英文 慰问函 唁电函

2020-03-04 00:35:30 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



Dear Mr.Roberts,

We were distreed to read in The Times this morning of the death of your Chairman and I am writing at once to expre our deep sympathy.

I had the privilege of knowing Lord Langley for many years and always regarded him as a personal friend.By his untimely paing, our industry has lost one of its best leaders.He will be greatly mied by all who knew him.

Please convey our sympathy to Lady Langley and her family.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Admiral Duncan:

I was profoundly saddened to hear from you the sad news of the paing of Mrs.Duncan.Please accept my sincerest condolences.

I know how little the words and acts of friends can do to ease the grief that has come to you.But I am sure that you can take comfort in knowing that she lived a rich and full life, globetrotting with you throughout your great career in the U.S.Navy.

May she rest in peace and may God be with you during the difficult days ahead.

Sincerely yours,

生意不在人情在 慰问对方范例

Dear Governor Orr:

Thank you so much for your heart-warming letter of June 26, 1985, which reminds me of the many pleasant chats we had together during your past trips to Taipei.

It was most thoughtful of you to write and wish me well.Indeed, I am gaining progreively in physical strength, even though the proce of recovery has been arduous and tortuous.However, I have always believed that the long view of man’s history will show that his destiny on earth in progre toward the good life, even though that progre is based on sacrifices and sufferings.This is an act of faith.And I am convinced that I shall recover and continue to enjoy a full and meaningful life.

I avail myself of this opportunity to expre my sincere appreciation for your unremitting efforts in promoting economic and trade relations between our two countries.It is most comforting to know that, despite all the setbacks we have endured over the past decade, we can always count on support of such loyal friends as your esteemed self.

Sincerely yours,








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英文 慰问函 唁电函