
2020-03-03 05:46:32 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


甘谷县腰崖九年制学校六年级 丁凯霞

古人云:“鱼和熊掌不可兼得。”的确,我们在得到某一样东西时,内心会感到很快乐,很满足。相反,在失去某一样东西时,内心会感到很失落,很沮丧 。但我想对大家说:“我们在得到的同时必须要学会放弃,放弃有时也是一种美丽!”

去年暑假的时候我去外婆家玩,刚走进村子,远远地我就看到远处一团火红,好像晚霞一样光彩夺目,我赶紧跑过去,到了跟前才发现,原来是许多漂亮的牡丹花,圆中的花,争奇斗艳互不相让。我不由自主地伸手想摘一朵带回家。就在我美不胜收时,我脑海里忽然浮现出另一种声音:要是我把这些花摘下来,那它们不就失去生命了吗?所有的植物和人类是一样的,都是有生命的!想到这儿,我 赶紧缩回了手,放弃了摘花的念头。我非常喜欢这些花,可我最终还是放弃了将它占为己有的念头。

终于到外婆家了,我把这件事情讲给了外婆听,外婆高兴的摸着我的头说:“虽然你的手中没有花,但你的心灵比牡丹花美 。”听了这句话,我露出了甜甜地笑容。 从此以后, 每当我去外婆家路过牡丹花园时都 会驻足停留一会儿。有时候,我老远的就看见牡丹花在向我招手呢!

从这件事中,我终于懂得了 一个道理:放弃也是一种美丽,只有你学会放弃,你才会有意想不到的惊喜和收获。




甘谷县腰崖九年制学校六年级 程志凡

每一次 ,都在孤独徘徊中坚强;每一次,就算很受伤也不闪泪光,我知道,我一直都有双隐形的翅膀。带我去飞,飞过绝望。每一次,听到这首歌,我不由得会想起那件令我学会了坚强的小事。 那是在一个阳光明媚的下午,我在回家的路上看见 我们班的学生都会骑自行车 。我的父母一直是 鼓励我的.刚开始他们用手 扶住自行 车,看见我稍微会骑之后 ,就慢慢地放开。在我不知不觉中,我对于骑自行车就有了一定的进步。我心里想:速度太慢,就快速骑了起来。父母总是告诉我慢一点,但是,刚学会骑自行车的时候,我总是不听劝告。正当我得意时,忽然,巷子口有一块石头,我不会转弯,便摔到在地上了。胳膊流血了。看着胳膊不断涌出的血,我大哭起来,我以为爸爸和妈妈会立刻把我抱回家,没想到等了半天,也没有见父母来,只听见远处传来一声父亲的声音。他说:“你要自己学会坚强,男子汉大丈夫,不能因为一点伤痛就流泪,我擦干了眼泪,站起来,推着自行车回家了。

那一刻,我放弃了母亲的帮助,而是选择了自己站起来,我便选择了坚强。长大以后,每当我遇到挫折,便总会想起小时候父母对我说的那段话,我在以后的生活中, 从来没有逃避和放弃,每次都是勇敢地面对 挫折与困难。


指导 教师评语:字迹整齐,中心明确,能从实例出发来说明中心,对题目的把握 较好,望继续努力!


甘谷县腰崖九年制学校六年级 程贤贤




在以后的生活中,每当我遇到挫折,便总会想起来那一次经历。小小的我在剧烈的疼痛下都能 选择坚强,而现在长大的我,又有什么理由会退缩和逃避呢?


指导教师:牛丽蓉 指导教师评语:文章内容充实,能从自己发生的小事上着手说明中心,说明对题目的把握度较好。但字迹潦草缺少好词佳句。望继续努力!


甘谷县腰崖九年制学校六年级 王尔凯



古时候有两位了不起的大臣,名叫蔺相如和廉颇。他们同为楚王的重臣,但因蔺相如在渑池会上立了功 ,职位比廉颇高,廉颇听了很不服气,想和蔺相如比试一番。这话传到蔺相如的耳朵里,蔺相如就装自己有病不出门,让别人看见了说蔺相如害怕廉颇。其实,蔺相如是为国家着想,不想和廉颇闹误会。后来廉颇知道了蔺相如的苦心,特来负荆请罪,终于俩人又和如初,共同保卫楚国。所以我们应该向蔺相如那样学会放弃,放弃争强好胜,放弃于别人不利,于国家不利的行为。

在生活中,我们面临着很多选择,只有我们坚守底线,学会放弃,才能在人生的道路上得到更多美好的东西,如果你一味坚持只做对 自己有利 的事情。那么,你也许失去的更多,因此,在 人生的道路上放弃也是一道美丽的风景线


指导教师评语:文章内容紧凑,结构完整 。但缺少好词佳句,望继续努力!


甘谷县腰崖九年制学校六年级 马丽丽



如果人类保护环境,不随意破坏。想一想,我们的生活应该很舒适。我们可以随意与动物嬉戏,而不用担心它们会 受伤,我们可以在蓝天 下自由的呼吸而不用担心空气会污染;我们可以随意奔跑,与朋友一起呼唤,而不是整日呆在四角天空下惶恐不安我们可以······

但是有些人却不愿意,他们这样舒适的生活,他们大量开采各种资源,乱砍滥伐不珍惜大 自然的馈赠。有些资源本来是可以再生,但因为人类是严重的开采,而引起资源的枯竭。现在没有适合 人类居住 的星球,再想一想:连住的地方没有了,到那时候地球是不是已经······

曾有人说:“这个地球太容易破碎了,同时也 太可爱了。

是啊!地球是人类的 母亲,生命的摇篮 。可人 们未看到她的美丽,脆弱,只知道无肆地开采,肆意破坏,现在地球母亲早已伤痕累累。




My Future My future is to become a doctor .Doctor like an angel, he will always be with us, like our third parent.No matter how serious the diease is,the doctor will take you from darkne to the light finally,let us see the light.Little by little, I get better ang stronger after the doctor took good care of me.From then on ,I have a plan that .I want to be a doctor, so that ,I could help people in trouble ang help them get healthy.This is my future that I have expected . Cheng Huan

My Future I want to be a teather when I grow up.Beause teather is very helpful .I think talking to the students is very interesting .Iam happy to stay with childen .That will make me happy .It is hard to be an good teather .I will work hard at school .I need to learn a lot of knowledge.I can speak only two languages , one is Chinese, and the other is English I will be nice to my students.I would not give them too much homework to do .Teathers very busy.And they are always not rich .Bnt I still want to be a teather .I have confidence in myself.I am sure I will have a good future. Cheng Yu Jiao

My Future

What will I be when I grow up ?I have no idea .Everyrone wants to know his future , but nobody knows it. I hope to be a good tecther like Ms .Cheng.Because teachers are very helpful .It would be funny.I would be nice to all of my students .I would like to teach much knowledgeable to my students My .I am sure my dream will come true.Because I work hard at school and my life in the future will be wonderful.Everything will be much better. I am sure I will have a good future.Xian Chun ru My Future

What will I be?I often ask myself.Now I have an idea about my future . I think I will be a doctor in 10 years.I will live in Gansu.Because I was born there.I Like it very much.As a doctor , I must try my best to help my patients.I think I will live in a department with my best friends .I will have a lovely dog.For I like dogs very much.I will probably go swimming every day .I will go to shanghai on my vacation .Some day, I might even visit America.That is great!

It is my future .What is your future? If you have no idea.It does not matter.I wish you a wonderful future.

Cheng Xizhou

My Future

My Future is not a dream.I am sure it will come ture with my lots of efforts.Some day I think I want to be a very very good cook. Cooking is my hobby,too.I would like to cook many delicious foods for all people.I like to see people hobby and smile when they eat my food.And that is also my life aim.From now on, I need to work hard and make great progre every day!

I believe I can do it,my future is not a dream.

Cheng Kaili

My Future My name is Cheng Ru.I hope to be an English teacher in the future .Because it is really an important job .Everyone needs knowledge.I want to teach students much knowledge.I would be nice to all of my students.I would encourage them to be creative.It would be funny . I hope to be a good teacher like Ms.Cheng.She is strict but nice , she encourages us to work hard and go to a good university in the future. It is not easy to become on English teacher.I am not sure I can make it.But I believe I might not be an English teacher if I do not study hard at school. Believe in myself.I might be an excellent English teacher someday! Cheng Ru

My Future

Everyone wants to have a good future.But nobody knows it.I hope my future will be promising. I hope I will be an excellent lawyer in the future.I would help many help many people who are in difficulty.I will help the people who are in need .No matter they are rich or poor.I think I will have a good reputation in society. A good doctor needs very healthy body.I will do some exercise every week .Such as, running, riding bike, going climb, mountains and so on and they always stand hehind me. I will work hard to reach my future.This is the future in my dream, what is yours?

Cheng Yimin

My Future

We talk about the future sometimes.Everyone is curious about future life.What will I be?What will I live?I do not know. Maybe I will be a teacher.I would like to be nice to my students .Maybe I will be an air plane poilt.That would be a cool job.Because I would help people travel all around the world and I would travel the world and experience many interesting things. My teacher fells me you work very hard ,you will have a very good future and I believe if I work hard , I will have a good future.Do my best in study at school I also expect that my future will promising , I believe my future is not just a dream . Cheng jiumei










