SAT eay完整题库(附带例子)

2020-03-02 20:30:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

1.Are all discoveries the result of focusing on one subject?(青霉素的发现,居里夫人)

2.Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?(甘地不结盟运动与绝食,博尔顿被允许由400赛跑转为100米赛跑)

3.Is it neceary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people?(诺贝尔发明炸药的过程曾经误炸家人,)

4.Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good?(海伦凯勒,莎士比亚早期的底层生活对于其后来作品中的语言生动性及人物取材多样性的积极影响)

5.Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make?

6.Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth?(欧亨利的小说“最后一片树叶”,)

7.Does the succe of a community—whether it is a cla, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group—depend upon people’s willingne to limit their personal interests?(中国乒乓球队布置战术,nba的波士顿凯尔特人队的三巨头为了总冠军而限制个人数据)

8.Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?()

9.Do people achieve more succe by cooperation than by competition?(比尔盖茨和保罗艾伦,)

10.Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?(达尔文,马丁路德.金,马丁路德)

11.Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties?()

12.Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have good results?(同题目6)

13.Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well?(同题目2,特丽莎修女)

14.Is it better to change one’s attitude than to change one’s circumstances?(欧亨利的“最后一片树叶”,海伦凯勒,弥尔顿的“失乐园”,维瓦尔第的“四季”)

15.Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general?(马丁路德.金,林肯在南北战争中的决定)

16.Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic?(剩女的大量出现因为对于物质的不断索取,道德风气的败坏:挟尸要价,毒奶粉导致婴儿性早熟)

17.Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?()

18.Is it always best to determine one’s own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit from following the crowd?(达尔文,


19.Do circumstances determine whether or not we should we should tell the truth?(最后一片叶子的小说,伽利略对于教廷的妥协对比布鲁诺被烧死的例子)

20.Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people create for themselves?(爱迪生,莎士比亚依靠个人奋斗从贫穷走向知名)

21.Can people ever be truly original?()

22.Do people achieve greatne only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else?(博尔顿,)

23.Should we admire heroes but not celebrities?(用撒尿浇灭罗马城大火的小孩,古希腊的长跑健将马拉松)

24.Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use ideas of others?(牛顿万有引力定律借鉴了他人观点,爱迪生改造电影过程中借鉴了Lumiere兄弟最开始的简陋设备,使只能被一个人观看的电影得以投放到大银幕)

25.Is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not achieved?

26.Should people always prefer new things, ideas, or values to those of the past?(达尔文,美国三权分立制度)

27.Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or

groups with which they have something in common?()

28.Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding the use of modern technology, even when using it would make life easier?(用步行或者地铁的方式来减少汽车的使用率,塑料袋的减少使用)

29.Do people place too much emphasis on winning?(特雷萨修女,)

30.Are people’s actions motivated primarily by a desire for power over others?(爱因斯坦拒绝以色列总统的职位而专心研究科学,特雷萨修女拒绝被调回欧洲天主教总部去享受更好的生活而专心留在印度)

31.Do incidents from the past continue to influence the present?(林肯幼年时观察到黑奴被虐的经历影响到后来对黑人人权的捍卫,)

32.Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict?(同意:甘地的非暴力不合作运动化解了印度不同的宗教矛盾,不同意:马丁路德.金,林肯拒绝内战中的国家分裂)

33.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?()

34.Can a group of people function effectively without some being in charge?(华盛顿在美国独立战争期间出头当家把美国从战争失败中拯救出来)

35.Do actions, not words, reveal a person or a group’s true attitudes and intention?(日本表面亲美实则偷袭珍珠港,)

36.Does planning interfere with creativity?

37.Do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they expect more of themselves?

38.Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their original decisions?

39.Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progre?

40.Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are?

41.Should people let their feelings guide them when they make important decisions?

42.Has today’s abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us?

43.Are people best defined by what they do?

44.Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is?

45.Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences?

46.Do people learn who they are only when they are forced to


47.Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make?

48.Do closed doors make us creative?(obstacles)

49.Do people have to be highly competitive in order to succeed?

50.Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?

51.Is there always another explanation or another point of view?

52.Is deception ever justified?

53.Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power?

54.Can succe be disastrous?

55.Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves?

56.Is the world changing for the better?

57.Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are?

58.Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it?


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SAT eay完整题库(附带例子)