憨豆先生的假期 英文剧本台词

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看电影学英语 Mr.Beans Holiday 《憨豆先生的假期》

[Scene: Mr.Beans goes to claim the “roof appeal” prize, the compereis making a pronouncement.] claim: 索取,认领 roof: 屋顶 appeal: 吸引力;呼吁 prize: 奖品 compere: 主持人 pronouncement: 公告;声明

-Compere: Three one.Thirty-one.3-1 。31号。

Over here! Ah, Mrs.Lucas.这里!获奖者是Lucas夫人。 Congratulations, Mrs.Lucas.祝贺你!Lucas夫人。

And now, to the first prize in today\'s raffle in aid of the \"roof appeal.\" raffle: 以抽彩方式售物 in aid of:援助,帮助 roof appeal:【来源于Duke of York\'s Picture House,an art house cinema in Brighton, England,In 2007, it launched a roof appeal to replace its leaking roof.由于一大笔钱由公众筹资,由此也形成了一项基金,可解释为“屋顶捐助”】

此次“屋顶捐助”抽奖活动的优胜者即将揭晓。 Thank you, Lily.谢谢你,Lily。

Indeed.The magnificent holiday to the South of France, indeed: 确实,实在 magnificent:华丽的 这次去法国南部的豪华之旅,

kindly sponsored by Dalesborough Travel Limited.kindly: 友善地 sponsor :赞助 Limited: 有限的,【在文中为“有限公司”,简写为Ltd.】 由恋人旅游有限公司友情赞助。 So thank you, guys.guy:(男)人,伙计,各位 谢谢各位!

The winner of this prize will travel by Eurostar train to Paris, winner: 获奖者,胜利者 Eurostar train:欧洲之星号,列车名 获奖的优胜者将乘坐欧洲之星号列车抵达巴黎, then catch the fast train south south:在这里作副词用,意思为“向南” 然后坐上南下的特快列车,

before spending the week on the beaches of the French Riviera.beach: 海滩

在法国的里维埃拉海滩度过为期一周的假期。[Riviera,里维埃拉:地中海岸著名避寒地] This fabulous prize also includes 200 euros spending money fabulous: 完美的,令人难以置信的 include: 包括 euro: 欧元 spending money: 零用钱 这令人难以置信的大奖,还包括200欧元的零用钱, and, Barbara, this wonderful video camera, video camera: 摄影机


kindly donated by A&K Electrics of Arbor Road.donate: 捐赠,赠送【赞助】 由 A&K 电力通友情赞助的摄影机, So thank you.也同样谢谢你们。

-Compere:Right.The winner of this amazing prize is...amazing: 令人惊异的 获奖者是...Nine one nine.919号。

Nine one nine.919。

Anybody have ticket 919? 谁是919号?

If there is no claimant, claimant:申请者,这里可引申为申领者,引申自claim 如果没有人来领奖的话,

I\'ll have to pick another ticket from the bucket.bucket:篮子,这里是放抽奖牌的篮子 那么我就要重新再抽一个号码了。 Anyone? 有人吗? -Bean: Yes.有。 Yes! 我! Yes! 我!

It\'s me.It\'s me.I\'m the...是我,是我,我中奖了...

[Scene: in a restaurant] restaurant: 饭店

-Waiter: Coffee? 需要咖啡吗? Sugar? 要加糖吗? You speak very good French.您的法语说得真溜。

[Scene: in the Lyon station] station: 车站

-Man: Hello.你好!

-Bean: Oui, choo-choo, Gare de Lyon.里昂火车站

-Man: To the arch at La Dense, please.arch: 拱形物;弓形结构的建筑 请送我们去新凯旋门。

[Scene: Bean goes to the arch at La Dense, and Mr.Clay is being interviewed by many reporters] interview: 接见;会见 reporter: 记者

-Man1: Look.Should we do anything? 是不是应该出去看看? -Man2: Relax.relax:放轻松【这里是因为两个监视员见到Bean乱穿马路,前者问要不要管,后者说,算了,也可解释为“放松,放宽(限制)”】 不用,

I think he\'s English.我觉得他是个英国人,

-Reporter: Monsieur Clay, how long will you stay in Paris? Monsieur Clay先生,您将在法国停留多久?

-Clay: Of course I\'ll be in Cannes Sunday for my premiere.premiere:首映礼,初次公演


Until then, I\'m working on an exciting new project exciting: 令人激动的,令人兴奋的 project: 大型作业;事业 在那之前,我将与这位优秀的演员, with this wonderful actre, Sylvie? actre: 女演员

一起合作拍一部新片。Sylvie小姐? -Sabine: Sabine.是Sabine。 -Clay: Right.对。

-Reporter: One last question, please.Mr.Clay.最后一个问题,Clay先生。

-Police: Out of the way! Out of the way! 别挡道!别挡道!

-Man: Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! 停下!停下!停下!停下!

[Scene: in a restaurant]

-Waiter: Are you here for lunch? 您是来用餐的吗? Follow me.请跟我来。

May I recommend the seafood platter? recommend: 推荐 seafood: [美国英语]海味,海鲜 platter:大浅盘 请允许我向您推荐,海鲜拼盘。 Yes? 可以吗? -Bean: Yes.可以。

What is this? 这是什么? What\'s this? 这又是什么?

-Waiter: Don\'t forget the langoustines.langoustine: 小龙虾 您可以试试那些小龙虾。

[Scene: Bean asks a man who just gets down from the train to video him, but shut the man out the train by mistake.] video: 录制 shut out: 把„关在外面 by mistake: 错误地

-Bean: Could you video me? video:在这里用作动词,意为拍录像 能帮我拍段录像吗? -Man: Yeah.好的。

-Bean: No, back.Back a bit.back:向后退


Back, back, back, back, stop.后退,后退,后退,停下! Okay.好。

-Bean: No, no, no, no.不...Back, back, I\'II...继续后退...We\'ll do it again, eh? 能再拍一次吗? -Man: Stop.Help! 停下!帮帮我!

Open...Open the door.开...开下门

-Bean: There\'s nothing here.这里什么都没有。 -Man: Stop! 停下! Hey! 嘿!

-Boy: Help! Help! Open...帮帮忙!开..Papa! 爸爸! Papa! 爸爸!

Papa, What should I do? 爸爸,我该怎么办?

-Man: Get off at the next stop.get off: (使)下车 stop: 站,车站 下一站就下车。 -Boy: Papa! 爸爸! -Bean: No! 不! My bag.我的包!

-Bean: Look at that...看那里...-Boy: Yes.对。

-Bean: Stay calm.stay:保持 calm:冷静的 保持冷静。 -Boy: Papa! 爸爸!

-Boy: The train\'s not stopping.这列车不在这站停!

Papa, what should I do? 爸爸,我该怎么办? [Scene: The man leaves his telephone number to his son, and let the son call him.]

-Man: Mobile telephone.mobile telephone: 手机;移动电话 mobile: 活动的,移动式的 打手机。

-Boy: Papa! Papa! 爸爸!爸爸!

His fingers are over the last two numbers.finger: 手指 over: 作形容词,在„„上方,即“盖住” 他的手指把最后两个数字遮住了 -Bean: Right.06, 08...好吧,06 08...-Bean: I\'ll write down all the poibles.write down: 写下,记下 poibles: 可能的人(或物);all the poible numbers,所有可能的号码【由于爸爸手指挡住了最后的号码,号码的排列便存在许多poible numbers(可能的号码),number可以省略】 我把所有可能的号码都写下来, 01, 02, 01 02 03, 04...03 04......59, 60......59 60......97, 98, ...97 98 -Man: Mr.DuPont is unavailable.unavailable: 难以获得的;不能利用的;不近便的 DuPont先生现在没空。

[Scene: Bean and the boy get on the train secretly.] secretly: 秘密地

-Bean: Hurry up and get on! hurry up: (使)赶快,赶快做完 get on: 上车 快上车!

-Woman: Tickets, please.请拿出您的车票。

-Bean: You get in there.Go, go.往这躲,快进去! -Boy: Excuse me.对不起,

Can I have some money, please? 您能给我点钱吗?

so I can telephone my Dad? telephone: 打电话给„„ 这样我才能给爸爸打通电话。 -Boy: Please? 求您了? Please? 求求您了! Thank you.谢谢您!

-Man: What\'s all that? 怎么回事?

-Bean&Boy: Yes! 棒极了!

-Bean: Come on.来吧。

-Man: I gave him my number.He will ring.ring:打电话

我把我的号码告诉他了,他会打电话过来的。 -Man: Don\'t worry, he will ring.别担心,他一定会打电话过来。 -Police: Stop them! 抓住他们! Vandals! vandal: 汪达尔人;野蛮人;故意毁坏文物者 野蛮人!

-Boy: I\'m hungry.我饿了。

-Bean: Come on.走吧。 -Boy: Hey.你好。 -Man: Hey.你好。

[Scene: Bean and the boy cheat others for money, but then are separated.] cheat: 欺骗 separated: 分开的

-Boy: Do you have some proper music? proper: 适合的,【这里可以理解为特别的,对人胃口的】 你这里有什么特别的音乐吗?

Something that I\'d like to listen to.一些我会喜欢听的。 Okay, never mind.Bye.never mind: 不要紧 好吧,没关系,再见。 -Driver: To Cannes? 去戛纳? -Bean: Damn! damn:该死【也可写为damn it】 该死!

What the...怎么了...What\'s this? 这是怎么回事? No...不...Good.太好了! Wait! 等一等!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...等一等...Wait, wait! 等一下!

-Boy: Oh, yeah! * Oh, yeah! * Oh, yeah! *

[Scene: Bean comes into movie, the director is Mr.Clay.] movie: 电影 director: 导演

-Director: Cut! Cut! Cut! 停!停!停!

What the hell is he doing? Where did he come from? the hell: 究竟,到底 hell:地狱,【这里用hell表示强调,无“地狱”的意思】 他到底在做什么?他从哪儿来的?

Some of us here are trying to make a work of art! work of art: 艺术品 work: 作品 老子在搞艺术创作!

Everyone, back in position! in position: 在适当的位置;在原位;就位 position: 位置 统统各就各位!

Get him in something different and put him in the background.something: 在这里指代“戏服” in the background: 在后面,在幕后 background: 背景 给他穿上戏服,然后安排到后台去。 You, sweetheart.sweetheart: 甜心,爱人 亲爱的,

You never stop, okay? 你不能停下,知道吗?

Remember, you\'re crazy for the taste of Fruzzi yogurt.be crazy for: 渴望;迷恋 crazy:[口语]狂热的,着迷的 taste: 口味 yogurt: 酸牛奶 记住,你最喜欢的就是蜜味牌酸奶。

Well, how long does it take to reset? reset:重新安放、重置 多久才可以重新开始?

Then why is everyone moving in slow motion? motion: 动作

那为什么每个人动作都这么慢? -Bean: Yeah, there\'s a hook.hook:钩子


-Reporter: Cannes jury member Emil Dachevsky, the Ruian film director, jury:评审委员会 film director: 电影导演 director: 导演

戛纳电影节评审委员会评委,俄罗斯导演,Emil Dachevsky先生,

explained that his son Stepan was last seen on a train with a mysterious foreigner.explain: 解释 mysterious:神秘的

他说他的儿子Stepan最后是和火车上的一名神秘的外国人在一起。 -Man: As soon as I saw him I thought, \"He\'s evil.\" as soon as: 一„(就„) evil:邪恶的 我一看到他就觉得是个坏蛋。

[Scene: in the shooting spot.] shooting: (照片、电影等的)拍摄 spot: 地点

-Director: Action! action: 行动 开拍! Cut! 停!

The guy with the video camera is fired.guy: (男)人,家伙 video camera: 摄像机 fire: 解雇 那个带着摄像机的家伙被解雇了! You\'re fired! 你被解雇了! -Bean: What? 什么?

-Director: Down again! 再来一遍! are you ready? 你准备好了吗? -Actor: Yep.yep: [美国口语]是,是的 好了

-Director: Action! 开拍! Cut! Cut! Cut! 停!停!停! My explosion! explosion:爆炸 爆炸呢!

Where\'s my explosion? 怎么没有爆炸?

All I want is an explosion.A little, tiny explosion.tiny:微小的,轻微的

我只想要一个小型的,轻微的爆炸。 Is that too much to ask? too much to ask:要求太高【too much在这里有太多、太高的意思。】 是我要求太高吗? Damn it.damn: 该死的 该死!

Is it really so hard for you guys? 对你们来说就这么困难?

I mean, all you have to do is this.this: to pre the button,【从情节出发,按按钮】 你们只需按这个钮!

[Scene: Bean meets a girl, and the girl invites him to go to Cannes.]

-Girl: Hello.你好。

You saved my life earlier.save: 拯救 你之前救过我。 Going far? 长途旅行?

Isn\'t she a beauty? she:非凡的事物;漂亮的东西 她很漂亮吧? -Bean: Dunlop.Dunlop [Dunlop:轮胎品牌名] -Girl: I\'m going to Cannes.我要去戛纳。

-Bean: Cannes.Cannes.戛纳。

-Girl: Come on, get in.来吧,上车。 Look at this.看这个。

So, you\'re Spanish? 那么,你是西班牙人? No? 不是?

What is that accent? accent:口音 这是什么口音? Wait.等一下,

Let me gue.让我猜猜看,

You\'re not Italian? 你是意大利人? -Bean: No.不是

-Girl: No? 不是? -Bean: No.不是

-Girl: And you\'re not Greek, no? Greek: 希腊人

你也不是希腊人吧? You are...那你是...You\'re Ruian, yes? 你是俄罗斯人,对吧?

-Girl: What kind of idiot are you? idiot:笨蛋,蠢材 你这个笨蛋!

-Bean: What kind of duck are you? 你这个鸭子!

-Sabine: My name is Sabine.我叫Sabine。

I am Sabine...And you are? 我的名字是Sabine...你叫什么? -Bean: Bean.Bean。 -Sabin: Bean? Bean?

-Bean: Bean.Bean。

-Bean: Bean.Sabine.(开始自言自语) Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine.Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine。Bean,Sabine。 Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine.Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine -Sabine: Do you like my costumes? costume: 戏服

你觉得我的服装怎么样? I love dreing up.dre up:打扮;精心打扮 我喜欢打扮自己。

My invitation to the Cannes Film Festival.invitation: 请柬 film festival: 电影节 festival: 节日 这是我的戛纳电影节邀请函。

Remember the director of the yogurt commercial? director: 导演 yogurt: 酸奶 commercial: 广告 还记得那个拍酸奶广告的导演吗? Cut.Cut.那个一直喊“停!停!”的。

I have a small part in his film.part:角色

我在他的影片中演一个小角色, I\'m going to be a big star.我将来会是个大明星的,

He says it\'s his masterpiece.masterpiece:杰作

他说那是他最杰出的作品。 I need the loo.loo:[英俚]厕所,洗手间 我要去上个厕所。 Sorry.对不起。

[Scene: finally, Bean meets the boy again, and with Sabine, they move on together] move on: 往前走,前进

-Stepan: I never got on the bus.never got on:一般过去时,表明“当时没有上车” 我并没有上那辆车,

I was with these cool guys.cool: 极好的,极妙的

我和这些酷毙了的人在一起。 -Stepan: Hello.你好。

I can\'t wait to show this to Papa.我等不及想把这些给爸爸看了。

-Sabine: It\'s amazing meeting your son like that.amazing: 令人惊异的

这样遇到你儿子真的是很令人惊讶啊。 -Stepan: Is she your girlfriend? 她是你的女朋友吗?

-Sabine: You\'re full of surprises.be full of: 充满 surprise: 惊奇,诧异 你总是给人带来惊喜。

-Stepan: Are you going to marry her? marry: 与„„结婚,不加with,后接男性女性皆可 你会和她结婚吗?

-Sabine: So does that mean you\'re married? married:已婚的

这也就是说你已经结婚了? -Stepan: Telephone! Papa! 电话!爸爸!

-Man: Estelle, tell me you love me or it\'s over.over:结束,完了,【情侣之间如说“I’m over you”,意味着“我把你甩了”】 Estelle,告诉我你爱我,不然我们就完了。 -Sabine: We made it.make it: 成功了 我们成功了!

-Sabine&Stepan: The sea! I can see the sea! 是海!我能看到海了! -Sabine: Thank you.谢谢你。

-Bean: Can you video me now? video: 录制


-Sabine: You can see Cannes over there.戛纳在那里。

-Sabine: Oh, my goodne, the premiere starts in an hour.my goodne: 我的天啊(表吃惊) goodne: [委婉语]上帝 premiere: 初次公演 天啊!首映礼还有一个小时就开始了! [Scene: The Cannes International Film Festival] international: 国际的 festival: 节日

-Reporter: Bienvenue and welcome bienvenue: [法语] 欢迎 欢迎莅临!

to the 59th Cannes International Film Festival.第59届戛纳国际电影节,

And on the red carpet is Mr.Carson Clay, red carpet: (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯 carpet: 地毯 正走上红地毯的是此次首映礼的导演,

the director of our premiere, Playback Time.director: 导演 playback: 重放

Carson Clay先生以及他的作品 “回望时光”, And jury member Mr.Emil Dachevsky, jury: 评奖团,评判委员会

以及评委,Emil Dachevsky先生,

attending today despite there being no news of his miing son.attend: 出席(此次首映礼) despite: 不顾;尽管 miing: 失踪的 目前为止还没有他儿子的消息。

-Sabine: I\'m going to get changed.get changed:换衣服 我要去换衣服。 Fill her up.fill sth.up: 充满,注满某样东西 给车加满油!

-Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们,先生们, Mr.Carson Clay.有请,Carson Clay先生

-Clay: This film is for all of us who hunger for truth.hunger for:渴望 hunger: 渴望

这部影片是献给那些渴望真理的人们, For all of us who cry out in pain.cry out: 大声呼喊 pain: 痛苦 献给那些痛苦地哭泣的人们,

For those whose souls yearn to sing.soul: 灵魂 yearn:向往,渴望 献给那些灵魂渴望歌唱的人们,

-Compere: He says it\'s a very good film.他说这是一部非常好的影片。

-Reporter: As pictures were released of the Englishman believed to have abducted the son release:发布,公映 abducted:引诱,被诱拐的 屏幕上的这名英国男子绑架了,

of Cannes film festival jury member Emil Dachevsky, 加纳电影届评委Emil Dachevsky先生的儿子,

a positive ID of the boy was made at a service station yesterday.positive: 积极的,确信的 ID: identity, 身份【意为的确有人见到过这个男孩】 service station: 加油站;服务站 service: 服务 可靠消息指称,昨日这名男孩曾出现在一个服务站里,

The police now believe the man is travelling with a female accomplice.female: 女性的 accomplice:同伙,帮凶 现在,警方认为该男子有一名女性同伙。 A national manhunt has been launched national: 全家的 manhunt:(对逃犯等的)搜捕 launch: 发动 搜捕行动已经

and stop-and-search procedures have been instigated right acro France.stop-and-search:搜捕行动,【另外,在英国以及威尔士,该词还代表了警方的一种搜查权。】 procedure: 过程;手续 instigate:怂恿;煽动 在法国全面展开。

[Scene: Sabine thinks that Bean has robbed the boy, and she’s going to take the boy back to his father.] rob: 抢劫

-Sabine: You are not Ruian? 你不是俄罗斯人? -Bean: No.不是。

-Sabine: You are not this boy\'s father? 你也不是他的父亲? -Bean: No.不是。

-Sabine: You are English? 你是英国人?

Do you know the whole of France is looking for you? 你知道全法国都在找你吗? Now they look for me, too.现在他们居然也在找我! Who are you? 你到底是谁?

Where are you going? 你到底要去哪里? -Bean: To the beach.beach: 海滩 去这个海滩。

-Sabine: This boy\'s father is a judge at the premiere of my film.judge: (比赛等的)裁判员 premiere: 初次演出 这个男孩的父亲是首映礼上的评委, We take him there.我们把他带去那里。 -Bean: And the beach? 还去海滩吗?

-Sabine: Forget the beach.忘了海滩这回事儿吧。

I have only one scene in this movie.scene:场景,镜头


I am not going to mi this premiere.mi:错过


Not for you, not for the police.Okay? 不管是你还是警察,谁都不能阻止我,知道吗? Now, do as I say.好,现在照着我说的做。

-Sabine (to the police): My daughter.这是我女儿。 My mother.我的母亲。 She\'s Spanish, 她是西班牙人。 and very deaf.deaf:聋的, 她听力不太好。

Sir, we\'re in a great hurry.hurry: 着急


I don\'t want to mi my premiere.我不想错过我出演影片的首映礼。

-Police: No problem.Leave it to us.没问题,交给我们吧。

Come on, we\'ll find Papa.走吧,我们会找到你爸爸的。 -Sabine: Here you are, sir.我们到了,警官。

-Police: It\'s for one person only.这只能让一个人通行。

-Sabine: No, she\'s my daughter! Please! please:拜托,求你了 她是我女儿啊,求您了。

-Police: Leave her with Grandma.让她和祖母待在一起吧。 -Stepan: Damn! damn: 该死的 可恶!

[From now on, you’ll see many conversations in Mr.Clay’s film] conversation: 对话,交谈

-Clay: What is life but a teardrop in the eye of infinity? teardrop:泪珠 infinity:无限,无穷大 生活是永恒眼里的一滴泪,

Together we lived, we laughed, we loved.我们一起生活,一起欢笑,我们相爱了。 But you left me.但你离开了我。

And now, I walk this wilderne alone.wildne:荒野,引申自wild。 现在我独自一人漫步荒野。

What use is a cop with a broken heart? cop:警察 broken: 破碎的

一个心碎了的警察能做什么呢? Without you, I\'m nothing.没有了你,我一无是处。 Nothing.一无是处...Stop! 停下!

-Police(to Bean in a woman\'s clothes): Your pa, please, madam.请出示您的通行证,夫人。

-Clay: The Romans lit fires in the skulls of their dead, lit: light的过去式,点燃 skull: 头骨 dead: 死者 罗马人点燃亡者的头骨,

so they might forget their past.让他们将过去遗忘,

Wherever I look, I\'m reminded our relationship is dead.remind: 提醒 relationship: 关系

无论我看向何处,我不断提醒着自己,我们已经毫无关系。 -Bean: (to the boy) you stay.你待在这里,

-Actor: you okay? 你还好吗? -Stepan: Me, Papa.是我,爸爸。

-Clay: On the outside, yeah.outside:外部,这里指表面,外表上 从表面上看,没事...But inside? 那内心感觉呢? Nothing.一无是处。

-Actor: DeBrock is making the drop.drop:丢下,这里可解释为卸货 他们正在卸货, -Actor: Bo...bo: 老大,头儿 长官...It\'s going down, bo.go down: [俚语]发生【这里表示罪犯交货结束】 他们已经交货了,长官。 -Bean: It\'s me.是我。

-Actor: Bo? 长官? Do we go? 我们可以走了吗? He\'s cornered, bo.corner:使陷于困境

他们已经被围住了,长官。 We know he\'s in there.我们知道他就在那儿, -Clay: Let\'s do it.开始行动。

-Actor: Okay, bo.好了,长官。 -Clay: Nothing.什么都没有。

[Scene: in the premiere, Bean broke in.] break in: 破门而入

-Sabine: Hey.嘿!

The little boy? 那个小男孩呢?

Oh, look, this is my scene.scene: 场面,场景 看,这就是我的镜头。 -Clay: It\'s winter now.现在已是冬季,

And the seeds of love lie deep within me.seed: 种子

但爱的种子仍深埋在我心里, Will spring ever come? 春天还会来吗?

I thought by now I\'d have met another, I would have met another:虚拟语气表示一种希望 此时此刻,我希望可以遇到另一个人, but...但是...-Actre: Hi...嗨„„

-Clay: It was not to be.但结果却并非如此。

-Sabine: They cut my scene.cut:剪裁,删减


[Scene: Bean changes the film of Clay’s, and Clay feels angry.]

-Clay: But I can show the world that you were once mine.我可以向全世界宣告,你曾经是我的。 I can relive our time together.relive:重新过„„的生活 我不断重温我们相处的时光。

Those precious memories that I yearn to forget.precious: 珍贵的 memory: 记忆 yearn: 渴望;向往 那是我无法忘怀的珍贵记忆。

Time slips through my fingers like sand.slip:滑,溜 finger: 手指 sand:沙 时间如沙粒般从指尖流失。

The fires of our love have burned out, burn out:烧尽

我们的爱火已经燃烧殆尽。 and now there is nothing.什么都没留下。

Nothing but a sky black with ashes.ash:灰烬


I won\'t forget you, your kies like soft fruit.soft fruit: 无核小水果(指草莓等) 我不会忘记你的,你那甜美香醇的吻,

Your laughter bursting into daylight like silver.burst into:匆匆进入 daylight: 日光,白天 silver:银【可理解为“银铃般的笑声”】 你那清脆悦耳的笑声,

Your smile like the curl of the sickle moon in the night sky.curl:卷曲物 sickle:镰刀【sickle moon,从形状上可以联想到“新月”】 你那如新月般灿烂的笑容,

Your luminous beauty, your goodne, your patience, luminous:发光的,发亮的 beauty:美丽 goodne:善良 patience:坚持;毅力 你的美丽,你的善良,你的毅力, how you hung on my every word.hung on: hang on的过去时,紧紧抓住,等待 你把我的每句话都牢记于心。

You are now in the arms of another.如今,你却已在别人的臂弯中。 Who is he, this man? 这人是谁?

Does he have poise? poise: 自信;镇定 他自信吗?

Does he have grace? grace:魅力;风度 他有风度吗?

Is he a lover or a fighter? fighter: 斗士


What powers does he have over you? power: 力量 have over: 完成,解决 他用什么样的力量使你折服?

Do your eyes dance like fireflies in the night when he comes to you? firefly: 萤火虫


Does your body soften as your lips shape his name? soften: 使软,使软化 lip: 嘴唇 shape: 形状 当你说起他时,你的身体是否会盈满柔情? I can\'t believe you\'ve been so selfish.selfish: 自私的


[Scene: out of the projection room, Clay is knocking the door.] projection room: 放映室,放映间 projection: 放映;投影

-Clay: Open the door.开门。 Open up! 打开! You are consumed by love.consume:耗尽;使入迷 你是爱的俘虏,

It\'s Mr.Carson Clay.我是Carson Clay。

How does he cast a spell over you, cast a spell over: 向„施魔法;使入迷,使着迷 cast: 算命;预测 spell:符咒 他是如何用言语

enchant you, beguile you? enchant:使着迷 beguile:欺骗 使你对他着迷?

Why did you shut me out? shut„„out:把„„关在门外 为什么把我关在你的心门之外? -Police: Come on.Come on.快来。

-Clay: Where is he? 他在哪?

Where\'s the projectionist? projectionist:放映师,引申自project, 放映师在哪?

-Clay: I struggled to survive.struggle:挣扎 survive: 幸存 我挣扎着活了下来。

When I look back on the darkest moments of our history, 当我回顾我们遭遇的磨难时, I knew that we would part.part:作动词,分开

我知道我们终将会分手, Whose is this? 这是谁的?

And that now, I must let you go.现在,我必须放你走。

We will know a deeper, surer love.我们会懂得另一种更深的、更可靠的爱。

It begins fleetingly, but it deepens and endures.fleetingly:疾驰地;飞快地 deepen: 变深;变强烈 endure:持久 可能开始时并不如意,但它会不断加深,

It grows amidst all the strangene of life.amidst:在„„中间 strangene:陌生 它使生活变得更加生动,

It is a beauty we can always depend on.depend on: 依靠,依赖 这样的美才更加可靠。 It is the beauty of friendship.这就是...友谊之美。

[Scene: the judge finds out his son] judge: 裁判员,裁决者

-Emil: Stop! 停!

You stole my son! stole: steal的过去式,原意为偷,这里可理解为绑架 你绑架了我儿子!

-Sabine: No, he didn\'t! 他没有!

-Emil: Where is my son? Where is he? 我儿子在哪?他在哪? -Bean: That...Here...在...这...-Stepan: Papa! 爸爸! Mama! 妈妈!

[Scene: in the end, Clay make a speech on the stage.] in the end: 最后,最终,终于 make a speech: 发表演讲 speech: 演讲 stage: 舞台

-Clay: A very strange thing happens when you\'re making a work of art.艺术创作过程中经常有诸如此类的怪事发生,

Sometimes you don\'t quite see the elements coming together, element:元素,要素 有时各种元素看似散沙,

and then, when it all comes together, 当这些事一股脑涌来时, there\'s something magical, magical: 有魔力的;神秘的 一些奇妙的现象便发生了,

something organic, and such a thing happened today, organic: 有机的


and everyone said this wouldn\'t work.work: 奏效


They said it was a terrible risk, risk: 冒险,风险

人们说这得冒很大的风险, but I want to keep on making films just like this.但是,我今后想继续制作这样的电影。

The video-film combination, it\'s something that\'s really been done before, combination: 结合,组合

把数位录影和电影结合起来的做法,以前也有人尝试过, but not quite like this.但是,这次却完全不同。

I\'m glad the reception was so great.reception:招待会;欢迎会 我很高兴大家反应如此热烈。

And I\'m just happy to be here.Vive la France.vive: 万岁

我很高兴来到这裡,法国万岁! Ble you.ble: 保佑;对„感激 谢谢大家!











《憨豆先生的假期 英文剧本台词.doc》
憨豆先生的假期 英文剧本台词