
2020-03-02 22:10:10 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Unit Two

Trends and Fads Introduction

Fashion is something popular among people during certain time, but it is always fun and interesting to see how style, trends and fads change our lives over the years and how they even try to make a comeback in our society.Everyone remembers a favorite toy or something popular that he or she grew up with, but they have moved out of life with the paing of time.

Exploring the Topic

1.Do you think fashion is good or not? In my opinion, fashion is good for the following reasons.First of all, it makes life different from time to time, thus enriching our life by providing with something new and colorful.Second, it helps us make choices while shopping.Third, it helps promote busine and the national economy.2.Why do people like to follow the fashion? To follow the fashions seems to have become the general trend among young people in the modern society.But if we analyze the reasons, the following points should be taken into account.Firstly, they don’t want to be considered out-of-date.Secondly, they have a strong desire to show they are different from others.Last but not the least, they are curious about and interested in anything that is new.Background Information

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services.It is recognized as the leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people—at home and abroad—providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnership.CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.The British Virgin Islands Comprised of 36 islands in the Caribbean (16 of which are inhabited); about 113 kilometers east of Puerto Rico, north of the Leeward Islands, and adjacent to the U.S.Virgin Islands; principal islands are Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke.In 1666, British planters took over control of the island group from the original Dutch settlers.The Islands attained the status of British colony, and remained part of the Leeward Islands from 1872 until 1956, when the British Virgin Islands became a separately administered entity.In 1967, a new constitution provided for a ministerial system of government headed by a Chief Minister.The island group remains under British control today..Section A

Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads Warming-up Look at the pictures below, and discu with your clamates: how has people’s life changed in China during the past 60 years?


one-piece dre


Chinese tunic suit


liberation shoes


overalls; dungarees; jeans 喇叭裤

the flared trousers; the bell-bottoms 海魂衫

a sailor’s striped shirt 蛤蟆镜



grain coupons


an enamelled cup 雪花膏

face cream 连环画

serial pictures 水枪

water pistols 弹弓

a slingshot; a catapult 掌上游戏机

handheld game console Main Idea Our lifestyle is changing all the time and there are different trends and fads at different times.Not only clothing and hairstyle, but also the whole ways of living are changing rapidly.But why do fads change so quickly? For some people, they just want to make money while for others, they simply want to take part in new and original activities.In spite of the difference between a fad and a trend, fads exist in every country.And no one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.Structure

Part Ⅰ: para.1 Introduction to the topic of the paage: trends and fads Part II: Para.2-4 Illustration of the existence of different trends and fads at different times Part III: para.5-6 Explanation of the reasons of fads coming and going.Part Ⅳ: para.7-8 Concluding the paage Intensive Reading trend n.【1】 a fashion or style 时尚;时髦

e.g.There is a trend among young people to study abroad.年轻人中流行出国留学。

【2】 a general tendency or direction in the way a situation is changing or developing 倾向;趋势;趋向 e.g.If current trends continue, the world population could be 7 billion by the year 2010.

按目前的趋势,到2010 年全球人口将达到70 亿。 tendency


e.g.Unhappy parents have a tendency to bring up unhappy children.

不幸福的父母养育的子女也往往不幸福。 她天生比较谨慎。

She has a natural tendency toward caution.appear v.【1】 become able to be seen; come into sight

出现;呈现 e.g.The symptoms don’t appear until a few days later.


【2】 seem; give other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;好像;看来

e.g.Love appears to be more beautiful in stories than in real life.

故事里的爱情似乎比现实生活中的要美一些。 advertisement


e.g.This advertisement is full of exaggeration.



I’ve just seen your advertisement for jobs in the newspaper and I would like to apply.complain


e.g.To complain about things all the time makes one sick.



If goods are not well made, you should complain to the manufacturer.fame


e.g.His fame did not come until after his death.



One of the disadvantages of fame is that people point at you in the street.cause v. lead to or be the cause of 导致;引起;使发生

e.g.The child’s headache may be caused by stre.


n.【1】a person, thing, or event that makes something happen 原因;起因

e.g.Scientists are searching for the cause of the disease.


【2】a principle, aim or movement that is strongly defended or supported 事业;目标

e.g.The organization has succefully gotten support for its cause.

该组织成功地为其事业赢得了支持。 desire n.a strong hope or wish


e.g.Attractive store displays can create a desire for the goods.

商店引人注目的陈设能激发人们的购买欲望。 v.(formal) wish or want very much( 正式)渴望;想要

e.g.He suddenly desired a gla of beer at the sight of the advertisement.

看到这则广告,他突然很想喝杯啤酒。 area n.【1】(the range or limits of) a subject, activity, etc.学科范围;领域;方面

e.g.He has a wealth of experience in this area.


【2】a part or division of a region or of a country 地区;区域

e.g.The police are trying to prevent people from entering that area.

警方正设法阻止人们进入那个区域。 creative


e.g.The problem is turning creative ideas into real products.

问题是要把有创造性的想法变成真实的产品。 有创造力的人必须能够想象出某种事物、人物及场景。 Creative people must be able to imagine objects, people and scenes.economy n.【1】 the system by which a country’s wealth is produced and used


e.g.To understand a country’s economy, economists check the growth in a certain industry.

为了解一个国家的经济,经济学家们核查某种产业的增长情况。 【2】 (an example of) the careful use of money, time, effort, etc., in order to avoid waste 节约;节省

e.g.Let’s begin with economy in stationery.




e.g.We offer additional courses to help students speak English more fluently.我们另外开设其他课程以帮助学生更流利地说英语。 如需任何其他信息,请来电。

Please call for any additional information if you require.frequent

adj.频繁的;屡见不鲜的;常见的 e.g.He needs frequent rests during work.他工作中时常需要休息一下。


Robberies are quite frequent in this city.survive vi. continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death 幸存;活下来;残存

e.g.I can’t survive on $30 a week.

靠每星期30 美元的生活费我没法生活。

vt.continue to live or exist after 比······活得长;经历······之后还存在

e.g.Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert.

只有特殊的植物才能在可怕的沙漠气候中存活下来。 out of date 过时的;不用的

e.g.Don’t listen to him—his ideas are out of date.



Rose is going to remain the most popular flower because love is never out of date.in/out of fashion 流行/不流行

e.g.At present, Tang garments are in fashion in China.



People laughed at him because his clothes were old and out of fashion.and the like 诸如此类;等等

e.g.A furniture store sells beds, tables, chairs and the like.



My little boy’s bag is always filled with small animals, leaves and the like.pay attention to 留心;注意

e.g.People thought he was stupid and never paid attention to him.



It is always important for doctors to pay attention to what the patients say.come and go 来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 e.g.People come and go, but I will never forget you.



Fashions come and go, but this style has always been popular.make money 挣钱;赚钱

e.g.He came all the way to China just to make money.



Don’t forget this is a commercial busine and we are here to make money.Exercise Using the Right Word

Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s).Fill in each blank with one word only.Use the words from the word list of Text A in this unit.1.I’m going to sell the house, together with the f_________.2.You had a traffic accident, so you’ll have to ap_________ in court.3.There is an ad__________ for our new product in the local newspaper.4.I de____ nothing other than to be left in peace.So just go away.5.It is f_______ to spend money on something you don’t use.

6.We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业).Tourism cr_____ jobs for local people.7.The development of the world’s e_______ will bring about many new problems.8.Mother will need ad_______ help to do the work since she is not in good health.

Working with Expreions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1.Unfortunately, the hat I had just bought was no longer______ fashion.2.You ought to pay more attention _____ the quality of these goods.3.I want to complain ______ the food and the service in this restaurant.4.The trend at the moment is ____ a more natural and le made-up look.5.I will meet Mr.Smith _______ the book club at 10 o’clock.6.We have invited an expert ______ this area to give us a speech.7.I have a strong desire _______ fresh air after staying in the small room for several hours.8.His knowledge is only limited ________ what is taught in cla.Translating 1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from)

If he starts talking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency)

There is a tendency for job loes to rise in the winter.3.在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。 (frequent)

Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money)

He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.

Section C Practical Writing Letters of Acceptance or Declination

受邀请人在收到请柬后应尽快答复,回复方式一般没有请柬那么严格,但也分正式与非正式两种。如果是严肃场合, 应该用回柬 。其格式与请柬相类似。对一般的请柬,可以写一封短信表示接受邀请或者遗憾 。如果非常要好的朋友,打电话表示接受或拒绝也是可以的。

不管你是否接受邀请,都应该表示感谢。如接受邀请, 就该提一下你是多么盼望去参加;如果你不得已需要谢绝邀请,就应该以适当的理由表示歉意。回复的格式和措词都应与邀请信一致。 Sample Dear Mr.Brown,

Thank you very much for your kindne in asking us to attend your opening ceremony, but we regret very much that we will not be able to go there as we already have an important previous engagement that day.We send our congratulations and best wishes to you and will be together with you in spirit on this happy event.



Useful Patterns

1.Mr.and Mrs.Zhang Lin accept with pleasure Mr.and Mrs.Bryn Adams’ invitation to dinner on the fifth of May 7:00 pm, at the Peace Hotel.2.It was very kind of you to invite me to spend next weekend with you, but unfortunately, I can’t come because I shall be away for a conference in Beijing.3.I can’t tell you how sorry I am not to be able to accept your invitation to the party next Friday.I’m going away on Monday and won’t be back until next Saturday.Thank you all the same.










