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高中英语阅读课教学设计及反思 (续) 作者:fhqyh 日期:2008-12-5 19:54:00 Step3.While-reading ( 29 min ) 1.Prediction ( 1 min ) Ask students to read the title and look at the pictures to predict what the text is about ? [ 设计说明 ] 通过阅读文章标题,并借助于图片,引导学生对课文内容进行预测,调动学生已有的

背景知识,使其产生阅读的兴趣,快速进入阅读状态。然后让学生通过快速阅读来验证自己的预测,使学生处于一种主动认知状态。 2.Skimming ( 5 min ) Skim the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para1: __________

Para2: _____________

Para3: ______________ Para4: __________

Para5: _____________

Para6: ______________ Para7: __________ A.the general introduction to Xie Lei and her study.B.Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country--London.C.the advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family.D.Xie Lei is getting used to the Western university’s way of learning.E.The newspaper will follow Xie Lei’s progre in later editions.F.Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life.G.the difficulties that Xie Lei met while living in London.[ 设计说明 ] 准确、快速地归纳段落大意和文章主题是一项重要的阅读能力,是提高阅读速度和理解文章内容的关键。这一步设计正是为了培养学生的略读技巧和概括文章内容的能力,也为下一步获取细节信息的活动打好了基础。 3.Detailed reading ( 18min ) Get students to read and comprehend the text paragraph by paragraph. 1.Read Para1 together and answer the question: How did Xie Lei feel before she went to England.Why? 2.Ask one of the students to read Para2 and answer the question: What did Xie Lei think of her preparation course ? 3.Read Para3 silently and choose the best answer: The new way of life that Xie Lei has to get used to includes the followings except_____.A.how to use the phone

B.how to pay bus fare C.how to ask the way

D.how to earn money 4.Read Para4 silently and then fill in the blanks.

the advantages of living with a host family to


to 5.Read Para5 silently and decide whether the statements are true or false.1)

Xie Lei’s preparation course is helping her to get used to Western academic requirements 2)

Xie Lei got an “A” in her first eay because she referred to an article on the Internet.3)

Xie Lei is now getting along well with her study.4)

“I’m now an autonomous learner.”.Here “autonomous” means “dependent”. 6.Ask one of the students to read Para6 and then answer the question: 1)“Xie Lei feels more at home in England now and what seemed strange before appears quite normal now? How do you understand this sentence ? 2) Why has Xie Lei decided to join clubs? 7.Read Para7 together in a loud voice and then choose the best answer: Where might we read the article? A.on the Internet

B.in the newspaper

C.in the magazine

D.in the guide book [ 设计说明 ] 以上问题的设置基于课文内容,但又不局限于课文,以默读或朗读的形式唤起学生对课文内容的回忆,问题设置形式多样,有问答题、选择题、填表题和是非判断题,并要求学生带着问题去完成任务,目的是加深其对课文的理解,使学生有目的地进行阅读,了解文章的细节信息,提高学生获取信息和处理信息的能力,培养学生的自主学习能力和探究能力,激发他们的发散思维。

4.Consolidation ( 5min ) Ask students to fill in the blanks by themselves,discu with the partners or ask the teacher for help.Benefits of doing a preparation course ( Para

3、5) to get used to a new


to get used to Western a ________ r_________

of living with a host family

( Para4 )

to learn more about _____________ to ask the host family ____________ of having a tutor

( Para5 ) to explain why you cannot use other people’s work without a_____________ it.to e________ you to expre your own ideas.Difficulties at the university ( Para5 ) 1.learning to read widely and a________ the texts. 2.e___________ her own opinion with reasons.of a new way of life (Para6) 1.finding a b__________ between study and a s_________.2.making new __________.[ 设计说明 ] 教师通过挖空让学生总结巩固全文,培养学生查找关键信息这一阅读技能和策略,也有利于发展和完善其认知能力。要求学生独立完成,或同伴合作,或请教老师。 因为教师很了解学生们的程度不一样。但无论哪一类学生,都要求他们以参与求体验,激发他们对课堂、对学习的沉醉与迷恋,使上、中、下不同水平的学生都有参与课堂活动的机会,都能学有所获。 Step4.Post-reading ( 8 min ) 1.Interview ( 5 min ) Hold a pre conference One of the students acts as Xie Lei and the others the reporters from China Daily.The reporters can ask Xie Lei different questions.For example: Reporter: Hello, Xie Lei.I’m from… What should you consider before going to England? Xie Lei: … [ 设计说明 ] 这一环节旨在培养学生提出问题和解决问题的能力,并训练学生的口头表达能力,让学 生在问答交流中开拓思路,形成发散性思维和创新能力,把课堂教学过程转化为学生主动参与教学的过程。

2.Discuion: ( 2 min ) Discu the following questions in groups of six.What good qualities does Xie Lei have ?

What should you do when you meet with difficulties in your study or life ?

[ 设计说明 ]

组织学生进行小组讨论,学习本文主人公的优秀品质,培养学生坚强的意志,坚定克服困难、迎接挑战的决心,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心。 3.Summary ( 1min ) T: What have you learnt in this cla? [ 设计说明 ] 教师通过提问让学生总结全文,使学生更加明确在平时的学习中,尤其是遇到困难时应该学习谢蕾正视困难,迎接挑战的决心和信心。 Step5. Homework ( 1min ) Suppose I have a chance to go to England for further education , what suggestions will you make to me ? And email the suggestions to me.(group work) [ 设计说明 ] 课后作业是一个深层次任务,让学生将课文所学知识应用到实际生活中,学会如何提出 建议,并巩固所学词汇,提高表达能力,达到语言输出的目的。写邮件活动不仅建立了促使学生互动的平台,拓展了学生的学习资源,而且也增加了时代气息和任务的真实性。 2.Underline all the important and difficult phrases and sentences in the text.[ 设计说明 ] 让学生划出自己认为有用的和较难的词、词组和句子,目的是提高他们的自学能力, 同时为下节课的语言点学习作好准备。










