华清池英文导游词Huaqing Hot Springs

2020-03-02 07:28:57 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Huaqing Hot Springs:

From the name, we know that it is a place full of natural beauty and romance, and also there are interesting stories behind.\"Hot spring\" is a cool place for a wonderful bath or shower, especial in winter times.Well, the hot springs we are going to visit today are not merely hot springs, but also there are many historic things in it.It is a combination of natural beauty and cultural abundance.

The Huaqing Hot Springs is located at the foot of Lishan Hill,30km east of the city of xi\'an.Because of the hot springs, it used to be a scenic spot and a place for relaxation in as early as the zhou Dynasty, about 27 centuries ago.This place was a place favored by emperors and his concubines.In the history of China, there were many dynasties.And the Tang Dynasty was the peak of the feudal society ,and was considered to be the most flourishing episode of history.It was in the Tang Dynasty that the palace was built on the hot springs.Talking about the Huaqing Hot Springs, we must mention two names, emperor xuangzong and his favorite concubine yangguifei.

Xuangzong was a succeful emperor.He brought the feudal society to the peak.During his throne, people led a peaceful and happy life,.They two love each other very much, and the place they always visited was the Huaqing Hot Spring.In this beautiful place, they enjoyed their golden private time.During the winter, emperor xuangzong would leave the capital city chang\'an and came to the hot springs with his sweetheart yangguifei.It was a paradise for them, a place full of romance and peace.Besides the romance inside, you may wonder what are really in the Hot Spring.I will tell you However, due the time limit, I will not be able to tell you one by oen, instead, I will pick up some of them.The Huaqing Hot Spring is mainly consisited of these elements as follows: The Frost-drifting Hall, the Nine Dragon Pool, the Five Room Hall, the Remonstration Pavilion, the beacon tower and the museum of imperial pools.I would like to pick up the Frost-drifting Hall, the Nine-dragon Pool and the Beacon Tower.

The Frost-drifting hall is the very place where emperor xuanzong and his favorite concubine made their home.It was called frost-drifting because the steam from the hotsprings went up into the air and when it met the cold air, frost turned up, floating in the air.

As for the Nine-dragon Pool, there was a legend.The legend goes that long long time ago,cental shaanxi plain was serevely striken by a drought.Knowing the fact, Jade emperor order nine dragons, eight young ones and an senior one to make rain there.However, when the disaster did not abate, the dragons slacked off.Jade emperor was very angry for this, out of anger, he kept the dragon underground to spout clear water all year around for irrigation.Well, the most exciting always comes when I talk about the beacon tower.What was a beacon tower anyway? A beacon tower was very important in times of wars because they served as meenge senders.And how did they work as meenge senders? ---burning wolf;s droppings.

Why wolf\'s droppings,but not that of the pigs? Because when wolf\'s droppings were burnt, the smoke went straight up into the air, and people could see it from a long way off.There is a very interesting story in this place.And the story has a lot to do with a king and his concubine.It was said that king you in the zhou Dynasty loved his concubine, baoshi, a lot.He loved her so much that he could sacrifice his everything, even his throne.However, one thing made the king very upset and anxious.The concubine, the beauty never smiled.King you did not know the reasons.

Out of love, he decided to find sollutions to the problem at any cost.Then one of his ministers proposed that the beacon be burnt.When the lady saw soldiers hurrying around with sweart all over their body, she would smile.The king adopt the proposal, and immediately put it into practitce.He ordered the beacon tower be burnt.When his people saw the heavey smoke in air, they picked up their helmet and weapons and rushed to the tower only to find that there was no danger at all, and they were totally fooled.The lady smiled, the king was very pleased, and he kept on using the same method.For the first several times, his people came to see what was happening.However, oneday, when enemies really came, the king burnt the beacon tower, however, this time no one came to rescue.The king was killed in desperation, and his regime disapeared.Later, people produced a famous saying\"A single smile cost a regime\".




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华清池英文导游词Huaqing Hot Springs