
2020-03-01 22:42:48 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


1 ingenious adj 聪明的 ingenuous adj天真的

2 flagrant adj 恶臭的 fragrant adj 芳香的

3 daunt v 使胆怯 gaunt adj高廋的 jaunt v短途旅行 haunt n/adj常去的地方,萦绕于心 flaunt v 炫耀 vaunt v炫耀 taunt v嘲笑

4关于船的一组词:bow船首 gallery船上厨房 hull船壳 halk废壳 ballast 压舱物 rudder船的螺旋桨 stern船尾 hatch船舱口 mast桅杆 ensign舰旗 helm舵 helmsman舵手 deck甲板

5与希腊神话有关的词:chaos混乱 chimera神怪 titanic巨大的 atlas地图集 erotic 性爱的 cupidity贪婪 gorgon丑女 sphinx谜一般的人 iris彩虹 tautalize 逗弄 procrustian强求一致的 debut出次登台 obeion迷惑 glutton贪吃

6笑:deride gibe jeer mock scoff sneer taunt嘲笑chuckle小声的笑 chortle大声的笑 guffaw哄堂大笑 simper傻笑 smirk假笑 snicker/snigger窃笑 snort噗嗤一笑 7哭:weep/whimper小哭 wail/wine大哭 howl大哭/大笑

8芳香:aromatic balmy fragrant odoriferous redolednt perfume

9短暂:ephermeral evanescent fleeting momentary meteoric paing temperary transient transitory

10tumor肿瘤 benign良性肿瘤 malignant恶性肿瘤

11长篇指责性演说:diatribe harangue tirade

12辛辣:peppery(中) piquent(褒) pungent(贬)


14小错:foible peccadillo lapse

15 leer(男女):ogle(女男)暗送秋波>--

16讽刺相关物:caricature讽刺画 lampoon讽刺文章 skit讽刺话 doggerel打油诗 limerick 五行打油诗 burlesque滑稽表演

17 pune梅干:plum梅子〉--〈raisn葡萄干:grape葡萄

18逃避:dodge eclude evade shirk sidestep weasel

19挥霍者:profligate prodigal spendthrift wastrel

20狂热者:zealot fanatic votary partisan

21困境:predicament dilemma quandary


23小屋:lodge hut stack shanty hovel冰屋:igloo 茅草屋顶:thatch

24黑话:jargon argot cant

25petrify石化 putrify腐烂

26凝结:coagulation congeal clot curdle cuddle拥抱—〉huddle集成一堆—〉hurdle障碍—〉murdle混乱—〉puddle水坑

Hold on!----------YiningYang

27障碍:barricade barrier encumberance hinderance obstacle obstruction impediment 28公开正式废除:abrogate repeal rescind

29废除废弃:abolish annul invalidate nullify negate revoke scrap 30

31 欺骗:(普通)inveigle swindle gull beguile(陷阱)decay ensnare entrap

(美好结果)allure tempt entice(色诱)seduce debaush

花言巧语:blandishment cajole coax wheedle 32支点:purchase pivot fulcrum

33 闲逛:amble saunter stroll 胡乱走:ramble meander wander

34伤害:maul/lacerate 撕裂 mutilate切 maim残废 mayhem严重伤害罪 macerate浸软 laminate压薄 lacinate刺 affliction痛苦 agony/anguish极大痛苦 torment痛苦 twinge心灵上的刺痛 traua身心俱痛 travail艰苦劳动/分娩 35拼接图案:mosaic:tile/gla/ceramic sampler:stitch barquet:wood patchwork:cloth 36somniferous催眠 somolent想睡

37组成关系:bone:body/ bracket:shelf /buttre:wall /fraing:building /easel:canvas/girdle:skyscraper/guy:pylon/skeleton:animal/strut:wing/tripod:camera beam木梁girder钢梁


39bout n回合 lout n粗人 rout v大败 pout v噘嘴 tout v竭力称赞

40粗人:bour(不敏感的) lout(无教养的) churl(粗鲁的) yokel(乡巴佬) 41scalpel(解剖刀):surgeon〉--〈stethoscope(听诊器):physcian 42

Buck n公鹿,美元v弓背跃起,*反对

43以let为后缀的词:ringlet卷发 droplet小水滴 booklet小册子 piglet小猪 44编排关系:



45围栏:动物 corral:horse /coop:chicken/fold:sheep/pen:pigs 46忠诚:allegiance fealty fidelity loyalty47反对demur:doubt and objection

47粗鲁:impudent impertinent indecorous brazen

48冷淡:apathetic phlegmatic impaive indifferent monochalant stolid

49无精打采:laitude torpor languor lethargy languid tropid lackadaisical 50


lurk:wait/shadow:follow/steal:take/abscond:depart/eavesdrop:listen/secrete(hoard):store(save) /poach:hunt

52放纵:coddle indulge dote spoil pamper humor

53ruby红宝石 sapphire兰宝石 turquoise绿宝石 emerald祖母绿 jade翡翠 amethyst紫水晶 rhinestone水晶 54事物及柄:


55哲学:ontology本体论 episteology认识论 agnostics不可知论 methodology方法论 metaphysics形而上学 dichotomy二分法

56罪犯:conspirator共谋犯 felon重犯 accomplice同犯 confederate同案犯 abetter教唆犯 principal主犯 acceory从犯

57吝啬:miser stingy skimpy parsimonious penurious tightfisted

58节约:frugal thrifty sparing prudent provident

59花花公子:dandy过分好打扮的人 fop过分注重外表的人 libertine放荡的人 voluptuary沉迷于酒色的人 milksop娘娘腔

60 漩涡:whirlpool swirl madstorm vortex(大),eddy(小) 61天真:inchoate incipient nascent

63sed前缀:sediment沉淀物 sedate镇静的 sedentary久坐的 sedulous勤勉的 sedative镇静剂

64武断:arrogant haughty iimperious overbearing persumptious pontifical supercilious peremptory surly

65即兴当场:extemporaneous extemporaryimprovised ipromptu offhand unrehearse adlib


入侵:incursion invade aggreion 撤退:retreat部队:air force空军 cavalcade骑兵队伍 cavalry骑兵 infantry步兵 artilley炮兵 armada(古)舰队 fleet舰队

军团:regiment legion

大炮:artillery ordnance canon flak(高射)

进攻方式:feint佯攻 foray/raid突袭 aail/aault/onslaught猛攻 战斗:skirish

屠杀:carnage maacre hecatomb holocaust

根据地:foothold 战略:strategy 战术:tactic 狂败:debacle fiasco rout 狂胜:landslide 转折点:watershed 停战协定:armistice truce 67对手:adversary antagonist rival opponent foe(凶)

68味道淡:bland(褒) insipid/vapid(贬) boring(事物)

69郁闷:morose saturnine crestfallen downcast melancholy gloomy dispirited doleful 70天使:cherub seraph

71诽谤:asperse caluminate defame malign libel stingmatize traduce vilify 72吵闹:boisterous clamorous rabunctious rowdy obstreperous vociferous 73狭隘:insular provincial parochial

74虚伪:sanctimonious pharisaic hypocritical hypercritical(吹毛求疵) 75水可渗透:paible penetrable permeable pervious porous 76湿透:saturated soaked sodden soggy

77以pel为后缀:dispel驱散(中间向四周) expel逐出 impel内心驱使 compel外界驱使 repel击退,使反感 propel推进

78令人敬畏的: redoubtable awesome formidable 79显著:redoubtable eminent illustrious

80陈腐的:antiquated banal corny threadbare atale trite stereotyped hackneyed老马,雇用文人 platitudinal

81极端厌恶:abhor abominate deterst exercrate loathe>dislike contempt

82偏见:bias factional jaundical partical prejudiced tendentious warped prepoeed 83wax n蜡v上蜡 ,使变大,月盈wane月亏 wax and wane/flow and ebb=viciitudes盛衰变迁

84无经验的人:A:goosling cub colt greenhorn(动物衍生) B:fledgling stripling sapling(人衍生) 85欢乐:froblic frisk gambol rollick 86平静:equanimity tranquility serenity

87根除,摧毁:devastate annihilate deracinate exterminate extirpate eradicate uproot 88做作:affected artifical mannered pretentious stagy stilted strained theatrical studied

89后缀low:callow adj 未成熟的 fallow adj休闲的 gallows n绞刑架 hallow v视为神圣 sallow adj病黄色 wallow v猪在泥水中打滚,沉溺于 90流苏:tael fringe 91说话圆滑:glib mercurial

93隐士:anchorite recluse solitary hermit

94行李:briefcase handbag purse suitcase trunk rucksack 95猫科动物:cat lion tiger couger leopard lynx

96流氓:hooligan(足球),miscreant ruffian rogue villain

97stardwarfneutorblackhole bigbane大爆炸 这个过程:内爆implode 反之 explode 98 早和正常:hieroglyphic : word /papyrus : paper / harpsochord : piano / arada : fleet 99 摇晃与正常:flounder : move / stutter : speak / limp : walk 100消毒:cauterize pasteurize fumigate

101各种刑具:guillotine manacle fetter shackle gallows 102veal小牛肉 venial可以原谅 venal唯利是图

103肉:bacon熏肉 pork猪肉 veal小牛肉 beaf牛肉 mutton羊肉 venison鹿肉 fillet鱼肉 carrion腐肉 scavenger食腐动物

104深奥:abstruse convoluted erudite obscure profound recondite inscrutable

105夸系列:女:seraphic >gorgeous>sexy,hot>bautiful>pretty>got sth有气质>adorable可爱的男:handsome>pretty>aesthetically challenged 106九大行星:

108大口喝:guzzle quaff swill potation


110碎片与完整:filing:metal/ shard:pottery/shaving(sawdust):wood/fragment:bone/crumb:bread 111法庭与法律系列:court(room)法庭 lectern审判席 法官:judge magistrate justice 证人: witne 伪证:perjury证词:testimony 陪审团:jury 宣判:verdictguilty 有罪 innocent无罪 defend被告 respondent被告(婚姻)corespondent第三者 plantiff原告 suitor原告(婚姻)prosecute公诉 accuse控告 plead辩护 prosecuter公诉人 litigant诉讼当事人(原+ 被) conviction定罪 sentence量刑 precedence先例法 tribunal裁判所113怒:rant glower fume


115淫棍:bawdy lascivious lecherous libidinous licentious lewd lubricious prurient salacious 116群:pack:wolf /pride:lions/swarm:ants(bees)/gaggle:geese/school(shool):fish

117新手:neophyte novice rookie tyre

118裁判:referee(大球),umpire(小球) 119大师:mastro(音乐),virtuoso(艺术), guru(宗教) savant(知识) 120小贩:hawker huckster peddler vendor 121间歇与正常:

interregium:governmenthibernation:activitytruce:warfareintermiion:performance 122褶皱:物 pleat:curtain hem:garment olding:cabinet ruffle:shirt










