
2020-03-01 23:29:18 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

哈尔滨冰雪大世界雪雕英文导游词Ice sculptures are a traditional form of art in the northeastern part of China.It is said that a long, long time ago, people went fishing on the Songhua River in winter.They dug a hole in the ice, and put a hook in and they could catch a lot of fish as fish rushed to the hole to get fresh air.Thus fishing continued into the night.For lack of light, fishermen tried to make an ice lamp.They used a pail of water, and let it freeze for a certain time.Then they pulled this block of ice out of the pail.They drilled a hole in the middle, poured out the unfrozen water, and put oil light inside.In this way, an ice lantern was made.Since fish are attracted by light, night fishing is more productive.It is said even in the coldest winter, one could still see ice lanterns dotted along the Songhua River.Nowadays ice lanterns are hardly seen anywhere.Instead people make ice sculptures.Since the water in the Songhua River freezes for over half a meter, people cut blocks of ice from it.Then they use special tools, some hat like carpenters\' saws, chisels, planes and, so on, to make blocks of ice into landscapes, buildings, human and animal figurine: In order to get the utmost effects, they also make full use of modem technology, such as light, sound, color and electronic equipment.As you will see, ice sculptures have become a unique art form in Harbin.The Ice Sculpture Show is different every year.Each year it has a special theme.With the improved technology, this show is becoming more and more fascinating.The.Harbin Ice Sculpture Show has become world famous.Every year, an international ice sculpture contest is held in Zhaolin Park.Artists from Japan, Ruia, the United States, Canada and many other countries and regions come and demonstrate their works of art.At the same time, a trade fair is also organized to attract more people to Harbin.The Ice Sculpture Show has now become a festival in Harbin.On the fifth of January, the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival is inaugurated by the Mayor of Harbin with state officials and some foreign ambaadors, which attracts thousands of visitors from home and abroad.



哈尔滨旅行社 冰雪大世界


哈尔滨导游词 英文


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