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Black Sock Scandal “黑袜丑闻”


Black Sock Scandal


By Vicky Williams 万熙卿 译

In 1919, the life of profeional baseball almost ended because of a betting scandal surrounding the Chicago White Sox and the World Series.Eight players from the Chicago White Sox (later nicknamed the Black Sox) were accused of throwing the series against the Cincinnati Reds.Details of the scandal and the extent to which each man was involved have always been unclear.It was, however, front-page news acro the country and, despite being acquitted of criminal charges, the players were banned from profeional baseball for life.The eight men included the great “Shoele” Joe Jackson; pitchers Eddie Cicotte and Claude “Lefty” Williams; infielders Buck Weaver, Arnold “Chick” Gandil, Fred McMullin, and Charles “Swede” Risberg; and outfielder Oscar “Happy” Felsch .1919年,一场以芝加哥白袜队和棒球“世界大赛”为中心的赌赛丑闻几乎终结了美国职业棒球事业。芝加哥白袜队(后被戏称为“黑袜队”)的八名运动员被指在对辛辛纳提红人队的棒球“世界大赛”中故意输掉比赛。丑闻的具体细节以及每位运动员的参与程度至今仍然众说纷纭。但这一事件登上了全国上下的报纸头版,而牵涉其中的八位运动员虽然没有身陷刑事诉讼,却被罚终身禁赛。其中包括著名的“光脚汉”乔?杰克逊,投手艾迪?西科特和“左撇子”克劳德?威廉姆斯,内野手巴克?韦佛、“坏小子”阿诺德?甘第尔、弗雷德?麦克马林和“瑞典佬”查尔斯?里斯伯格,以及外野手“乐天派”奥斯卡?费尔许。

Charles Comiskey and the White Sox


The White Sox team was formed in 1900 as a franchise of the American league, under the ownership of Charles Comiskey.The Sox were originally called The White Stockings.They shortened the name to White Sox in 1902.In its first year, the team won the league championship.By 1903, the American and National Leagues had agreed to meet in an end-of-the-year playoff, or a “World Series”.In 1906, the White Sox won this national championship by defeating the Chicago Cubs four games to two .The next eight years brought a dry spell for the Sox.In many of those years they lost more often than they won.

In 1910, Comiskey built a new ballpark on Chicago’s South Side and dedicated himself to building a strong ball club.In 1915, he purchased three star players: outfielder Joe Jackson, second baseman Eddie Collins, and center fielder Happy Felsch .In 1917, the Sox won the World Series and, managed by William “Kid” Gleason, the 1919 Chicago White Sox had the best record in the American League.Comiskey had succeeded in building one of the most powerful teams in baseball.

Despite their many wins on the field, the White Sox were an unhappy team.No club played better in 1919, but few were paid so poorly.Many knowledgeable observers believe that it was Comiskey’s stingine that is largely to blame for the Black Sox scandal: if Comiskey had not groly underpaid his players and treated them so unfairly, they would never have agreed to throw the Series.

Comiskey frequently made promises to his players that he had no intention of keeping.He once promised his team a big bonus if they won the pennant .When they did win, the bonus turned out to be a case of cheap champagne.Comiskey even charged his players for laundering their uniforms.In protest, for several weeks the players wore the same increasingly dirty uniforms.Comiskey removed the uniforms from their lockers and fined the players.白袜队是美联的职业球队,成立于1900年,其所有权由查尔斯?科米斯基所有。白袜队最初的名称是“白色袜子队”,1902年简化为“白袜队”。球队成立的第一年便赢得了美联赛冠军。1903年,美联和国联决定在年底举办一场决赛,即“世界大赛”。1906年,白袜队以4比2击败芝加哥小熊队,夺得了全国冠军。但在接下来的八年中,球队一直状态不佳,负多胜少。 1910年,科米斯基在芝加哥南部建了一个新球场,并致力于建立一个强大的棒球俱乐部。1915年,他买入了三位明星球员:外野手乔?杰克逊、二垒手艾迪?科林斯和中外野手“乐天派”费尔许。1917年,白袜队赢得了世界大赛;在教练“野小子”威廉?格利森的带领下,球队于1919年创造了在美联赛中的历史最好成绩。科米斯基的确铸造了最强大的棒球队。 虽然白袜队在球场上屡创佳绩,但他们却并不快乐。他们是1919年排名第一的球队,而收入却少得可怜。许多有见地的观察家都指出,科米斯基的吝啬在很大程度上导致了黑袜丑闻:如果不是科米斯基极力压低球员的薪水、对他们这么不公平,也许他们就不会同意在世界大赛中作弊输掉比赛。




Gamblers were often visibly present at ballparks and the fixing of games had been suspected since the mid-1850s.Rumors circulated that players supplemented their incomes by throwing single games.Several ballplayers had the reputation of working closely with gamblers.A small-time gambler, Joseph Sullivan, allegedly made money on inside tips from Chicago’s Chick Gandil.Sullivan’s bets were safer when he knew a pitcher or hitter was sick, hurt, or having an off week.

Although gambling was intertwined with baseball long before the eight White Sox were accused of fixing the Series, the number of gamblers at ballparks had dramatically increased by 1919.Ironically, Comiskey posted signs throughout the park declaring, “No Betting Allowed In This Park.” Unfortunately for Comiskey, the signs were not enough.Player resentment was high and gamblers’ offers, which were sometimes several times a ballplayer’s salary, were too tempting to refuse.


有传言称,球员通过在单局比赛中打假球来获得额外收入。据传,有几名球员还与赌徒保持着密切联系。一个不入流的赌徒约瑟夫?苏利文就凭借“坏小子”甘第尔的内部消息大赚特赚。当苏利文了解到有投手或击手生病、受伤、或者休假时,他下赌注的风险就小了很多。 虽然在白袜队的八位球员在世界大赛被指作弊之前,赌博行为就与棒球比赛纠缠不清,但到1919年,球场上的赌徒数量仍急剧增加。讽刺的是,科米斯基在球场上到处张贴着“本球场禁止赌博”的标志,不过对科米斯基来说,标志的作用是远远不够的。球员的敌对情绪高涨,而赌徒开出的条件有时能达到球员薪水的好几倍,实在无法拒绝。

The Fix


While the facts surrounding the throwing of the Series are confusing, people familiar with the case agree Gandil was the ringleader.A few weeks before the 1919 World Series, Gandil approached Sullivan about fixing the Series.He told Sullivan that for $100,000, Gandil and several of his teammates would make sure the White Sox would lose.Gandil was known as a rough character and, at the age of thirty-three, he was getting ready to retire.Before his career ended, he had one last shot to make big money.While Sullivan started raising money, Gandil went to work getting the cooperation of his teammates.

Among the eight players, Jackson’s involvement in the fix is most disputed.Jackson is believed by many today to be innocent of participating in the conspiracy or is seen as a na?ve and reluctant participant who has been unjustly grouped with the other players bent on throwing the series.According to Jackson’s statement, Chick Gandil offered to pay him $20,000 to throw the series, and he agreed, expecting to receive payments after each game.However, he grew suspicious and angry that he and the other players were being cheated by the gamblers when he had not received any money by the end of the third game.Lefty Williams finally gave him $5,000 in cash after the fourth game.Because Jackson did not attend any conspiracy meetings, and as he stated in his testimony, he batted, ran the bases, and fielded to win the games, he believed he was le guilty.Many baseball fans have embraced this explanation and seek to elect him to the Baseball Hall of Fame.To this day, his name remains on the Major League Baseball Ineligible list, and he cannot be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame unle his name is removed from that list.





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