
2020-03-03 09:12:24 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Jane Eyre



 This book was written by Charlotte Bronte in 1847.It describes a

story of an orphan\'s whose name is Jane Eyre.

 The unfair treatments of her aunt’s family made her resists and

wanted to get away from that home.But after she came to school, she found the school was quiet different as she thought.

Body paragraph

 1.Topic Sentence

Jane Eyre was treated unfair in her aunt’s home.


Jane Eyre has been treated quiet unfairly.She suffered from lots of insults and humiliates.It made her lived a difficult childhood

3.Evidence and explanation

▫ “And you ought not to think yourself on an equality with the

Mies Reed and Master Reed, because Miis kindly allows you to be brought up with them.”(6) The people of that home were looking down of Jane Eyre.

▫ “No.you are le than a servant, for you do nothing for your

keep”.(6) They never treated Jane Eyre as their family member.▫ “Why I was always suffering, always criticized, always accused,

forever condemned.” Facing those unfair treatments, she felt helple and sorrowful.

 1.Topic Sentence

The unfair and cruel life in her aunt’s family made Jane Eyre revolt

and escape.


She began to accuse those unfair treatments.She didn’t want to stayin Mrs.Reed’s family anymore.She wanted to go to school andchange her life completely.

3.Evidence and explanation

▫ “Wicked and cruel boy! I said.You are like a murderer”.Facing

to her cruel and unreasonably cousin, Jane Eyre didn’t afraid anymore and rebuked him bravely.

▫ “People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard-hearted.

You are deceitful!”(19) When Jane said out those words to Mrs.Reed, she showed her anger and determination.

▫“School would be a complete change: it implied a long journey,an entire separation from Gateshead life.”(13) She thought thatif she go to school, she would meet a new life.

 1.Topic Sentence

She thought that if she go to school, she would meet a new life


The dharma of Lowood were tough, the life in school were hard,Mr.Brocklehurst, the president of Lowood, is a ruthle hypocrite.In this school, Jane continued suffered spiritual and physicaldestructions.

3.Evidence and explanation

▫ “None of this girls around me seemed happy with the food in

front of them.Soon, I too found the taste disgusting.” (23)Many students are not satisfied in this school.

▫ “You must avoid this girl’s company, exclude her from your

sports ,and shut her out from your converse…for this girl is liar!”

(32)Mr.Brocklehurst defamed Jane Eyre in every poible way in front of all the teachers and students.

▫ “Many students, already ill, went home only to die.”(40) Helen

also died of this disease.Jane Eyre lost her only good friend in this school.She felt great sorrowful and regretful,


Jane Eyre is a poor and homely girl, but she is independent and has a strong self-esteem.Because of the unfair treatment in her aunt’s home, she required to go to school to find a new life.Even thought her school was not like what she wanted.She desires to get equal and happy life through her efforts.









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