/her to ask anther one)

S2:Would you like…

S3:Yes, please…..Part 2.New Concepts 1. Discu the big picture on the blackboard, It shows a typical school lunch in Canada.Explain that this student has brought his lunch from home.

2.Answer the questions: a.Where does this student eat for lunch. b.What does he eat for lunch? c.What does he drink for lunch? (If the student don’t know the words , they can say it in Chinese )

3、利用食物卡片学习sandwich, milk, juice, cookies, ice cream, cake,

4、利用学过的句型“I like ...” “I don’t like...” “Do you like...?” 大量操练What’s for lunch? What’s for deert?



Part 3.Song: “It’s time for lunch.”

1.T: Do you like these food? Ss: Yes! T: Let’s sing it out.OK?

Ss: OK! T:Are you ready ? Ss: Yes!

2.Listen to the radio 3.Learn to sing


Part 4.Practise 学生画出他们最喜欢的饭菜,告诉他们在每幅画上标出每顿饭的名称(breakfast, lunch, supper)。为了增加对学生的挑战,可以让学生用英语标上他们所画的其它东西,(如table或具体的食物的名称),在教室里展览他们的作业。

Part 5.Cla Closing

Leon 8 Again, Please 1.Know 2.Test。 1.习本单元的四会词;

2.复习本单元的重难点句子。 录音机、卡片 一课时

一、Waming-up 3. 课前口语训练;T:Hello!boys/girls!

How are you today?

S:Are you?(提示学生反问老师) T:I’m fine too.thank you.

I am very happy today! Are you happy today?

1.Play a game:NUMBER GAME.用游戏来复习数字1到15。

二、Revision 1.操练数字:按照顺序在黑板上摆上1到15的数字单词卡片,指着它们和全班学生一起读两遍,然后打乱顺序让学生读。

2.复习有关食物的单词。举着词汇卡片,让学生通读一次,并回答问题: What is this?

It is a___.Are you hungry?

Yes/No! What would you like to eat/drink?

Do you want some (more)____or some(more)_____.Do you like___? Yes,I like_____/ N o,I don’t like ____.




Leon9 Let’s Eat! Let’s drink! 1. 2. 3. What’s this? How many? Would you like some tea? 1. 2. 3. Apple , banana, grapes, melon, orange, strawberry.Bottle of pop, bottle of water.Cup of tea. 录音机、卡片、实物、单词卡片 一课时

一、Warming-up 1.Greeting:T: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? S: Fine, thank you ,and you? T: I’m fine, thanks.What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny

T: Do you like singing songs? S: of course.T: OK, Let’s sing a song.2.Sing a song :It’s time for lunch.

二、Revision 1. 复习从一到15的数字:利用数字卡片让学生一一读出,可顺着也可打乱顺序。 2. 复习句子:T:What’s this?

S:It’s desk./chair/door/pen….T:How many desk in group 1?

S:(根据实际情况回答) T:How many chair/door/pen….

三、New concept Part 1 What’s this?

1. 给两分钟时间让学生认真观察图画,然后把书关上,看谁记得书上有什么食物,以小组竞赛的形式进行。 T:What can you see in the picture? S:学生用英语说自己刚刚看到的东西。 2. 让学生把水果的单词找出来,教授新词:Apple , banana, grapes, melon, orange, strawberry.3. 4. 播放录音,让学生跟读。

举着表达新新食物的词汇卡片或者食物张贴画上的图,让学生大声读出这些单词。 5. 操练:老师先提问每种水果的颜色,然后老师说颜色学生说水果,或者老师说水果学生说颜色。(例如:apple—red, banana—yellow…) Part 2 How many? 1. 介绍bottle , pop和water当教师反复领读这几个单词时,可以让学生看一个空瓶子,一瓶汽水和一瓶水。 2. 介绍句型:There are ____(数字).提问学生:How many bottles of juice/milk/pop/water?让学生和老师一起说出:There are ___ bottle of ____.3. 4. 播放录音,学生看书跟读。

举着词汇卡或者实物,让学生说说There are ___ bottle of ____.Part 3 Cup of tea.1. 介绍单词Cup,让学生一边看图片一边给我读单词,可以假装倒一杯茶,说句子:This is tea.A cup of tea.2. 3. 让学生看对话,并且试着朗读。 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。

四、Practice 操练对话:T:Do you like ____?


T:Very good! Would you like some ____?


T:No…thank you.I would not …

S:No.thank you.I would not like some ____.

五、Homework Do Activity Book at leon 9.

Leon10 In The Restaurant 4. 5. How many? In The Restaurant. 4. 5. 6. Number sixteen to twenty; Bowl , cup , gla , plate , spoon; Are you ready to order? 录音机、卡片、实物 一课时

一、Warming-up 1.Greeting:T: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? S: Fine, thank you ,and you? T: I’m fine, thanks.What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny

T: Do you like singing songs? S: of course.T: OK, Let’s sing a song.2.Sing a song :It’s time for lunch.

二、Revision 1. 复习从一到15的数字:利用数字卡片让学生一一读出,可顺着也可打乱顺序。 2. 复习句子:T:What’s this?

S:It’s desk./chair/door/pen….T:How many desk in group 1?

S:(根据实际情况回答) T:How many chair/door/pen….

三、New concept Part 1 How many? 1.出示图片(图上画有16个碗)让同学仔细观察, T:How many? Let’s count the number.One two ….S:Sixteen.T:Yes, you are right Sixteen bowls.6. 带读Sixteen bowl,解释bowl的意思,并提醒学生复数后记得要加“S”。

7. 8. 让学生用Sixteen 说短语。

以同样方法教授seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty。让学生把每个数词都重复读几遍,介绍背数词单词的方法给学生,告诉学生写10以后大多数数字时,我们只需要简单地在数字末尾家上“TEEN”(代表10)即可。

9. 介绍cup , gla , plate , spoon;用简笔画画在黑板上,带领学生读单词。

10. 播放录音,让学生跟录音机读。 Part 2 In The Restaurant.1. 2. 播放课文录音,让学生感知课文。

讨论课本上的图画,问学生画面发生了什么事?图中有什么人?他们在什么地方?导入:介绍单词Restaurant / waiter(板书)带读单词。 3. 提问:What are they doing? 介绍句子Are you ready to order?带读几遍Are you ready to order? 4. 出示图片提问:How many bottle of water?(Fourteen bottle of water);让学生回忆上节课的句子,并解释课文当中的句子:…bowl(s) of …;…gla(es) of…,经过提示,学生能够说出…plate(s) of …;…cup(s) of …等句子,并让学生用这些词说出短语,例如: two cups of tea.5. 6. 跟录音机读课文。


六、ractice 回答问题:What does Li Ming want to eat?

What does Jenny want to eat?

What does Li Ming want to drink?

七、Homework Do Acticity Book.

Leon 11 Pizza and Hamburgers 1. 2. What is this? Salt or pepper? 1. 2. Chicken, French fries, hamburger, pizza, pop; Salt or pepper.

I like pepper/salt on____. 录音机、磁带、单词卡片 一课时

一、Warming-up 1.GreetingT: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? S: Fine, thank you, and you? T: I’m fine, thanks.What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny

T: Do you like singing songs? S: Of course.T: OK, Let’s play a game? S: Ok.2.play a game: “CLAP”用这个游戏来复习1至20的数字单词,让全班每个学生数1到20,然后让他们一个接一个站起来,按正确顺序每人说出一个数字。

二、Revision 1. 组织学生操练句子:…bowl(s) of …;…gla(es) of… ;…plate(s) of …;…cup(s) of … 2. 操练对话:让学生以小组为单位,表演在餐厅里点餐。例如:Are you ready to order? I would like__. My favourite food is ___.Would you like ___or ___? Yes, please./No, thank you.I like/I don’t like ____.

三、New concept PART 1:What is this? 1.讨论书上的图片,问问学生图上的情景在什么地方容易看到(肯德基或者在麦当劳),让学生说说在西餐厅都会点什么东西来吃?让学生说说西餐和中餐有什么区别?让他们介绍一番炸薯条,汉堡,比萨饼的特征。

2.导入:French fries , hamburger , pizza , pop(板书)带领学生读单词,让读地好的学生带领大家读单词。 3.播放录音,让学生跟读。

4.操练:用单词卡来做这个操练,说Point to_____.PART 2:Salt or pepper? I like pepper/salt on____。

1.用图画来介绍Salt and pepper这两个词。在黑板上写下这两个单词,并领着学生一起读。

2.讨论Salt or pepper。导入:Do you like salt / pepper? 讲解课文意思,并让学生跟读课文。

3.播放录音,学生跟读课文,然后提问:What food do you put salt or pepper on? (做姿势让学生能理解其意思。

四、Practice 学生练习读课文,做活动手册N2:播放录音,让学生看书跟读。然后提问学生,检查他们的理解程度,例如:Does Jenny like salt? Does Jenny like pepper on French fries? What food does Jenny like pepper on? Does Li Ming like pepper? What food does Li Ming like salt on?


Do the acticity book at leon 11。

Leon 12 Hot dog and Dounts 3. 4. 5. What is it? You are welcome.Let’s sing a song.

3. 4. Hot dog and Dounts.You are welcome.

录音机、磁带、单词卡片 一课时

一、warming-up 1.Greeting, say “Hello” T: Good morning, everyone! How are you today? S: Fine, thank you ,and you? T: I’m fine, thanks.What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny

T: Do you like singing songs? S: of course.T: OK, Let’s play agame S: Ok 2.Play a game: “ALPHABET SCRAMLE”用这个游戏来复习有关食物的单词。

二、Revision 让学生保留做游戏的纸,在上面他们已经按字母排列的顺序写了食物的名称和其他的但是,现在学生将用这张单词表来复习句型:Would you like some ____?

三、New concept PART 1:What is it? 1. 单词Hot dog and Dounts.用单词卡和书上的图做比较,讨论这两个食物,问学生他们看起来象什么?你们知道他们的中文名字吗?介绍中文名字,导入英文名字:Hot dog and Dounts.

2. 介绍这两种食物:热狗是长条的圆状的中间夹有香肠的面包。面包圈是一种甜食:中间有个孔,上面涂有糖皮。

3. 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。

PART 2:You are welcome.1. 和学生讨论我们的文明用语,介绍You are welcome.。向学生说明当有人用英语对你说Thank you 的时候,你应该回答You are welcome.2. 讨论书上关于Jenny和Denny的几幅图片,发生了什么? 3. 放录音,让学生感知课文,讲解课文内容,提问学生关于课文的问题:What is Danny’s favourite food?

Does Danny want a donut?

Why does Danny say thanks to Jenny? Part 3 Let’s sing a song

1. 讨论书上为这首歌配的图画,问学生看到哪四种食物,让他们一一用英语说出来(donut, pizza, hot dog, chicken)。 2. 3. 4. 带读歌词,翻译大概意思。

播放录音,第一次让学生听,第二次让学生跟唱。 让学生自由练习,并请上台表演,以小组的形式进行比赛。

四、Practice 1. 2. 请学生上台表演唱英文歌。 老师点评。


Do the acticity book at leon 12。

Leon 13 How much? 6. 7. How much is it? Let’s chant.

5. How much for you?

____ yuan.I’ll take ____, please.Thank you.You’re welcome. 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、食品图片 一课时

一、Warming-up 4. Greeting:T:Hello! Boys/girls!

How are you today? S:Are you? (提示学生反问老师) T:I’m fine too.Thank you.

I am very happy today! Are you happy today?

二、Revision 1. Sing a song.“Do you know the donut man?”,让学生认真听,从歌曲中找出我学过的食物:donut, pizza, hot dog, chicken.2. 出示单词卡,让学生读单词。(形式:全班读,小组读,开火车,Point to)


New concept PART 1:Let’s chant.

4. 读单词卡片导入:What is this? (show the cards)

S:It is salt/pepper.

T:Yes, salt and pepper.(read after me)

What is this? (show the cards) S:It is jam/bread.T:Yes, jam and bread.(read after me)

Put you fingers on you head.(做示范让学生看) What is this? (show the cards) S:It is noodles/egg.T:Yes, How many eggs? S:Two eggs.T:Good.Eggs.

Put you fingers on you legs.(做示范让学生看) What is this? (show the cards) S:Chicken/rice.T:Yes, chicken and rice.

Put you fingers on you eye.

5. 播放录音,让学生跟读并做动作。

PART 2:You are welcome.4. 把一些食物图片贴在小黑板上:What can you see in the blackboard? S:I can see …(教学生说出完整的句子) T:What is you favourite food? S:My favourite food is … T:Who don’t like...? S:I don’t like …

5. 出示一张画,让学生看几秒钟,提问学生:

T:What is it? S:It is … T:How many is it? S:(根据实践情况回答) T:Do you want to it? (学生不明白可解释给学生听)

6. 你想要这个东西没有那么容易,你们得回答老师一个问题,如果你在一家商店里,你想要某样物品,你先得怎么样,提示学生说出:问价格。教授句子:How much it is?(板书) 7. 操练:How much for.…(让学生用学过的单词也可以用自己的学习用具),让学生同桌或者小组练习,请学生说。 8. 播放录音,让学生带着问题听:How many does LI Ming want to buy? What does he said? 教授:I’ll take ____, please.9. 操练:I’ll take ____,please.出示小黑板,根据黑板上食物数量进行回答,例如:老师说:strawberry。学生说:I’ll take two, please.10. 当你得到了你所想要的东西,你应该怎么样?(Thank you) 别人对你说了Thank you,我们要怎么样呢?(You’re welcome.) 11. 播放录音,让学生跟读课文。

三、Practice 3. 4. 请学生上台表演买卖东西:一买一卖。 老师点评。


Do the acticity book at leon 13。

Leon 14 How much are they? 8. 9. Do you have any ____? Expensive or on sale? 1.How much are the ____? How much is the ____? 2.Expensive ,on sale 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、食品图片 一课时

一、warming-up 5. Greeting:T:Hello!boys/girls!

How are you today? S:Are you?(提示学生反问老师) T:I’m fine too.thank you.

I am very happy today! How do you feel today? S:I am happy too.

二、Revision 3. 练习句子:What is it? It is …

How many?(根据实际情况回答) 4. Play a game:以小组竞赛的方式进行猜价格的游戏,可让学生充当小老师,如果哪个小组猜对价格,该小组可得小星星一颗。


New concept PART 1:Do you have any ____?

1.导入新句子:How much are/ is the ____?在游戏中当提问到单个的东西时,教授How much is the ____?当提到复数时教授How much are the ____? 接着让学生自己比较这两个句子有什么区别。

2.向学生说明How much are是用在询问一个以上的东西的价钱;而How much is是用在询问一个东西的价钱。 PART 2:Expensive or on sale? 1. 当学生猜到一个比较贵点的东西时,对学生说出新词Expensive,并询问学生有没有东西在打折?教授:on sale。解释这两个词,板书这两个词,并领读单词。

2. 带领学生读课文,并讲解课文内容,解释学生不熟悉的短语:lots of , Do you have any ____? 3. 播放录音,让学生跟录音机朗读课文。 4. 检查学生学习情况:Does the man have apples?

How much are the apples? What does Jenny buy? Are they on sale? How much are they? How many does she buy?

三、Practice 练习对话T:How much are the ____? The _____.How much? How many


S:____ yuan.

T:How much is the _____? S:____ yuan.T:Hmmmm.No , thanks.That is expensive.Is/Are the ____on sale? S:Yes/No.T:How much is/arethe _____? S:____ yuan.


Do the acticity book at leon 14。

Leon 15 Let’s Make Soup! 10. May I borrow ____,please? 11. Let’s make soup?

1.May I borrow ____,please? We need ___.Let’s borrow ____.2.We need some____. 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、食品图片 一课时

一、warming-up 6. Greeting:T:Hello!boys/girls!

How are you today? S:Are you?(提示学生反问老师) T:I’m fine too.thank you.

I am very happy today! How do you feel today? S:I am happy too.

二、Revision 5. 练习句子:What is it? It is …

How many?(根据实际情况回答) 6. Play a game:以小组竞赛的方式进行猜价格的游戏,可让学生充当小老师,如果哪个小组猜对价格,该小组可得小星星一颗。


New concept PART 1:May I borrow ____,please? 1.引导学习完成对话,用他们所知道的短语来学习新的短语,借助动作使意思更明白:

T:Do you have any pencils/books/markers? S:Yes.T:I want a ___.I need a ___.May I borrow one, please? May I borrow it? S:Yes.T:Thank you.S:You’re welcome.


2.播放录音,让学生看书跟读,然后接受短语:Let’s borrow ___.的意思。

3.让学生同桌轮流联系互相借东西的对话,让他们知道借东西要归还,同时还要使用短语Thank you 和 You’re welcome。 PART 2:Let’s make soup?


T:Do you have any pencils/books? I need a/some ____. S:Yes. T:May I borrow it/them, please? S: Yes/Sure. T:Thanks.S:You’re welcome。




三、Practice 让学生自己介绍自己的拿手好菜尽可能多的用我们学过的单词和句型。

四、Homework 1. Do the acticity book at leon 14。

2. 模仿书上的内容写一小段话,介绍自己父母,朋友或者自己的拿手好菜。

Leon 16 Again,please! 教学目标:

1、知识方面:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用Apple、banana、grapes、melon、orange、strawberry.sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twenty、French fries、pizza、pop、donut、hot dog。





Part1: Sing a song. Part2: Greeting. T: Hello, everyone. S: Hello, teacher. T: Are you ready for a cla? S: Yes. T: Good.Do you remember the No16 to No.20? S: Yes. T: Now, Let’s play a game.One by one.Say “one” to “twenty”.

S1: one

S2: two. S3:…

学生一直报数直至全班最后一名同学. T: Ok, you’re very clever.Next, we play a game, too.Please you gue, “What’s this?”

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s an apple/ an orange/ banana T: Yes/ No Part3: Role-Play In Pairs.






Part5: Finish test《Activity book 16》

Part6: Choose “the star of Unit”

Part7: Cla closing.

Leon 17 Skirt and Pants 12. What is it? 13. What’s he wearing? What’s she wearing? 1. Skirt, blouse, pants, shirt, sweater.2. What’s he/she wearing? 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、衣服 一课时

一、warming-up 3. Greeting: T:Good morning! S:Good morning! T:How are you today? S:I fine ,thank you ,and you? T:I feel too.How do you feel? S:I feel happy/sad/hot….T:Ok very good.

二、Revision 7. 练习句子:What’s he/she doing?

He/She is ____ing.T:Stand, please.(指着一个学生) S:What’s he/she doing?(提问全班同学) T:He is standing.

8. Play a game“Colour Point” 做这个游戏的目的是为了复习“颜色”的名称,为这节课奠定基础。


New concept PART 1:What is it? 1. 老师指着身上的外套或者裙子想同学们介绍新:Skirt,

blouse, pants, shirt, sweater。

2. 向学生解释


3. 播放录音,学生看书跟读。 4. 操练:指着内学生穿的衣服,带领学生练习对话:

Is this a ____? What’s this?

Is this a ____or a ____? 请几位穿各种颜色衣服的学生,带领学生做练习T:Stand, please.What’s it? S:It is a ….T:What colour is it? S:It is ….

T:Yes, It is a …..Stand, please.What’s it? S:It is a ….T:Yes! Very good.


PART 2:What’s he wearing?

What’s she wearing?


2.介绍句子:What’s he/she wearing?指着一个学生向大家介绍:What’s he/she wearing? He/She wearing a ….He/She wearing a ….Read after me , please.3.在黑板上写出What’s he/she wearing?He/She wearing….让学生同老师一起读句子,并用不同的学生穿着进行练习。 4.让学生仔细观察书上的图画,并用句子进行练习:What’s he/she wearing?He/She wearing…


三、Practice 让学生自己介绍自己的衣着或者是家人,朋友的衣着。

四、Homework 3. Do the acticity book at leon 17。

4. 模仿书上的内容写一小段话,介绍自己父母,朋友或者自己的穿衣。

Leon 18 New and Old 14. New or old? 15. I like your skirt. 3. New ,old 4. I like your ___.It’s nice. 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、衣服 一课时

一、warming-up 4. Greeting:

T:Good morning! S:Good morning! T:How are you today? S:I fine ,thank you ,and you? T:I feel too.How do you feel? S:I feel happy/sad/hot….T:Ok very good.

二、Revision 9. 练习句子:What’s he/she wearing?

He/She is wearing a ….请穿不同颜色和款式衣服的学生站在教室前面。并练习上节课的新句子

T:Stand, please.(指着一个学生) S:What’s he/she wearing?(提问全班同学) T:He is wearing a…


New concept PART 1:New or old? 1. 出示一个老人和一个年轻人的卡片,让学生回忆:old and young。并拿出一件破破烂烂的衣服告诉学生:This is a old shirt.再拿出一件很新的衣服进行对比,告诉学生:This is a new shirt.










