
2020-03-03 09:52:56 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

第一篇 Health





As Emerson said \"The first wealth is health\", health is important to everyone of us.Only when we have healthy bodies, can we work and study better.Only when we are in a good state, can we enjoy the work and life.However, there are still some people not so concerned about their health and forming many bad living habits, which include drinking, smoking, staying up, surfing the internet for a long time without break and so on.Therefore, we all should learn how to keep healthy.In my opinion, it\'s neceary to get rid of the bad habits mentioned above.What\'s more, forming the good habits of exercising regularly is eential.第二篇 On friendship





No one can live alone for we all need friendship.The precious thing in the world is not money but friendship.Whereas, what is the real friendship in the real life? Friendship is giving but asking nothing in

return.It is what can comfort and encourage you when you are not in good mood and be right there for you whenever you are in need.A friend who ignores you and keeps you away when you are in trouble is not a real friend.Friendship means bringing in and taking away.It\'s not just asking without giving.If you want to get a real friendship, you should learn giving first.Besides, do not forget to be with a sincere heart.第三篇 Good eating habits



Good eating habits

As we all know, we are what we eat.Therefore, it\'s very important for us to form healthy eating habits.Good eating habits make good bodies, and good bodies make good life.Forming a good and healthy eating habits is the premise to lead a better life.In our daily life, washing hands before eating, having meals regularly, never exercising soon after a meal and not often eating ice food as well as junk food are all good habits of eating.May every one of us form a good eating habit and lead a healthy life.第四篇 关于失败的





When it comes to failure, different people have different attitudes.In fact, failure occurs frequently in our life.Some take it as a test of life to make themselves more strong-minded and skillful, which leads them to succe eventually.Whereas, some think they can not reach the succe fatefully when they are faced with failure so that they give up easily.As far as I\'m concerned, failure is not terrible.On the contrary, failure is a good guide to lead us to succe.It can tell us which is wrong and when we turn around, the opposed direction is the right one that leads to succe.Something more valuable is what we learn and get from failure.It builds up our mind ,telling us never to surrender before the succe waving at us.

第五篇 关于大学毕业就业的




Employment of universuty graduate students

The time when students in university graduate is upcoming.It\'s common that most university student choose to be in big city to find a good job so that they can earn more money to support their family or for other reasons.However, there are some students choosing tostay in a small city to begin their own career.As a matter of fact, I admire these minority very much.As we all know, there are much more chances to get

a good job and better work environment in big cities than small cities.They are brave enough to face the challenges of the stre from the outside world.However, everything has its advantage and disadvantage just like a coin having two sides.Being in big city means being involved in a rat race for so many people come there to find jobs.As for myself, I prefer to big cities.

第六篇 Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents




Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents

There are hundreds of thousands of people died of traffic accidents every year.Why is there so many traffic accidents? From my point of view, it\'s the driver who is the main factor rather than other outside reason such as the too slippery road surface.If drivers take more care of drivingand do not drive too fast, the number of traffic accident must be cut down.We should let the drivers keep it in their mind that alittle slower, a little safer.How can we achieve this? I think at this point onlywith the help of laws, can we do that.since the laws is not so strict now, we should lay down the stricter laws to reduce the accidents.









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