口译 期末

2020-03-01 16:19:42 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

第2章 9-10 英译汉

1.我非常高兴今天早上能够来到这里,宣布中国西部国际经贸洽谈会召开。我要感谢四川省人民政府邀请我们来参加这次重要的盛会。 2.我很荣幸能够在人民大会堂讲话。国际劳工组织非常高兴能够和社会与劳动保障部共同组织这次活动。


4.在我们的共同努力下,讨论巳经实现了交流和寻求未来机遇的目标。我们不仅在会上讨论了问题,在会后也交换了意见,并且决定将进一步合作。 5.最后,请允许我代表组委会对所有尊贵的来宾和代表表示感谢,谢谢你们来参加这次会议。由于你们的支持和帮助,我们的会议取得了圆满成功。 6.非常感谢您的盛情款待。但是我们这次访问贵公司所期望的还远远不止这些。我知道我们之间存在一些误解,希望今天的交流能够让我们更好地了解彼此、克服障碍。

7.我十分高兴我们的访问取得了如此大的成功。相信我们所建立的合作将会带领我们实现双贏。而且,也衷心希望我们的合作能够永远持续下去。 8.我祝愿你们的事业在今天、在未来的岁月中都能够蓬勃发展。谢谢!


1.I am very pleased to take part in today\'s event, and I am truly honored to have this opportunity of exchanging with elites in this industry and discuing the blueprint for development.2.Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank our aociation and all the Mends in this industry for your concern, support and caring to my company.I sincerely hope that this cooperation and friendship can last forever and constantly make achievements.3.I sincerely wish that friends present today can continue enhancing understanding, friendship and cooperation as well as making joint development.With greater paion, better service and stronger performance, we can return more to you and to our society.4.I want to expre my gratitude to the host for giving us such a wonderful chance to have a platform for communication.5.I feel honored to visit this beautiful city for the first time.Taking this opportunity, please allow me, on behalf of all my delegation, to extend our sincere appreciation to the host for the hospitality.6.There was a poet in ancient China who once said, \"Long distances separate no bosom friends.\" What a pleasure that we can get together here today! 7.Finally, I would like to propose a toast to the health of Mr.President and his wife, our guests and all the friends and comrades present.Cheers! 8.To organize a large-scale tournament needs a large amount of manpower.Therefore, I would like to thank the great efforts that the organizer has made for the succe of the competition.And my thanks also go to the People\'s Government of Tianjin and sponsors.


50-51 英译汉


2.从我们的合同样本中,你可以知道,我们要求货款以保兑的、不可撤消的、允许分装和转船、见票即付的信用证支付。 3.你是否能破例接受付款交单或承兑交单的支付方式呢? 4.如果在我们的商品投放到市场时,其他进口商的同类商品巳经以盈利的价格在销售, 那我们就输给别人了。

5.我们想在5月底之前拿到货物以便赶上销售旺季。 6.恐怕我方将不得不到别处购买而取消这笔生意了。


8.根据你方的报价,我们不得不大幅度减少原定的购买量。 9.考虑到我们之间的友好关系,对你方这批试购的货物我们准备破例接受付款交单的方式付款。



1.The L/C must reach us one month before shipment.2.If one side fails to observe the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it 3.We\'ll do our best to meet your demand.Since your order is quite large, would you like to accept partial shipment? 4.We generally require the L/C to remain valid until the fifteenth day after shipment.5.The goods will be inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.It will then iue a certificate of quality and a certificate of weight.6.It is likely that the goods were spoiled to make weight short during transit.A claim would be lodged with the insurance company.7.May I have an idea of the time of your invitation for bid? 8.1 know your products have a good reputation.But what if the weight is short or the quality is poor? 9.According to international practice, bidders need to pay a cash deposit or hand in a letter of guarantee from a commercial bank.10.If a bidder fails to win the bid, the cash deposit or the letter of guarantee will be returned to him/her within one week after the decision on award is declared.


108-109 英译汉 1.经过一年多卓有成效的工作,今天我们十分高兴地宣布:我们已经成功完成关于中国私营企业的研究,这是同类研究中的第一份,并编成了题为《中国新兴的私营企业新世纪的前景》的新书。 2.如果没有国家经贸委的支持和澳大利亚政府慷慨的资助,我们是无法走到今天的。我们非常自豪地向政府机关和广大民众展示这本书,之后我们将很高兴回答媒体的提问。

3.这是中华人民共和国政府和巴布亚新几内亚的共建项目。中国政府提供了 1,075 万美元补贴贷款作为项目资金。这是巴布亚新几内亚首个同类项目。工厂建成后, 每年将生产1万吨精炼盐。工厂运行30年后将归当地政府所有。



6.这个项目旨在支持法律从业者在他们的工作中帮助贫穷和弱势群体。广大律师的参与和国际国内有关机构的合作使得这个项目具有创新性,并且从发展的角度来看很有前景。 7.我们希望这个项目不仅可以促进扩大农民工及其家庭获得司法公正,而且还可以促进政府和民间组织之间更密切地合作,帮助中国社会中的贫穷和弱势群体获得平等权利。


汉译英 英译汉1.Today is the launching of Canon 2008 DV new products.It is also the very first communication between Canon and media friends in this year.Please allow me, on behalf of Canon, to expre my sincere appreciation and welcome to all of you.2.In this year, Canon introduced various excellent products to the Chinese market.And with the expansion of market strategy, after-sales service has been strengthened at different fronts.In 2007, the sales volume of Canon increased by 30%, which has exceeded the target of $1 billion.3.The launch of CRTs FM service in Laos is the fruit of the wisdom of two creative peoples and a symbol of the enhanced friendship between two governments.4.We hope CRI Lao 93.0 FM will grow further and become a faithful friend of the people of Laos.5.This launching ceremony is held at the end of the year.The major objective is to introduce our research results of organic products to friends.Also, we would like to cooperate with the research institutions in Beijing suburban area.Jointly, we will promote the development of aquaculture in Beijing suburbs and offer people in Beijing with organic, nutritious, healthy and safe aquatic products.6.This is the eential measure of Dongfeng Automobile to meet the challenges of China\'s acceion to WTO, to invigorate national automobile industry, to build the No.l brand of Chinese busine cars through advertisement innovation and to promote domestic vehicles in the international market.7.The leading actor of today\'s launching ceremony is the new product of yogurt department of our company~Yili LGG Yogurt.This is another important achievement by introducing high-technology to our company and improving the quality of our products.What worth mentioning is that the new LGG yogurt has inherited the good quality of Yili products and strong fashionable characters and vibrant factors were added to this new product.8.What\'s more, the functions of LGG enable it to take the leading role in international probiotics area.It is recognized as the best probiotics in the world.Therefore, Yili yogurt added with LGG, undoubtedly, will represent the highest level probiotics yogurt in China.


173-175 1.此次访问的主要问题就是要加强\"亚洲户外用品展\"的国际影响力。德国主办方腓德烈斯哈芬展览公司充分肯定和赞许了亚洲户外展项目组前期招商工作,并陪同亚洲户外展项目团队对欧洲重要客户进行了拜访。 2.双方进一步明确通过召开全球巡回推荐会、加大国际广告投人的方式加大对全球招商力度。

3.腓德烈斯哈芬展览公司以欧洲户外展客户资料库为依托,前期向全世界发送了 10万封亚洲户外展的邀请函,在客户资源方面对亚洲户外展给予了强有力的支持,凭借欧洲户外展的品牌知名度,使绝大多数欧洲户外品牌生产商以及代理商对亚洲户外用品展有了更充分的了解。


5.新西兰位于南太平洋,在南纬34度至47度之间。全国大致呈南北方向,从南到北大部份地区有山脉纵贯。两座主要岛屿(南岛与北岛)面积约为266,200平方公里(103,735平方英里),大小约和日本及美国加州相同,比英国略大。 6.新西兰是一个经济结构和政府结构发展十分完善的现代化国家,政府模式以英国的国会制为蓝本。多年以来,新西兰一直是拥有主权的国家,属英联邦成员国,与英国只有松散的关系。

7.新西兰是一个独立自主的国家,也是英联邦成员国。它由多个民族构成,人口 400 万,大多数为英国后裔。新西兰的土著居民毛利人约占总人口的14%。 8.奧克兰是新西兰人口最多的居民点,它位于两大海港之间。奧克兰是新西兰的门户, 它自身也是一个非常好的旅游目的地。游客可以乘渡轮或租船在各岛旅游,步行穿越丛林,徜徉在葡萄园之间,并享受海滨城市的悠闲。


1.The biannual Auto China has organized nine expositions from 1990 to 2006.The scale of Auto China has been ever enlarging and the number of participating enterprises has increased while displayed products are updated.The influence is increasingly extensive.It has already become an important event in Chinese and foreign automobile industry.2.For dozens of years, Auto China has maintained its feature of large scale among domestic automobile exhibitions.It followed the concept and characteristic of showing the best products of the most comprehensive brands and being international.It develops from an ordinary profeional exhibition to an internationally influential exhibition.It is now the most authoritative and influential auto show in China.3.In the ninth Auto China held in November 2006, almost all the foreign famous automobile manufacturers had claified it as A-level exhibition.It means Auto China has been in the same cla with the auto shows in Frankfurt, Geneva, Paris, Tokyo and Detroit.4.We believe that the Auto China 2008, as a large economic and trade exchange activity right before Beijing Olympic Games, will play an important role in warming-up for Olympic economy, promoting various trade technological exchange and economic cooperation between Chinese auto industry and international counterparts.5.Daqing is the oil capital of China and an important national energy base.It is located in the western part of Heilongjiang Province with a total area of 21,000 square kilometers and a population of 2.644 million.Currently, there are four counties and five executive districts under its jurisdiction.6.In 2005, the gro product of the city was RMB 140.07 billion.Local financial revenue was 4.85 billion yuan while the investment in fixed aets was RMB30.27 billion.7.As the largest oil production base in China, Daqing has accumulatively produced 1.86 billion tons of crude oil, accounting for 47% of all the inland crude oil production in the same period of time.8.Daqing has reliable government service, fair development platform and excellent investment environment.Following the international rules of market economy, it has made a series of incentive policies for attracting investment.



圣诞节 期末口译测试








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口译 期末