
2020-03-01 23:06:29 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The new story of bai Character: bai su zhen (B) Xiao Qin (Q) Xu xian(X) 出场时小青和白娘子一起走出来,白娘子唱着那首《千年等一回》,“千年等一回,等(着重)一回啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊”

Q: Do not wait.I have waited for it for a hundred times in a day.你就别等了吧,我一天都已经等了一百回了 B: Do not complain.Okay? 青儿莫要抱怨,还好?

Q: Sister, sister where are we? We have travelled for a long time.姐姐,姐姐,我们现在到哪儿了啊,我们走了好长时间了 B: Little Qin, let’s take a break, shall we? 小青儿,要不咱们休息一会儿,怎么样儿?

Q: Fine.But how long does it take to get to the west lake? 好吧,额、、那还要多久才能到达传说中的西湖啊?

B: Let me see.(Hold out a mobile phone) oh, we are drawing near.Do you see the mountain in the head? 让我看一看啊(掏出一个手机来)额、、、我们快要到了,你看见 前面的那座山了吗? Q: Oh yeah.嗯嗯,看见了

B: As long as we go over that mountain.We will see Xu.I am a little bit nervous and excited and shy.Hey little Qin, does my face blush? 只要我们越过那座山,我们就能够看到许公子了,说起来我还有点小紧张、小兴奋和一点小害羞,嗨,青儿啊,帮我看看,我的脸是不是有点红啊 Q: What are you really for? Sister? 姐姐,你这么千辛万苦地究竟是为了什么啊,

B: I came here today for a important thing, for an marriage.(face began to blush) 我今天过来是为了一件重要的事,是为了一桩亲事(说着脸红了起来) Q: But I am not an adult, should you take me to merry him? 但是我还未成年啊,你怎么能把我嫁给他呢? B: Not you, but I.You know? 不是说的你,是我,额懂?

Q: Xu xian is human being, but we are the snakes.Do you want to have babies? 许仙是人类,而我们是蛇类。你可否能生小孩啊? B: Of course! 当然了,必须得生!

Q: Don’t you fear that(嘎~~~) you give birth to a lot of eggs? 你就不拍你生出许多蛋来?(面部表情十分好奇) B: Shut up! Shut your big mouth up! Okay? 闭嘴!闭上你的大嘴唇子 Q: Sister? 姐姐?

B: Spit it out! 有事快说!

Q: You see I am also single.Can you?


B: You? I will look for someone in the If You Are the One by meng fei.Don’t be in a hurry.就你?呵呵,你别急啊,我会在孟非主持的《非诚勿扰》给你看看啊 Q: I find meng fei a nice man.I want to marry him.我发现孟非是个好男人,我就想嫁给他 B: I later take you to look for him.等会儿我带你去找他 Q: Gratitude! 那就多谢啦

(这时候许仙出场,一股书生气息,英俊潇洒,风流倜傥) B: (哎~)xu xian is coming Q: Where?


许公子吟咏出他的神话般的脍炙人口的诗句 鹅

鹅 曲颈用刀割 拔毛烧开水 铁锅炖大鹅

Q: sister, sister.Let’s go.姐姐,姐姐,咱们上!

B: Where to go? Remember? You are a female snake, you need to be graceful.去哪儿啊,去、、、记得? 你是一条女蛇,你得矜持点 B: You go to him to ask for some about him.你去问问他的一些情况 Q: O le (额了)




Q: ( 哎 ~) Are you xu xian? 你是许仙吗?

X: 默不作声,做出狂呕之状 X: Sorry, I am sorry.哦,对不起 ,真的对不起 Q: Never mind 没关系

Q: Do you know who I am?


X: You are also a doctor? 你也是一位郎中?

Q: No, I am… Gue what? 不是的,我是。。。。。。你猜?

X: I don’t know, you are ru hua(如花)? 我不知道,莫非你是如花?

Q: I am a chief fortune teller in leifeng(雷峰) tower? 我是雷峰塔首席算命师 X: So, nice job! 哦,是这样啊,不错的工作啊 Q: You honor me.公子,你太抬举我了(脸上满是笑容) X: You deserve it.你是值得这样的荣誉的

Q: Do you still remember this? 你还记得这个吗?(说着拿出一条手帕出来) X: How did you get it? This is mine.你是怎么得到它的?这不是我的吗? Q: Can you tell something about it? 你能说说一些关于它的故事吗? X: Sure! 那当然

X: When I was a boy, I can still remember that on my way home I saw a seriously hurt snake.It was badly hurt by a herd of cattle(一群牛).I couldn’t help saving it and taking care of it.After it recovered, I retuned it to the nature.I only did what I should do. 当我还是一个小男孩的时候,我任然记得就在我回家的路上我看见一条受伤很严重的小蛇,她是被一群牛弄伤的,当时我就情不自禁的救了她并且悉心照顾她,不久后她就恢复了健康,我就把它放回了自然 B: I was the snake.我就是那条蛇

X: O, I see, you are flying down from the heaven but she is falling down from it, is she? Do you fall on the head? 哦,我明白了,你是从天上飞下来的,而她是从天上摔下来的吧?是头先着的地吧? B: I was a little snake and very naughty.我那时是条小蛇而且非常的好玩

Q: Why didn’t you take me with you? 那你当时为什么不带上我呢?

B: Because at that time you were still an egg.因为那时你还是一个蛋



The end








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